I had never moved before. I had been born in a small town in Canada just outside of Toronto. I had been born there, grew up there and between you and me, I honestly thought I would die there too. But that isn't the case anymore is it? No, now my family is moving across the continent and into another country in my last year of high school. I would love to tell you that I'm not even the slightest bit bitter, or angry at my father for applying for a job so far away, or at my mother for agreeing to it so easily, or even at my younger sister who is making this move much more difficult then it has to be, but seeing as I am only a human girl, I do harbour a small, but prominent feeling of bitterness and resentment. Oh well, nothing I could really do about it now.

Smudges of green, brown and grey melted together as the scenery flew past the car windows at an alarming rate. My father and I shared that nasty habit of going a bit faster then the speed limit, but hey, you got to enjoy the little things. I tried to shift my body weight in a weak attempt to get feeling back into my legs with no success. My 14 year old sister had me pinned against the door, her eyes shut tight and her open mouth threatening to drool onto my favourite sweater.

"Daddy, are we almost there?"

"We're close babe, only about 10 more minutes. Wake up your sister for me, would ya?" My fathers hazel eyes flashed back in the review mirror, giving my an apologetic smile, no one wanted to be the one to wake Abigail up from a deep slumber. It wasn't pretty.

"Abby. Abby, come on wake up. We're almost there." I was just barely able to dodge her wildly flying hand that was clearly meant to smack me across the face and only ended up hitting one of the dogs in the head.

"Abigail, don't you want to be the first to pick out your room?" My mothers voice sang over our ancient car heater. That seemed to have gotten my sisters full attention and her body straightened up faster then I really thought possible for a girl of her size. Abigail wasn't exactly your average toothpick, she could be what I like to describe as pudgy, but she had a fiery attitude and didn't take anything from anybody so she did alright. I wasn't exactly a supermodel myself but really, no one in the actual world was. I was curvy, as my friends back home would put it. My mother always said that a Canadian girl should have some meat on her bones. It gets cold up there you know.

As soon as her head was off my shoulder, I stretched froward, the tips of my fingers grazing the back window. A sign flew by, Forks, Washington it read. Oh goody, what was next, Spoons, Louisiana? Well fake it till you make it I guess. Our new house sat right on the border of the town and the local reservation of La Push. I thought that was wicked cool, but not everyone was trying to become and Pre-historic, North American archaeologist but that didn't make it any less exciting.

Our old, but reliable mini van pulled up into the drive way of my new home. Oh joy. It was a simple, modest house with two levels, blue siding and a generous yard that backed up onto the forest. Wow, I wasn't expecting that. My parents saw the huge grin on my face and gave each other a silent pat on the back. I was the first to jump out, two Irish Wolfhounds hot on my heels. Those two goofs almost never left my side. Do you have any idea how hard it is to share a bed with two dogs, each the size of a pony? Either way, I didn't get a lot of space to move around, if any. I pulled the brand new, shiny key out of my pocket and shoved it in the locked, letting out a small squeal when it turned without complaint and the door swung open. As with any new situation the dogs went first, sussing out their new environment before prancing back over to me with giant tongues hanging out the side of their mouths.

"Thank you Gimli, Ronon." They barked at their names and took their places at my sides again. My hand shot out and felt along the wall for a switch. Ah ha! Got it! The lights did their job well, illuminating what I believe to be the kitchen. My sister then flew past me, shoving me into the door and dashing up the stairs.

"Watch it brat!"

"Mom said I get first pick!" Her voice was already fading.

"Did you hear me complaining?" I didn't get an answer. My mother put a hand on my shoulder and encouraged my feet to walk farther into the house.

"Take your shoes off sweety, stay awhile." Ignoring her poor attempt at a joke, I took off after my sister and ran up the stairs, the familiar and comforting sound of two sets of feet trailing behind me. The door right beside the staircase was already closed, and Abigail had laid her claim. I looked to my other side and saw what I guessed to be the master bedroom. Nope, not mine either. The next door led to a linen closet. The next led to a bathroom, that had a door connecting to the room my sister and taken and to another I had yet to see. A few more steps down the hall and I was at the last door. The glass handle felt cold and foreign in my hand. The hundreds of cut sides were smooth and exotic. I twisted it slowly, making as little noise as possible and took a step in.

It wasn't huge, hell the three of us barely fit through the door, but in my eyes it was perfect. My bed already sat against the right hand wall, my head would be facing the door. At the foot was a small desk big enough to fit my laptop and a lamp. I was more then surprised to find a walk-in closet , Never having one before. Just as I was about to fall back onto the mattress my father whipped a blue sheet and duvet at my head, the force sending me slamming into the ground.

"Hey old man, watch where you're throwing things!"

"Learn to catch! Now make your bed and get your room organized before anything else." I grumbled a few choice words under my breath but did as I was told anyway. Once everything was in its place I threw off my jeans and did my best to wedge myself between Gimli and Ronon, falling asleep to their pants in my ears.

"Sonya Marie, you have exactly three seconds to get down here and into the car before I leave your ass and you walk to school. Do you hear me missy?"

"Coming mother!" I gave a shriek when my foot caught the edge of my jeans and I crumpled in a pale mess onto the floor. My blonde bangs hanging uselessly in my eyes. I had gotten a bob for this exact reason! I blew them up only to have them fall back into place.

"Son of a banshee." I quickly jumped to my feet, tugging my jeans the rest of the way, wiggling to get them around my hips and zipping them up. Ronon held one of my shoes in his mouth well my bag had somehow ended up hanging around Gimli's grey neck. Grabbing them, I ran for the stairs, barely missing a nasty fall.

"Thanks boys!" I threw over my shoulder, snagging a piece of toast off of my dads plate and throwing my body into the back seat of the already moving car.

