Brides on Trial


Help from Plucky


Peach: Nooooo…

Zelda: …FML.

Peach: Never thought you one for abbreviations.

Zelda: It comes on when I get tired.


A young chicken herder who went by the name of Link, tended chickens. But not just any chickens.

Magical chickens.


Zelda: Peach, she's lost her mind!

Peach: Wasn't it supposed to be his mom that advised him who to take as his wife?

Zelda: Yep.


One day, Link was currently bemoaning his bad luck to one of the chickens he lovingly named…Plucky. "I want to get married, but how do I find the right wife out of three?"


Zelda: Indeed.

Peach: So…magical chickens help?

Zelda: Hn. I guess that fastfood area won't sell those delicious sandwiches anymore?

Peach: No. Seems like we turn back to cattle for our burgers now!

Zelda: You're supposed to be on a diet!


Plucky smacked his shin with a heavy wing. "You're so dramatic. Just use-!"


Peach: Chicken?

Zelda: No! They wouldn't advertise their own kind…

Peach: …

Zelda: Would they?

Peach: Don't doubt the impossible…

Zelda: Unless encountered by that revolving door problem.


"…Cheese." Plucky clucked disapproving of the obvious commentary.


Zelda: Gah! How do they know we're here?

Peach: Weren't you listening? It's a magical chicken.

Zelda: Magical enough to figure out we're watching?



So Link rounded up three women he knew, two with bright blonde hair, and one brunette, and brought them to his house. His house was a small cottage, and very dirty with all his grass stained clothes.


Zelda: I'm not gonna bother guessing who's who.

Peach: *Rattles off ignoring Zelda* Samus (There's an obvious), you, and me!

Zelda: I wasn't aware my hair got changed!

Meh, too bad, you've got brown hair now.

Zelda: Curse you!


He graciously set a slice of cheese (with the rind on it) on a porcelain plate before them.

The first blonde, Peach, bolted the slice of cheese down the entire thing ravenously.

Nevertheless, Link was revolted at how fast she bolted it down.


Zelda: Hungry?

Peach: Don't bother.


The second, Samus, cut off the rind off the cheese, but cut most of the good part out.


Peach: Oh? I would've thought the author would put Samus as the first woman.

Zelda: Apparently, the author wanted to make up for the-!



Exactly what I want you to do! :D

Samus: *Gawks* O-Oh snap…


Again, Link was revolted, but less so. If his wife couldn't cut or eat cheese correctly…


Peach: Mm…Isn't it more like Samus to bolt down the cheese whole?

Samus: No, it's not. It's more like the men to eat the entire thing.

Zelda: I can only imagine what happens next.


Lastly, the third one, Zelda, cut off the rind of the cheese, but avoided doing the same mistake Samus did.

Link was pleased, and excused himself for a few seconds. Going outside a small door, he stage whispered to Plucky. "Found one!"

Plucky, amused, scampered close to Link, and nuzzled his hand. " Such a good boy!" the chicken squawked, and ran away.

Link smiled deviously. "I'm going to need some special dinner tonight…And you're the fattest chicken."


Peach, Zelda, & Samus: Dear Sheik…protect this poor chicken…

END. (Let's hope this doesn't turn out as bad as the others.) Again, my apologies to the reviewers who attempted to read last chapter, and found it seriously flawed! A short drabble, but at least longer then 'The Other Side' which is a big plus.

(Along with that 'Link, the Willful'…) So…four more requests to go, two of them long stories (in my opinion) !

Right, so review this, see if it's better than the last two, and most of all, enjoy~