Hope everyone is still enjoying the story. Again feedback is always welcome.

To Cookie62: Thanks you, thank you, thank you. You're the best.

Chapter 6

Most of the people were already there when Gibbs and Tony arrived. A lot of top brass from the Navy, all friends of Admiral Coty's, Ziva, McGee, Abby and Ducky were standing in a group talking, all with drinks in hand. Director Vance laughing at something some Captain was saying.

As Gibbs and Tony made their way to the group they all looked up and smiled, Abby giving Gibbs that sweet yet evil smile.

"You two look hot." She said as they approached.

Tony smile. "Thanks Abby. You look great too. All of you." He paused. "And Timmy you look so grown up."

McGee rolled his eyes.

Gibbs put out his hand to Ducky. "Glad you could make it."

"Yes well I couldn't miss Anthony's big night." Ducky smiled.

"Drink?" Gibbs asked turning to Tony.


Gibbs disappeared towards the bar and returned a few minutes later with one talk flute glass.

"Champagne?" Tony looked confused.

"That's your only choice." Gibbs said sounding annoyed.

"Right." Tony accepted the glass.

Ziva smiled at Tony. "Food?"

"Of course." Tony offered her his arm and they made their way to the long table full of food.

Gibbs watched the two walk away a suspicion look in his eye.

"Worried Jethro?" Ducky asked with a grin.

Gibbs shook his head. "Not worried. But something's going on."

"Really Jethro. They are friends."

"And the two of them are dangerous." Gibbs said watching the deep conversation between Ziva and Tony seemed to be in at the table.

Ducky laughed.

Tony and Ziva finally returned from the table. Ziva carrying a small plate with a few items on it, Tony carrying a plate that was almost overflowing.

Gibbs chuckled to himself. The man liked to eat. Gibbs grabbed a shrimp of the plate and popped it in his mouth.

Tony looked at him with a grin.

Gibbs winked back.

Tony was still amazed at how comfortable Gibbs had become with their relationship.

The group heard the tapping of something against a glass and turned to see Admiral Coty trying to get the crowd's attention. Soon the crowd was silent and Admiral Coty spoke.

"Yes. Thank you all for coming." He smiled. "And I'm surprised everyone showed after the last time we were all together.

There was controlled laughter, knowing the situation had been serious at the time but still showing that they now could laugh about it.

"That little episode is why we are here tonight. I have a few people to thank for my still being here to have this little party." He paused glancing over at the group of NCIS officers.

"Four very special agents, working under cover, which I know pissed them off to no end."


"Saved my ass that night. Agents Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo, Timothy McGee and Ziva David." He paused as applause went up. "And unfortunately, one agent even took a bullet for me. So I do not take their sacrifice lightly." He cleared his throat. "Agent Gibbs, McGee and David are receiving a commendation award for their work that night."

Again applause.

"Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, for his outstanding dedication and service receive the Meritorious Civilian Award, and I want to give him a special thank you for having my six."

Applause from the crowd.

"Agent DiNozzo will accept his award and speak for the team." The Admiral said stepping aside.

Tony glanced at Gibbs and made his way to the front of the room where the Admiral was standing.

The applause began again and Tony had that full DiNozzo smile as he reached the front of the room.

"Thank you very much" Tony smiled as the applause slowly died down. "And the team thanks you very much." Tony paused as he took a breath. "None of us do this for medals, although they really are nice."

Laughter. Gibbs grinned.

"But we all do this because it's our job and we give 120% when we do it. And although I prefer not to take a bullet if I don't have to, I'm glad I took this one." Tony glanced at Gibbs.

Gibbs smiled knowing what Tony was saying. This incident had brought them together.

"This team is the best I have ever worked with and as much as we give each other a hard time." Tony paused. "We are family. A family built not because we work together but because we really do love each other."

Everyone clapped feeling Tony's emotion as he spoke.

"And that family was built by one man. Very Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs."

Another round of applause and glances from the crowd back at Gibbs.

Gibbs tipped his head wanting Tony to get off this topic.

"So I know this little shindig was about giving the team an award. But the team decided we wanted to do something special for the man who built our family."

Gibbs was glaring now first at Tony, then at the people around him.

"Agent Gibbs hates medals. I have a drawer full of them to prove it."

Again laughter.

