Disclaimer: I don't own glee or it's characters, if I did this would have already happened.

A/N: Ok so it's another Kurcedes romance story of mine. I got this idea when my sister made me a picture bar of Kurt and Mercedes stuff and she wrote more then just friends on it. So I hope you enjoy this fic of mine.

Waking up every morning in his strong embrace is amazing. I've never felt so safe, warm or loved before. It's a little weird when Finn or his father walks in to wake us up but they just think nothing of it. We only told Carole about us so when she comes in she coos over us for a second or two and then wakes us up. I'm surprised his dad hasn't said anything to us about why were always so close to each other. Maybe it's because he's seen us from when our friendship first started.

I turn in his arms to face him. He's still sleeping. I love to watch him sleep because it's the only time he seem s truly peaceful, well besides when he and I are giving each other make over's or something. I bury my face into the crook of his neck when I hear his door creek open. I can hear the faint footsteps of someone walking over to the bedside. It's Carole, I can tell because she always sighs before she wakes us up. She gently moves my hair behind my ear and whispers into it.

"Mercedes, you have to wake up, it 10:30 you and Kurt have to get ready to go if you're planning to go to the mall anytime soon," I shift positions and lift my head rubbing my eyes to make it look like I was sleeping. I turn my head to look at her. She smiles down at me and when she knows she has my full attention she tells me to wake Kurt up because I seem to be the only one who can get him up. I nod my head in response and bury my face into his chest. She leaves the room and shuts the door.

I move a little bit so I'm sitting up in the bed and so my face is above his. I lean down and press my lips on his very softly , then I pull away.

"White boy, you gotta get up." I whisper into his ear. He doesn't respond. I place my lips on his once again only I linger there a little longer then before. I feel him push forward and return the kiss. He smiles and then begins to tickle me. I pull away laughing and I turn in his arms trying to get away.

"S…Stop it! Kurt!" I laugh as he continues to tickle me. He stops after a few seconds of pure laughter. I turn back around to look at him and he leans his forehead on mine and looks me straight in the eyes.

"We have to get ready," I state trying to pull out of his embrace. He reluctantly lets go and allows me in the bathroom first. After I'm done with my shower and brushing my teeth I walk out of the bathroom to find him in front of his closet picking out an outfit.

"Go with that shirt, that jacket, those pants and that hat. You wore that school one day remember it looked good," I say pointing to each piece of clothing. He takes each one out and turns around with them in his hands.

"Now I remember why love you so much," he says leaning in for another kiss. I back away before his lips touch mine.

"You better go brush your teeth before you kiss me boy. Be thankful I felt like being generous this morning. Now go I don't feel like spending all day here and having like an hour to shop." I tell him walking away to lay down on the bed. He takes a long time in the shower so I have a lot of time to think about things. It's nice, I never really get any other time to do this.

How did me and him even get this far. We started out as strictly friends and that's it. Yeah, I went through that phase where I had a crush on him and everything. Then he told me he was gay and that was fine, I wish he would have told me sooner but I should have already known. But then that only made are friendship stronger. The first night he stayed over my house my mom walked in on us cuddling on my bed watching a movie together. She gave us a look and then later she gave me the speech and it was a little awkward to tell her that Kurt was in fact queer as a three dollar bill. But after everything pasted he starting taking me on regular shopping trips and we had Friday night movie nights every week. But us being together really started when he took me to the sophomore dance. Before the dance we were spending almost everyday together. He started looking at me differently those couple of days before he asked me to the dance. After the dance when we were driving back to his place he asked me if I liked him. I of course told him yes, but then he asked me if I liked him liked him. That made me think a little bit, but my answer was still the same. He said good and then he just popped out the question. I said yes but we decided to keep it a secret from everyone, well except Carole. But, that's only because she began to ask questions every time she saw us at night on the couch cuddling.

"Mercedes are you ready or do you still need time to stare into space some more?" he asks sarcastically. I can't help but laugh because he's standing there with an aggravated face and his hip is popped out and his hand is resting on his hip. It is on of the most gayest stances I have seen him in. I get up and walk over to the door and walk out.

Walking down the stairs we can hear the rest of his family talking about what they're going to do today. We walk into the kitchen and Carole smiles at us and we smile back. She's been really cool about keep our secret. I'm glad we told her. I just wish we could tell everyone else. I want to be able to steel kisses from him outside classrooms or by my locker in the hallways. But I don't think he wants people to know about us just yet, so I keep my mouth shut.

"Good morning you two. Did you guys have a good night sleep?" Carole greets us setting down two plates filled with pancakes.

"Yes, we did. If you don't mind me asking who made breakfast this morning cause it looks fabulous," Kurt responds looking at the food.