"Thanks for waiting." Sarcasm was dripping from my voice, but you couldn't tell through the mounds of bread and butter.

"So why are Sonya and I going to different schools again?" Abigail asked from the front seat, her hands clenched in her lap. I put my hand on her shoulder, trying to ease her fears of her first day of high school. Her first day of the ninth grade in a different town without any of her friends or her big sister. I sighed and sat back in my seat. I really wished I could be there for her.

"I'm sorry baby but we could only register one of you at Forks, they only had enough room for one. I just happy Sonya didn't have to go to far. We're lucky the school in La Push was so eagar to take her on." Both my sister and I knew that this was the way it had to be, but that didn't make letting go of the one steady thing in your life any easier. The car pulled up to the school and my mother cut the engine.

"Give 'em hell Abs." I said. I watched her take in a deep breath and jump out off the car disappearing behind the glass doors and into the crowd. We sat in the car after she'd gone in complete silence. After a few, quite minutes the car rumbled to life and we were heading for the reservation. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest, desperately trying to burst through the bones and flesh and run the other way. A big part of me wished it would take me with it. We pulled up to the school, and I didn't miss the odd looks the other kids were giving me. Lord, I had never felt so pale in my life. I couldn't spot a single other person with blonde hair, curse my Anglo-Saxon heritage! I didn't linger in the car and was already up the steps before mom could give kme one of her pep talks. I was incredibly grateful that the office was right next to the main doors.

"Um, hello?" A tiny woman with cropped black hair looked up through her thick rimmed glasses and I couldn't hold in the giggle at their resemblance to my own, that were not sitting comfortably on my face.

"You must be Sonya Turner. Come on in." I let the door slip from my finger and I stood patiently at her desk as she shuffled through some papers before she found why she had been looking for, handing it to me.

"Here's your schedule as well as your locker and combination. Have a great day Sonya." I smiled at her and walked out into the hall. I could feel the looks and stares on my back, making it hard to ignore them but I somehow made it to my locker without issue. It took a couple tries before I could get the blasted thing open but eventually my books were organized and my locker was shut. The halls were completely empty by now, the first bell having already rung without me. I glanced down at my schedule for the first time and spotted American History in my first period slot. This had potential to be promising. Taking a small step away from the wall I looked down the hall to my left. Then my right. I had absolutely no idea where to even begin.

"Need some help?" I gasped at the sound of another voice in the hall. A pretty girl with long, wispy dark hair stood beside me, white teeth exposed in an open and inviting smile. The first one I had received actually.

"That would be great." The girl took a step closer and gently tugged the paper out of my hands.

"Oh, you have history with me first. I'm Kim by the way, Kim Manners." Manners, I thought the name kind of suited her.

"I'm Sonya. Turner that is."

"Did you just move here? I haven't seen you around before." We started to walk down the hall side by side, our feet syncing up in a comfortable rhythm.

"Yes ma'am. Just moved here all the way from Canada...eh." I though in the 'eh' for added effect and was able to pull a laugh from her.

"So you take a dog sled to school." Every other word was interrupted by a laugh.

"I do not! I took the polar bear express thank you ever much! And before you even ask, yes, I live in an igloo and it was perfectly cozy!" Now both of us were doubled over with tears running down our cheeks. I stumbled and had to grab onto Kim's arm to keep myself from sprawling across the floor. Eventually we were able to pull ourselves together and stand on our own with only a few hiccups here and there.

"Alright. This is it." Kim said, grabbing my hand and dragging me through the door. The entire classroom was silent as she pulled me towards the teachers desk. A middle aged man sat with his feet on the desk and his chair balancing on its back legs.

"Mr. Menthe, this is Sonya Turner. She's the new student here." Mr. Menthe gave me one quick look over before grinning.

"Welcome to La Push High Ms. Turner. Now please, take your seat beside Ms. Manners." I let out a puff of air I hadn't known I had been holding in and sat down beside Kim. Glad he hadn't put me with another student. The class sped by quickly for me. That happens when you have a love for history. Soon Kim and I were separated and I was left to fend for myself in English. The teacher, Mrs. Bauer sat me next to a painfully quiet girl named Annie, who barely spoke five words the entire hour and who I could also feel I was going to like every much. I was incredibly grateful that this school only had four classes a day, much like I had back home and soon it was lunch. I had spotted Annie trying to eat alone in the library and was quick to grab her wrist and pull her towards the cafe where Kim was waiting in a back table.

"Afternoon Kimberly, and how are we on his glorious day?"

"Sit down Sonya, you're so full of it." I obeyed, placing Annie next to me and introducing the two. I noticed Kim had a way of making people feel comfortable and Annie opened up over the lunch period and even cracked a few jokes. After a horribly boring math class on my own and a terribly amusing philosophy class with both Kim and Annie, the final bell had rung and I found myself sitting in my car outside of Forks High waiting for Abigail.

"So how was your first day chicken?" My mother spun around in her seat to face me.

"It was good. I met some great girls, Kim and Annie. We had a lot of fun today."

"That's wonderful sweetheart." Just then I spotted my sister waving goodbye to a group of girls and sliding into the front seat. I tuned out their conversation, trying to remember any homework I may have had. That night consisted of idle conversation and a family night of CSI. After about 20 minutes of homework I gave up and crawled into bed. Ronon as my pillow and Gimli as my blanket.

Hello everyone! Well congratulations, you have made it to the end of my very first story. Yay you! I really hope you like it thus far. I know, I know, no wolves but I assure you, they will be making an appearance in the next chapter. I would love to hear from you!

Hours to write. Minutes to read. Seconds to review.

© Anything recognizable to Twilight belongs to S. Meyer

© Sonya, Abigail, Mama and Papa Turner, Ronon and Gimli - ME!