"So we knew giving him a metal was a waste." Tony paused looking at Gibbs. "To thank him for building this family he decided to give him something to build his other passion, Boats."

Ducky handed Gibbs an empty soft leather chisel wrap.

Gibbs took it slightly confused.

"The leather wrap is empty for those of you who can't see." Tony smiled. "That's because each member of his family wanted to personally give him their chisel."

Gibbs swallowed hard.

"And knowing he would kill me if I made him come to the front of the room, we decided we would just do that where he stands."

Ducky handed him a chisel.

"You have an amazing team my friend. One that loves you very much, including me." Ducky said as Gibbs held the case and Ducky slide the first chisel in.

McGee approached. "Thanks for everything. For believing in me as a field agent." Then McGee slid his chisel in the case.

Gibbs nodded, afraid his voice would fail him.

Ziva stepped forward next.

"You have done more for me than my biological family, you and this whole team. And I am grateful for your trust, your friendship, and your love." And she slid the chisel into its spot.

Abby smiled as she approached Gibbs. "I love you Bossman." She kissed his cheek.

Gibbs tried to keep the emotion in check.

Then he saw Tony walking towards him and Gibbs suddenly felt as if he wouldn't get out of this without shedding a tear.

As Tony reached Gibbs he smiled. "I'll always have your six. In every way." He paused. "You've made me a better man, on and off the job." Tony slid the first of his chisels in then held up the last one. "The last one, representing you." Tony went to slide it in and stopped.

"And if you head slap me for this I'll pull this out and use it as a weapon." Tony slid the last chisel in.

The group laughed as Tony's statement broke some of the emotional tension.

The crowd was again applauding, many with tears in their eyes.

"That's it folks. The Bossman isn't one for talking, so please."

The crowd smiled and although watching the group out of the corner of their eyes, went back to talking. Gibbs was silent just staring at the gift before him. He finally wrapped the case around itself and tied it closed, then looked up at the people around him.

"I should kick everyone of your asses." It was meant to sound threatening but it came out full of pent up emotion.

Everyone laughed.

"Thank you."

The group smiled.

Gibbs turned to Tony and reached out touching Tony's hand. "And you." Gibbs paused. "I know you're behind this."

Tony played dumb. "What me, never."

Gibbs nodded. "We'll talk about this when we get home."

The others exchanged glances.

An evil grin on Abby's face. "I don't think talking about it is what's on the agenda."

Gibbs rolled his eyes as Tony laughed.


Gibbs removed his tie as soon as they were in the door. Tony followed suit.

"That was nice." Tony said. "Although only champagne. What the hell is up with that?"

Tony felt Gibbs arm wrap around his waist from behind. Tony smiled as he then felt the kiss on his cheek.

"Is this that talking we were going to do?" Tony grinned as he relaxed his body back against Gibbs.

"I love you. That's the talking." Gibbs said as he let his hands glide up Tony's chest then pull his dress jacket off and tossed it aside, his hands then returning and unbuttoning his shirt.

Tony laughed. "Right. A man of few words."

"Um hum." Gibbs said as he kissed Tony's neck as he worked his way down the buttons of the shirt.

"You're rather good at this." Tony said as Gibbs reached the last button and slid the shirt off.

"Lift up your arms." Gibbs ordered as he then removed Tony's undershirt. His hands now exploring Tony's bare chest.

Tony moaned loving the feel of Gibbs hands against his chest. Tony reached his hand up grabbing at Gibbs neck pulling him deeper into his own.

"I thought I was going to show my appreciation when we got home." Tony grinned.

"We can both show our appreciation." Gibbs said stopping his assault on Tony's neck only long enough to speak the words.

"Umm, sounds good."

Gibb's hands were now undoing Tony's belt then the button and zipper on his dress slacks. When Gibbs' hands slid into his slacks and squeezed Tony's cock through his boxers it was already hard.

Gibbs groaned. "God you're amazing."

Tony was thrusting into Gibbs' hands as the need overtook him. As he thrust back he felt Gibbs' hard cock make contact and it only fed the desire.

"You need to take me up stairs right now or fuck me right here."

Gibbs chuckled. Patience was not one of Tony's virtues.

"Why? I like you like this." Gibbs said as his hand now slid inside Tony's boxers and wrapped around his cock.

Tony's breath caught in his throat at the contact.