"Thank you and I did, well with help from Carole," Burt says taking a bite. We look at him in pure shock because Burt never makes breakfast now. We shrug our shoulders and start to eat. As were eating I feel him tap my leg with his hand. I turn my head to look at him and his just stares at me for a second until he glances down at the table. I see a folded napkin under my glass of juice. I slid my hand over to the napkin and slide it down into my lap. I try to open it without making a noise but to no avail Finn notices and looks over into my lap. I crunch the note in my hand and act like nothings happening.

"Hey what's in your hand?" he asks quietly.

"Nothing just my napkin," I respond. It's not a lie it is a napkin. He leans back over and begins to stuff his face once again. I open the napkin and lay it flat in my lap and read the neat writing on it.

Do you think it's time to tell the rest of my family? is the question written down on the napkin.. He finally wants to tell people. A rush of excitement shoots through me for some reason. He slides a pen into my lap when he realizes I finished reading his message. I write down yes and leave it on my lap waiting for him to take it. In one swift motion he takes the napkin and pen from my lap. He puts it back on my lap with the pen.

When? How? are his next questions. The more questions he asks the more I realize I never though this through of how we would actually tell people.

I don't really know how we would tell them but we could tell them right now. They're all here so it's the perfect time. I write him back and instead of writing something back he grabs my hand under the table and lifts it up so it now on top of the table. Carole is the first to notice and she just smiles. Burt and Finn don't seem to care or notice. We share a look at he pulls me closer to him.

"Well the people we need to tell aren't catching the hint. So I say we just flat out say it," he whispers into my ear. I nod my head and he pulls away.

"Mercedes and I are dating," he blurts out. Finn just looks at us and smiles his goofy grin as always. And Burt starts chocking on his food. And Carole just stares at us in shock even though she knew she has to act like she didn't.

"Ok, wait a minute Kurt you're telling me that you're not gay anymore or-"

"No dad I'm still gay, but last year I came to realize that Mercedes is my exception." Kurt tells his father while turning to look at me.

"So wait you two have been together for a year?" Burt asks little confused.

"No not a year, more like six months." I answer this one cause I feel like I should be part of this conversation to. Burt just looks at us and says okay and congrats. We look around the table and Finn is back to eating and Carole is back to normal.

"We're happy for you Kurt, and you too Mercedes." Carole says while cleaning the dishes.

"So , is that why you guys are always cuddling and stuff when your on the couch or when I walk in to wake you up?" Finn ask leaning back in his chair.

"Yes, Finn I'm shocked you and Dad didn't catch on quicker-"

"Wait Carole you knew?" Burt asks her cutting Kurt off.

"Yes I knew, well they told me and they also told me to keep it a secret. But the only reason they told me was because I can catch a hint. Them always cuddling that close and plus they're always together. It's like they're siamese twins conjoined at the hips. So don't feel to bad and I would have told you but they told me not to," she explains walking back over and standing behind his chair. Kurt and I just stare at each other as she explains the hints we gave. Kurt starts to laugh at me because I can feel the light blush forming on my face. I feel him squeeze my hand and I look up at him and he laughs and smiles at me. The commotion has died down now so he is pulling me away from the table. We get up and he leads me to the living room where he sits me down on the couch. He sits down next to me and turns towards me.

"Mercedes, we need to discuss something. Ok so we told my family and I'm pretty sure your family already know because of the way they act. But what about the glee club. Do you want to tell them now or some other time.? Honestly I wouldn't mind telling them I mean we have been together for a long time and they basically are our family so they should know right?" he asks looking at me.

"Yeah, I think they should know Kurt I would have liked to tell them sooner but I wanted to make sure you waned to. So when do you think we should tell them and how?" I ask.

"Well since it is glee club I was thinking we could sing. What do think about that idea?" he asks putting his pointer finger to his chin.

"I don't know, the only problem is what would we sing to say that were dating. I'm like a walking itunes and I can't think of a song. I was think we could just start acting like a couple in front of them and maybe they would get the hint," I respond.

"Yeah, that is true I can't think of a song either. We could go with your idea I wouldn't mind doing that around school. But do you think all of them with get the hint. I mean Brittany is a little slow." he states looking worried.

"Yeah, but we don't need to worry about Brit because once one of them know they are bound to blurt it out to the rest of them," I tell him.

"Yeah, I guess that's true we all are sort of blabber mouths. So we will start this at the party?" he asks standing up and taking my hand.

"Yeah, sounds good to me. Now lets go we we're supposed to meet Quinn about 5 minutes ago, she's probably throwing a fit right now," I laugh walking into the kitchen to tell his family good bye. We get into his car and the second he starts the engine Lady Gaga starts blasting through the speakers.

A/N: So that's the first chapter and I'm already working on the second one. If you liked it and want me to continue on it please review. If you thought other wise you can tell me what you didn't like about it if you want to. Please review people it will make me smile…J