So, this is the last extra chapter. And if you're wondering why I added an author note here, well, I only wanted to tell you that this chapter took place when Rin was still a human, how she died and became a youkai. A bit description on Sesshoumaru and Rin's short lived happiness after they accepted each other is also here...
So sorry to icegirljenni, I forgot to put the author note :(
Anyway, enjoy! :D
"I think, Rin-sama is now bearing your child, my lord," the doctor said. "Congratulations, my lord."
Sesshoumaru didn't respond to what the doctor said, only looking at him deeply in the eyes, which made the doctor sweated in a great amount, wondering what the lord meant by that deep stare. But, suddenly, Sesshoumaru turned his eyes from him, only to look at the wooden floor beneath him, his eyes looked at it in same way he did to the doctor a moment earlier. The doctor was relieved that perhaps his lord's eyes on him earlier meant nothing, maybe, the lord was making sure that what he told him was true. What a weird guy, the doctor thought. And as if Sesshoumaru could hear the thought, he returned his gaze once again to the doctor, which once again made the pitiful doctor sweat in fear.
Deep inside his heart, Sesshoumaru didn't really know what he felt. He knew he should be feeling happy and fortunately, he did that time, but there was also a bit of hesitation and anxiety as he thought about being a father. Would he be ready when the time came? Would he be like his father? He remembered his father was once very caring, but suddenly he was so distant, and then, they rarely spoke to each other. In the end, Sesshoumaru forgot how much he loved his father once and only cared about his power and swords. Time could really changed people's minds and hearts, including his. He remembered how he once hated humans so much, and then, he suddenly loved a mere human, and even had her bearing his child. He couldn't say that her blood was filthy, for him, hers was too pure for him to touch, he wondered why only this human could change his mind, it was only a few years since he met her, now everything about him had changed so greatly. His golden piercing eyes that once shone in hatred and vengeance for his own brother changed into a pair of loving eyes - according to Rin- which shone so brightly like the sun. Then, Sesshoumaru smirked, as if he could become a sun, he thought, he was the lonely moon.
"My lord?" the doctor's voice called Sesshoumaru back from his own thought.
"Then, will she be alright?" Sesshoumaru calmly asked after his long silence.
"Yes, she will. She's in a very good condition. I'm sure if she keeps this up, everything will come out fine!" the doctor cheerfully said. He felt the air was not as tense as before, therefore he let himself smile and giggle in front of the Lord of the West.
"I appoint you to be her doctor from now on," Sesshoumaru said.
The doctor's eyes widened, he never thought about getting promotion this fast, "Y... Yes! Of course, yes, my lord, the task is gladly accepted!"
Sesshoumaru walked out of the study, leaving the happy doctor alone, and walked towards the room of his beloved. He moved gracefully and swiftly opened the door. Rin was already smiling at him at the time he opened the door and looked at her sitting on her futon after the examination, as if she knew it was him, who was coming to her room.
"He said, Rin will be fine, Sesshoumaru-sama," Rin told Sesshoumaru.
"Yes, he did," Sesshoumaru nodded as he closed the door behind him and walked closer to Rin. He took a seat next to her. "I appointed him to be your doctor."
"Thank you, my lord," Rin cheerfully said. "From now on, it would be a happy life. I'm really excited, but really, I can't stand the morning sickness."
Sesshoumaru's calm loving expression that he only showed to Rin recently changed into a depressed one.
"I'm sorry," he said.
"Well, not all of it is your fault anyway," Rin sweetly told him. "All women go through this, Kagome-sama also experienced this."
Sesshoumaru gave her a smile which made her blushed and said, "You're the only one who is always able to make me feel better, I wonder why."
Rin giggled. "I don't know."
"Rin," Sesshoumaru called her name, softly, just like a whisper. He gently brushed the back of his hand on her cheek, then, he slowly lifted up her chin and kissed her. A once-impossible thing that was beginning to be a usual thing for both of them. But, still every time they kissed, Rin still felt her heart thumped quicker than it was supposed to be, a fact that she tried to hide from Sesshoumaru, but, perhaps he could hear it perfectly. So, after every kiss they shared, Sesshoumaru looked like he was hiding a smile.