"All desperate, wanting me to fuck you." Gibbs said his lips at Tony's ear.

"You really are an evil bastard." Tony growled.

Gibbs grinned. "Just because I like to take my time." He stroked Tony's cock.

Tony sighed. "Please."

"You don't like my hand wrapped around your cock?"

"Yes, but-" Tony was losing the ability to speak as Gibbs hand drove Tony closer to his release.

"But what?" Gibbs left his hand wrapped around Tony's cock but stopped stroking.

Tony's breathing was shallow as he spoke. "I want you."

"I know that."

Tony smacked at Gibbs. "Arrogant much."

Gibbs thrust against Tony's backside. "You want my cock buried inside you."

"God yes." Tony said thrusting back against Gibbs cock.

Gibbs hand suddenly left Tony's cock and then Tony felt him walk away. It took only a moment for Gibbs to return and wrap his arm back around Tony's waist. Tony was being pushed forward towards the hallway wall.

Gibbs spoke in Tony's ear again. "Hands on the wall."

Without questioned Tony obeyed. Knowing where Gibbs had went. With one quick motion Gibbs tugged Tony's pants and boxers down. Tony heard the zipper on Gibb's pants being pulled down, and then heard the lube bottle being opened.

Tony moaned wanting nothing more than to feel Gibbs' cock pressing into him.

Gibbs ran the lube over his cock then ran his cock between Tony's ass cheeks.

Tony moaned again.

"I decided I want to fuck you right here."

Tony instinctively bent forward bracing himself against the wall.

"God I love how willing you are just to bend over for me." Gibbs growled.

Tony simply moaned pushing back against Gibbs.

Grabbing his cock Gibbs pushed slightly into Tony then put his hands on Tony's hips.

Again Tony tried to push back, stopped by Gibbs' hands clutching his hips.

"Please!" Tony was begging, there was no other way to describe it. He was lost in the passion and needed more.

Gibbs let himself thrust a few inches forward, still not letting himself fuck Tony.

Tony was scratching at the wall. "Jethro."

Another thrust and Gibbs buried himself in Tony.

"God yes." Tony got out through a moan as he again tried to pull his hips forward and force Gibbs to fuck him. Gibbs held him in place the action forcing himself deeper into Tony.

Gibbs moaned, the warmth and tightness around him making his cock twitch. Tony drove him crazy and he gladly gave in to the insanity as he let himself start fucking Tony. It was pure unadulterated debauchery and both men had given in without a second thought.

"God, Tony." It was the only thing Gibbs could manage to say as he lost himself in Tony.

Everything that Gibbs experienced with Tony was different. Gibbs had never felt such emotion within himself, so much loss of control. As much as it scared him, Gibbs felt alive again for the first time. He had always grown tired of lovers in the past, but Gibbs knew that with Tony he could spend every day with him for the rest of their lives and never know everything he wanted to know about this man. He wanted to memorize every inch of Tony's body, every strand of hair, every facial expression, everything, and no matter how many times Gibbs made love to Tony, it would never be enough.

For Tony there was nothing but Gibbs, nothing but the musky scene of their love making, nothing but the movement of their hips, nothing but the cries of please and nothing but the fire inside that seemed to singe every piece of Tony. Tony felt the release building felt the familiar need to lose control overtake him.

Gibbs was close, so close he could feel himself falling fast, to fast, spiraling downward without anything to stop him. His right hand slid from Tony's hip and down around his cock. The touch took Tony by surprise and his body shuddered at the added pleasure.

"Jethro, it's too much I can't-" They were the last words Tony spoke as his body tensed and then trembled as he came. He felt Gibbs arm go around his waist adding support to Tony's still convulsing body. All time stopped as Gibbs continued to fuck him, seconds, minutes, hours, how long it continued Tony didn't know and he didn't care. He only wanted it to continue.

"Tony." The cry echoed through the room as Gibbs embedded himself in Tony letting the storm crash in around him. The release started in the deepest recesses of his being and radiated out over his entire body. Gibbs wasn't sure who was holding who up all he knew was he never wanted to let Tony go.


Gibbs dropped a kiss on Tony's shoulder as he pulled Tony closer.

"You know the point of a shower see, to get clean, not to have sex again and need another shower." Tony chuckled.

"I didn't see you complaining when we were in there."

"I'm not complaining I'm explaining."

