Doodle, doodle, doodle. That's all he did all day.
Crane stood in his room, ink brush to paper, jotting down whatever came to mind.
Whats that? Cranes head lifted slowly to a faint sound coming from outside his window.
He walked towards the closed shutters and opened them, letting in the beautiful array of sunlight, and letting the sound get ever so slightly louder. He looked down on the courtyard, perfectly direct under his window. He saw Po and a bunch of young bunny children who were stood in two rows, one behind the other. He cocked an eyebrow and flew out the tiny opening, soaring down to the courtyard. The sound getting louder as he did so.
The sound was quite pleasing to the ears actually, very lovely, and rather ... Angelic. He looked downward as he soared toward them. They were ... Singing? and Po was directing them?
A soft piano accompaniment played along as they sang. Crane landed and after a few seconds the piano abruptly stopped and so did the singing.
The bunnies and the pianist stared at Crane and Po looked behind him.
"Oh, hey Crane!" said Po. Crane looked confused, Po smiled.
"Hey kids, say hi to Master Crane" Po addressed the children.
"Hi Master Crane" the Bunnies chorused. Crane smiled.
"Hey kids. Whats going on here?" Crane asked politely.
"Oh, there is a concert in town, and vocal technique is very similar to using breathing in kung fu. So I figured why not have some fun with it. The bunnies have to learn somehow" Po replied.
"Ah, well you sound really good" complimented Crane.
A small female bunny spoke up softly "Master Crane?"
"Yes" Crane replied with smile.
"Your my favorite of the furious five" the bunny said innocently. Another bunny spoke, this time a male.
"Yeah! your awsome!" He shouted. soon all the bunnies were in an up roar. All Crane could do was smile sweetly, and give out a small chuckle.
"Alright kids, we all know Master Crane is amazing. Time to get back to work" Po announced.
All the bunnies quieted down. That one little female though, the first one to speak, ran up to Master Crane, and she gave him a hug.
"Po says your really nice. I love you Master Crane" The female child softly said.
Crane smiled a soft smile and hugged her back.
The bunny walked back and took her place in the choir.
"Alright guys, let's work some more on that beautiful harmony" Po told the children.
Right then Crane's face rose with surprise. He grinned wide and whispered to himself "harmony" the he fle off and back to his room.
He put is brush to paper again and gracefully moved it in every direction. Until, he stopped, and smiled at his work.
He held it up, and on the parchment paper, was the Chinese letters for 'Harmony' and under a few decorations 'Love'. The rest of the paper was decorated with amazing pictures of flowers, vines, land, sky, sun, moon, and the yin yang symbol.
Yes, Crane had some talent.
Though he wouldn't have done it without a small child's 'Inspiration'