This time was no different, he looked at her, trying to be as calm as possible, but, the urge to laugh was greater, then he showed a smile to her. Rin sighed.
"My lord, did you know that I'm so nervous every time you kiss me?" Rin finally asked. "Because I am very sure you could hear my heart thumping madly, and it even lasts for a few seconds after the kiss."
"Well, isn't this supposed to be a usual thing for you?" he teased her. "I wonder, why I keep on hearing drum beats every time we kiss."
Rin was surprised, it was unusual for her master to tease her that way.
"Master, are you okay?" Rin asked him, she looked worried. She tried to convince herself that he was, maybe, tried to make a joke.
"I'm okay," Sesshoumaru answered, returned to his calm self. "I never meant to make fun of you."
'Well, joke failed,' Sesshoumaru thought. 'I wonder if I could be as caring as my father was. Or perhaps as funny as my mother, if you could call her funny.'
"I know," Rin said and softly smiled. "But, you really smiles a lot these days, master -you even try to joke, not only once, but several times. It makes me happy, finally I could see your smile, and moreover, it's happening frequently now."
Sesshoumaru felt embarrassed, he started to blush, but Rin knew, it'd be better not to say anything about it, even if Mikazuki was laughing inside her and told her to tease her master. Sesshoumaru felt his cheeks were hot and that he was blushing. He stood up and went towards the door, opened it and told Rin with his face not looking at her, "Take care of yourself and our child."
He stepped out of her room and closed the door, leaving Rin smiling behind him and Mikazuki laughing non stop inside the girl.
Nine months later
"Bring dry clothes!" Someone shouted very loudly, and then, "Not just one, more!"
"Hot water, where is it?" Another voice shouted.
"Get everything ready, it'll be due soon!" the doctor's voice shouted. He clapped his hands to give a sign for the maids to work more quickly.
"Quick, quick!" Another voice shouted.
The shouts were everywhere, along with the busy footsteps which hurriedly walked from one place to another, fetching things which were needed for a labour. It was very unusual for the castle to get this noisy, it was always tranquil, as long as Sesshoumaru could remember.
Sesshoumaru was in her mother chamber, as he was invited in by his mother while waiting for the labour. He sat down in front of his mother, looking at his mother smirking, and sometimes giggling at him. He felt annoyed, but, he thought he could bear it for a while, since he didn't want to fight his own mother on the day when his first child would be born.
"Nervous?" his mother finally spoke as she smiled at him.
"Why should I?" Sesshoumaru questioned her.
"Well, she's not as strong as I am," she answered. "When I gave birth to you, your father was so scared if anything would happen to us. I thought, you wanted to follow his steps."
"I don't want to follow him," Sesshoumaru said. There was a part of him which was relieved that his father also had the same fear as he did. What if she died? he thought.
It was a long silence until Sesshoumaru heard Rin screaming from the other room.
"Rin!" he muttered. 'She was in pain,' he thought, 'Should I just sit here and do nothing?'
"Ah! You're also scared," his mother laughed. "Well, I'm not making fun of you. I'm just making sure that you're not a heartless creature right now."
Sesshoumaru frowned. He didn't know how he could have lived with a mother as annoying as his for hundred of years. And finally, he remembered, he rarely talked to her before. That was why he never remembered her being annoying, they didn't even talk.
Then, there was a long silence between the mother and son. Sesshoumaru took a deep breath, sighing, and wondering what kind of pain Rin felt that time just to give birth to their child.
Ten hours had passed and Sesshoumaru hadn't heard the sound of his first-born, only Rin's voice, screaming for hours, until it turned into a husky sound, which kept on screaming. Did it take a very long time to give birth? he asked himself.
"Excuse me," Sesshoumaru stood up as he watched his mother took a sip of tea. "I would stay by her side."
His mother blinked at him, she was surprised by his action, but approved him to go. Even if she didn't approve of it, Sesshoumaru would still go.