"Okay." Gibbs said dropping another kiss on Tony's shoulder then neck. "We need to talk about something."

Tony tensed slightly in Gibbs' arms. He hated being spooned like this and not being able to see Gibbs' eyes when he made a statement like that.

Gibbs spoke in Tony's ear. "It's nothing bad."

Tony relaxed again. "Okay then spill it."

"You need to get your things moved in here."

Tony shook his head. Then smacked his hand against his ear as if clearing water out of it.

"I don't think I heard that right." Tony said his voice full of surprise.

Again Gibbs pulled Tony tighter and kissed his neck right below his ear. "I didn't stutter."

Tony was wiggling out of Gibbs grasp and trying to turn around to face him. Once he was finally looking into Gibbs eyes he spoke.

"That's a major step."

Gibbs again wrapped his arms around Tony. "Is there a problem with that?"

"No, I mean I guess not."

Gibbs was confused. He thought Tony would be ecstatic.

"You're already practically living here. Why not have all your things here."

"I know." Tony said looking at Gibbs chest.

"Hey." Gibbs pulled Tony's chin up. "What's wrong? I thought you would be thrilled about this. Is this not what you want?"

"Of course this is what I want." Tony smiled. "It's just." Tony paused. "This is everything I've ever wanted."

"Then why the hesitation?" Gibbs asked concern in his voice.

"Because I want you to be sure."

Gibbs chuckled. "Do you think I would ask if I wasn't sure?"

Tony nodded.

"And I love you and I want you here with me, always and forever." Gibbs eyes were full of emotion as he spoke.

Tony swallowed hard trying to hold back the tears.

"Got that?"

"Yeah." Tony let his lips meet Gibbs in a tender kiss. "I love you too."

"Then why don't we try and get some of your things moved in this weekend."

"And my apartment?" Tony asked.

"I thought you went month by month."

Tony nodded. "I do but does this mean I'm giving up my apartment."

"I know it's been awhile since I asked someone to live with me." Gibbs paused. "I believe giving up the apartment is part of that."

"Sure you can handle me 24/7, thats a lot of DiNozzo time." Tony was grinning.

"I think I can handle it." Gibbs grinned back.

"I know you just want me around as your play thing."

"That is a big plus."

Tony punched him on the arm.

Gibbs showed mock pain as he smirked. "What, you don't like being my play thing?"

Gibbs started kissing Tony's neck.

"I do, you just don't have to be so smug about it." Tony said as Gibbs lips on his neck feed the fire yet again.


"Why don't you use my laptop?" Tony motioned towards the computer sitting on the coffee table. "It's already running you can log into your e-mail."

"You can finish this by yourself." Gibbs asked as he kissed Tony's cheek.

"I think I can handle scrambled eggs." Tony shook his head.

Gibbs chuckled and walked back into the living room leaving Tony to finish making breakfast.

As he logged in to his work account three messages popped up. The first was from Director Vance commenting on last night's gathering. The second was from Abby asking how his "talk" went with Tony. Gibbs chuckled; she wasn't one to beat around the bush. The last message popped up and made Gibbs pause. The address read AshDavis125. Gibbs sighed he knew a message would come from Ashley sooner or later, although he figured she would call. He opened the message.

Hope you are well. I'm sorry things didn't work out between. I'm seeing someone new. He's a good man. You would like him. Have a wonderful life. Find some happiness for yourself.


That wasn't a surprise. She was a beautiful woman and men were constantly after her. He did regret the way things had ended. He should have been more honest.

Tony came in carrying two plates and say Gibbs contemplative mood.

"Everything ok?" The concern evident on Tony's face.

"Yeah." Gibbs said as he closed his e-mail.

Tony handed him a plate and sat down in the chair next to the couch

"Doesn't look okay." Tony said as he took a bite.

"E-mail from Ashley." Gibbs wanted to be honest with Tony. Making this relationship work was Gibbs number one priority and he didn't want even something as small as this to grow into Gibbs sounding like he was hiding something.

Tony nodded. "Problem?"

"No." Gibbs shook his head then took a bite of his eggs as he swallowed he spoke again. "She was telling me that she's seeing someone and she hopes I can find my own happiness."

"You okay with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Gibbs looked at him puzzled.

Tony shrugged. "Because it's never easy seeing someone you care about move on."

"I did care about her but not like I should have. She was-"

"Mid life crisis?" Tony finished trying not to smile.

Gibbs again looked over at Tony.

Tony smirked. "Sorry."

"She wasn't that young!" Gibbs smirked. "Not much younger than you."

"Oh, so not fair." Tony laughed. "God does that make me the rebound after the midlife crisis."

"No." Gibbs said as he reached for Tony's hand and pulling he towards him.

Tony made the move straddling Gibbs lap. Gibbs wrapped his arms around Tony's waist and looked in those deep green eyes.

"You are the one that I always wanted, no matter what crisis I might be in."

Tony shook his head. "If you weren't so damn sexy that would sound like some really lame line."

"Sexy, huh?"

"Oh, don't get a big head, that doesn't always get you off the hook."

"I don't want off the hook."

Tony grinned.

"Can I ask you something?" Gibbs said suddenly more serious.


"What did Ashley say to you that night before the Admiral's party? You looked surprised."

"I was surprised. It just seemed odd." Tony said remember what she had said.


"Because she thanked me for loving you enough to always have your back and for saving you from yourself more than once." Tony looked at Gibbs for a reaction.

"Really?" Gibbs looked puzzled.

"What did you tell her about me?"

"Not a lot I told her you were one of the best agents I've worked with. I did tell her you saved my ass a few times when I needed it." Gibbs paused. "But really that was about it."

"Just seemed odd that she would say I loved you enough to have your back. I mean not something someone usually says." Tony grinned. "Maybe she was more perceptive than you gave her credit for."

Gibbs smirked. "Maybe but she had never met you before that night."

"She saw me that day at outside the building."

Gibbs had forgotten that day that Tony was standing there and Ashley had asked about it.

"You saw me. You looked over." Tony said trying to jog Gibbs memory.

"Yeah, I remember." Gibbs was trying to think had he looked at Tony in some way to that told Ashley he had feelings for him. Had Tony showed some sign? Maybe, or maybe she just knew Gibbs' heart was somewhere else. That whole not sleeping together had probably given Ashley some kind of sign. Gibbs chuckled.

"What?" Tony said take back by Gibbs laughter.

"She's a smart woman. I'm sure a lot of my inactions gave her clues that our relationship wasn't going to work."

"Inactions?" Tony raised an eyebrow.

Gibbs raised his eyebrow matching Tony's expression. "Are you asking me something?"

"Using the word inactions says a lot." Tony said. "I mean she's a beautiful woman and a red-head."

Gibbs pulled Tony close. "Seems I'm over the red-head stage." then Gibbs smirked. "And over the beautiful woman stage."

Tony laughed.

"There's only one person I want." Gibbs said letting his lips brush against Tony's.

Tony pulled back. "I'm glad to hear it and our breakfast is getting very cold."

"I think there is something else I would like for breakfast." Gibbs said finding Tony's lips again.


Gibbs was sitting on the couch with Tony's legs in his lap. Although Gibbs and gotten dressed after their shower. Tony was still just in a pair of boxers.

"I have A LOT of stuff to pack." Tony stressed.

"Maybe we can call Ziva and Tim, even Abby." Gibbs suggested. "I'm sure they'll help."

"Kinda short notice if you want to start doing this today."

"Get them to help tomorrow then."

A knock at the door surprised both of them. No one knocked.

Gibbs picked up Tony's legs and put them on the couch as he got up and headed to the door.

He opened the door part way and saw a smiling Ziva and Tim.

"We brought lunch?" Tim smiled.

Then Ziva and Tim both saw the boxer clad figure trying to sneak down the hallway behind Gibbs.

"I told you we should have called." Tim said his eyes darting to Ziva.

"We are-" Ziva paused not wanting to say sorry. "We can just go."

Gibbs shook his head with a smirk.

"Come in."

"Really we can just-" McGee tried to find a way out of this.

"Get in here both of you." Gibbs said opening the door all the way and stepping back.

They both nodded as they walked in still concerned they had interrupted something. They stood in the entrance to the living room.

"Sit down." It was Gibbs boss tone.

"Right." rang from both of them. McGee put the two bags on the coffee table and sat in the chair at the end of the table, Ziva sat down at one end of the couch.

"Nothing was going on." Gibbs said not even sure why he was explaining.