And then, not long after Sesshoumaru went to Rin's side, the child was born. A boy with silver hair and markings on its face, but it didn't cry. The doctor heartbeat grew stronger as he realized that there was something with the child. He spanked the newborn once, but it didn't cry.
"What are you doing to my son!?" Sesshoumaru glared at the doctor.
"Your child didn't cry my lord, so I have to do this," the doctor answered. "if he didn't cry, he would die."
Sesshoumaru gave the doctor permission to continue his work.
The doctor spanked the child again, it still didn't, he did it again for a few times, and still the baby didn't cry.
"Please, cry, please!" the doctor cried as he spanked the child. "You must live!"
But the baby didn't cry.
"He didn't cry... Is he dead?" Sesshoumaru asked. Anger started to fill his eyes. "Is he?" he was getting impatient. The baby didn't cry and Rin, she was losing consciousness, for Sesshoumaru it didn't look good at all.
"My lord, I'm sorry...," the doctor stopped spanking the child.
"So, is he dead?" he asked again, but this time with a higher voice.
The doctor nodded. Sesshoumaru took the baby from the doctor and gently embraced it. His first child was dead.
"Somebody get more towel!" the doctor suddenly cried out. "The lady is having a bleeding! Quick! Quick!"
The doctor once again pleaded, "Don't die, don't die my lady!"
Sesshoumaru went close to Rin, looking for her pulse with the child still with him. "Rin," he called. He felt fear inside his heart. He had lost his first child, he didn't want lose his love either!
Rin opened her eyes.
"She opened her eyes," Sesshoumaru told the doctor.
"My lord, take care of the child. I don't think I could stay with you forever," she said. Then, her brown eyes turned into a pair of golden eyes. His father had taken charge of the body, Sesshoumaru thought. And then, Mikazuki, using Rin's body for the last time with much efforts said, "Fifty... years, wait. I'll keep... her... for you. So, wait..."
Rin closed her eyes. This time, it didn't open again when Sesshoumaru called her name.
Rin realized that she was at the edge of her life. Her husband was by her side, and their child was cleaned by the doctor. All things went fine, but she wondered why it was getting harder to open her eyes, just to look at her husband before she went to a deep sleep.
"Rin," Mikazuki called her. "I don't think you'll be okay."
Rin nodded.
"Do you still want to be with your master forever?" Mikazuki asked. A question that didn't need to be asked, Mikazuki thought.
Rin nodded.
"Then, as I told you before...," Mikazuki took a deep breath. "Let's do this."
Rin saw two orbs fusing into one. Suddenly memories flashed in front of her. Most of them weren't hers. It was Mikazuki's.
"So, you're his father?" Rin asked Mikazuki. "You're not just a villager."
Mikazuki chuckled. "Yes."
"I'm so sorry, I should have respected you more," Rin said.
"That's okay," Mikazuki said. "Now, let's sleep. We'll wake up again soon, Rin."
Rin nodded as she smiled at him and said, "Let me tell him first."
The last thing that Rin could remember was Sesshoumaru with their child on his hands
That was the first time Sesshoumaru didn't kill anyone for the grief he felt. He lost two important parts of his life. One was his love and the other was the child he had waited for. The doctor tried to kill himself, but Sesshoumaru told him it was not necessary for those who had died couldn't return alive.
His mother didn't ask him anything, for she had already smelled the aura of death around their house. The lively atmosphere that was brought there by Rin's presence quickly disappeared after her death.
Sesshoumaru lost interests in anything. Power and wealth meant nothing to him. He only wanted years to pass quickly, so that the fiftieth year that had been promised to him by Mikazuki would come.
He waited for years, in silence and loneliness, hoping that one day, she'd come back and brought him a ray of joy and hope once again.
And then, the time really came...
End of Extra Chapter
Okay... sorry for the really long wait... I was making 3/4 of this chapter months ago, but, I've got a few things to do and then forgot to continue this one... really sorry...
This is the end of the extra chapter I hope you like it. And this is also the end of this story.
I would appreciate feedback. If you got some spare times, write me some reviews.
Cheers for the happy ending!