"Sure." again in unison.

"I swear." Gibbs mumbled under his breath.

It made Ziva grin and she felt the head slap without seeing it.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"For not believing me." Gibbs smirked.

"Hey. What's up?" Tony said walking into the living room in sweats and a t-shirt.

"We brought some lunch." Tim smiled.

"Awesome I'm starved." Tony said sitting down next to Ziva and ripping open the bags of food. "I missed breakfast."

Again Ziva grinned although this time she prepared herself for the head slap.

Gibbs chuckled to himself.

"I've got coffee, orange juice and beer to drink that's about it."

"There's still some milk too." Tony added.

Coffee rang up around him as Gibbs entered the kitchen. He could just barely hear the conversation in the living room.

"We did not mean to interrupt." Ziva said to Tony keeping her voice low.

Tony looked puzzled. "You didn't interrupt. I just hadn't gotten dressed yet." He paused. "A few hours later you would have been interrupting."

Ziva and McGee both laughed.

Gibbs shook his head as he poured the coffee. Tony was not the kind to not share, especially with his friends. That was something Gibbs had to get use to.

Making his way back into the living room he handed Ziva and McGee coffee then returned for the other two.

He handed Tony his from behind the couch, then head slapped Ziva again.

She spun her head around. "What!"

"That's for still not believing me."

A wide grin played across her face. "How did you possibly hear that?"

Gibbs sat down. "I hear everything."

Tony grinned. "Why do I believe that?"

Gibbs ignored the comment. "You two think we could borrow you tomorrow?"

Ziva and McGee shared a look.

"For what?" Ziva asked.

"We need to start getting Tony's stuff moved in here." Gibbs said casually as he took another bite of food.

"Wow, that's fast." the surprise covered McGee's face.

Gibbs glanced over at McGee.

"I mean good, that's good." McGee nodded. "And I'm free. I'd love to help."

"I am free as well." Ziva smiled. "And I am happy for you, both of you."

"He just wants me here to be his play thing."

"Tony!" Gibbs glared at him.

"What." Tony shrugged. "Please they know how you are. I'm sure they figured out you're just as controlling and bossy at home as you are at work." Tony was playing. Gibbs needed to understand they were part of who Tony was. He liked to joke about it with his friends. That wasn't going to change just because he was involved with Gibbs. Although he understood not joking at work but they were in their home now.

Ziva and Tim were trying to hide their smiled.

"I mean come on I think I deserve to be able to get dressed in more than boxers when I'm at home." Tony paused. "I shouldn't always have to be at your beck and call."

Ziva couldn't control herself any longer. She was laughing. As soon as she started McGee followed.

Tony was grinning.

Gibbs nodded. "Well then we'll have less to move tomorrow since you won't need any of those Armani suits if you're living here. All we'll have to pack is your underwear drawer."

Tony looked at Gibbs, shocked at his joke.

Ziva and McGee laughed harder.


Ziva and Tim had left after they had all made plans for tomorrow. They were more than happy to help Tony move in, happy that two of their friends had found happiness together.

Gibbs had just poured another cup of coffee and was leaning against the counter staring at Tony who was throwing the last of the trash away.

Feeling he was being watched Tony looked up at Gibbs with a smile and made his was over.

"I hate to even think what is going through that head of yours." Tony grinned putting his hands on Gibbs hips.

As was now their way, Gibbs wrapped his arm around Tony's waist. It was like second nature to Gibbs. If Tony was close enough he wanted the man in his arms.

"Just thinking about you."

"I think that's good." Tony chuckled.

"It is." Gibbs smirked.

"And just what are you thinking." Tony raised an eyebrow. "Naughty thoughts I hope."

"Hard not to when you're this close." Gibbs paused. "And trying to figure out if you have some control fantasies I haven't fulfilled yet."

"Control fantasies?" Tony looked puzzled.

"Let see you made a few comments that night of the party about asking your master's permission to wear the black suit, even said you had that dream before." he paused. "Then today talking about my controlling you at home."

"I was joking. You don't tell me what to do." Tony said his voice cracking as he spoke.

"That didn't sound very convincing."

Tony looked at him not sure where Gibbs was going with this.

"It sounded like you liked the thought of me telling you exactly what to do." Gibbs paused. "what I want."

Tony didn't speak and he suddenly couldn't look at Gibbs. His eyes dropped to Gibbs chest.

"Look at me." Gibbs tone was immediately stern and commanding.

Tony obeyed pulling his stare back to Gibbs.

Gibbs smirked. "I'll gladly tell you exactly what I want and make sure you carry it out to my satisfaction."

Tony moaned and his eyes closed.

"I told you to look at me." again the cold commanding voice.

Tony's eyes shot open.

Although this was all new to Gibbs he had been a Marine long enough to know how to tell and make people do what he wanted. With Tony it was even easier because he wanted everything from Tony. This wasn't about some need to be dominated, it was just about pleasing your lover and Gibbs would make sure both of them got pleasure from this.

Gibbs took a sip of his coffee before speaking. "Take off your clothes."

Tony hesitated still looking at Gibbs.

Gibbs leaned in and spoke in Tony's ear. "Trust me."

Stepping back Tony removed his t-shirt then the sweats. He was about to remove the boxers when Gibbs stopped him.

"Leave them." Gibbs said and Tony stopped. "Come here."

Tony took a few steps back toward Gibbs then stopped.

Gibbs took another sip of his coffee and just looked at Tony. Setting the coffee cup down and he grabbed the waist of Tony's boxers. With one tug he pulled Tony hard against him feeling Tony's hard cock against his own. A moan escaped Tony's lips.

"Why is your cock hard if this was just a joke?" Gibbs asked.

There was no answer.

"I asked you a question." Gibbs growled.

"It wasn't a completely a joke." Tony's voice was shaky.

Gibbs hand slide from the waist of Tony's boxers down to his cock and he squeezed. "I can see that."

Again Tony moaned.

Gibbs leaned into Tony's ear. "As much as I love your cock. I love your ass more."

Tony's hands grabbed Gibbs hips searching for support.

"The way you just love to bend over and let me fuck you."

"Yes." Tony felt as if he would lose control just from Gibbs voice. How could a man's voice be so damn sexy.

"But this isn't about what you want." Gibbs said letting his hand slide from Tony's cock down to cup his ass. "This is about what I want and I want you on your knee's sucking my cock."

Tony's body trembled and he felt the arousal crashing in around him.

Gibbs let his lips kiss Tony's earlobe before he spoke again. "And I didn't tell you that you could come."

Tony tried to calm his breathing and settle himself as he slid down to his knees. He looked up at Gibbs as his hands went to the belt around his jeans. Tony's eyes never left Gibbs as he unbuckled the belt, then the button and finally slide the zipper down. There was only one thing Tony wanted and that was to do exactly as Gibbs had said. He didn't remove anything, simply pulled Gibbs cock out through the front hole in his boxers.

Gibbs was too lost in watching Tony to care how it took place. He tried not to let Tony see the sharp intake of air he took as Tony grabbed his cock. And when Tony's mouth wrapped around his cock and Tony took him in, Gibbs had to grab the counter to keep himself steady. He wanted to say Tony's name or some other word to show how good it felt but he bit his tongue.

Tony was devouring Gibbs cock as if it was his last meal and he hadn't eaten in weeks. Gibbs' head went back and his eyes closed as he let the sensation of Tony sucking his cock take over. Everything else faded away and there was nothing but the warmth of Tony's mouth. Involuntarily Gibbs' hips were thrusting forward.

Tony wanted nothing but to please his lover and in doing so his own need was again begging to be released. He was too turned on by sucking Gibbs' cock he could find any control. There was no way he would last.

Gibbs' hand was suddenly tangled in Tony's hair as he followed Tony's movement. He was close and has much as he wanted to continue the game they had begun, he wanted Tony to decide how this would end.

"Tony." The name was a growl. "So close."

Tony understood he was being given the option. Tony's answer was to speed up his pace feeling the twitching of Gibbs cock telling him Gibbs was going to come.

Gibbs orgasm was hard, fast and overwhelming as he thrust his hips towards Tony as he came. Tony accepted it continuing to feed from Gibbs cock as it spasmed.

Gibbs was clutching at the counter, his knuckled white, as he tried to get his body to relax. It refused as Tony continued to suck his cock even after his orgasm. He could barely breathe and his heart was beating as if it were about to explode.

"Tony." Gibbs finally found his ability to speak and it was the only word he could say. Gibbs hoped it was enough, that it conveyed his meaning.

It did, Tony stopped, Gibbs cock still in hand, he removed his mouth and looked up.

The loss of sensation sent another tremor through Gibbs and he forced himself to stay standing.

"Come here." Gibbs said realizing Tony wasn't going to move unless he told him to.

Tony practically crawled up Gibbs body until they stood face to face.

Gibbs took a moment to settle himself then looked at Tony. Tony met his gaze and waited.

Then Tony moaned as Gibbs hand pulled Tony's cock from his boxers and started stroking up and down. One of Tony's hands went to Gibbs hip the other around his neck. Tony pulled Gibbs head towards him and Gibbs let his lips touch Tony's throat.

Gibbs knew Tony was close, knew it wouldn't take long; he had been ready before he had went to the floor.

"Talk to me." Tony said his breathing erratic his voice shaking.

Gibbs smiled. He still couldn't understand why Tony found his voice so exciting. Gibbs let his lips travel from Tony's neck to his ear.

"You're amazing." Gibbs said he voice low and seductive against Tony's ear.

"I've never wanted someone as much as I want you." Gibb continued speaking. "And I want you here in my arms forever."

Tony felt the wave wash over him as Gibbs words pushed him over the edge. As his body tensed with his release he collapsed against Gibbs body. Gibbs dropped a kiss on his shoulder then his neck and finally his lips.

Tony finally pulled back and looked up at Gibbs.

"You're the amazing one."

"That's debatable." Gibbs smirked.

"No it's not." Tony placed another kiss on Gibbs lips. "Of all the things you could have said, you get romantic."

"You didn't specify what I had to say." Gibbs smirked. "And it seems romantic worked."

Tony laughed. "Yes it did."

"That's all that matters." Gibbs paused. "And that I meant every word."

"I know." Tony smiled. "That's why it works."

"So are you going to listen and behave if I take you to the shower?" Gibbs asked.


"Good." Gibbs smirked.


When Gibbs and Tony pulled up to Tony's apartment the following morning Ziva, Tim, Abby and Ducky were already there. Gibbs had called Ducky and Abby last night and both happily agreed to help. As Gibbs pulled the car into an empty space Tony was already opening the door and getting out. Abby was immediately running towards Tony and crashed into him with a big hug, Tony hugging her back just as hard. Ziva, Tim and Ducky were making their way over towards him as well. They were all talking and laughing.

Gibbs watched for a moment from the car. He chuckled. Ducky had been right. They were all a package deal. Gibbs always knew they all were close but lately he had discovered just how close. They all loved each other, and they all loved him. That display at the party had more than shown him that. They were family an odd one but a family they were. And family was everything to Gibbs. He smiled, a sad smile as three people crossed his mind. As images of Shannon and Kelly flashed through his mind he grinned.

You two would love Tony, he thought and he knew they would have.

His boy-like charm, his good looks, his kind heart, and the way he could always make people laugh. In some way Gibbs knew it was Shannon and Kelly who had allowed him to find and love Tony. They always watched over Gibbs. And he took this moment to thank them for that. He had a family again and they would never begrudge him that. Instead he knew they were watching him and praying he would accept and cherish the new gift he had been give.

I do, he thought.

Then the image of Kate crossed his mind. This whole situation would have made her laugh hysterically. Tony, Mister Chase anything in a Skirt, and her Pig Headed Boss. If Tony thought the people currently around him were going to tease him, Kate would have been a thousand times worse. Tony was her big brother and this would have been fuel for their banter. But she would have been just as happy for them as the others were.

A knock at the window pulled Gibbs from his thoughts and he looked up to see Ducky. Gibbs smiled and opened the door and stepped out. He was still watching the group before him.

"Jethro, are you okay?" Ducky paused. "Not having second thoughts are we?"

Gibbs chuckled. "Never Duck."

"Good." Ducky eyed Jethro taking in the contemplative mood his friend seemed to be in. "Thinking of the people who are not here with us today."

Gibbs nodded. There was no sense of lying to Ducky.

Ducky nodded. "And do you think they are happy for you?"

Gibbs again nodded. "Yeah, know they are."

"And how do you feel about those unexpected packages now?"

Gibbs finally turned and looked at Ducky. "Love is unexpected packages." he smiled and looked back at the group. "And Tony is the best unexpected package I have ever received."