The Forbidden Magi

Bonus Chapter

Story Help Note: To better understand this story, read the rules, magik help, and magik help translated. It will tell you of the types of magik and the rules of the Magik Domain that is Konoha

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the characters or song titles! Just this story!

Authors Note: This is a bonus chapter requested by my editor/mom that I should make. It is an idea for, "What about having Sasuke's perspective of the last three years?" So, in honor of her request and for all to understand his exact position in Sakura's new life, here is Sasuke's POV of the last three years.

Awake And Alive

Setting(s): Konoha Centre, Morgue, Naruto Uzumaki's House, Konoha Forests, Beach, Konoha Border, Konoha Green

Normal POV(19-Sasuke'sAge)

It was a dark day in Konoha.

The day before, the execution of Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha was planned to take place.

But, instead, Sasuke gave his life for her so she would not have to die, so she would know just how much he loved her.

So much that he would give his life for hers.

Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke's best friend who was there for the whole thing, stands infront of the execution stage, in the pouring rain in the middle of the Konoha Centre.

Sakura Haruno, on the ground next to him, is crying louder than the water pounding on the ground all around them.

Naruto, looks down to the girl he considers a sister, on the verge of tears himself.

Sakura in screaming out in agony, the sound so painful to hear.

Naruto looks up to the dark gray sky, letting the acidic rain hit his face.

He doesn't feel it's sting.

He is too lost in thought to even feel anything other than numbness.

Naruto can only think about Sakura's pain, how she must feel like dying but have the torture of having to stay alive as her love's last request.

Her own emotions would be confliccting so much that it would be killing her from the inside out.

He thinks about his own emotions;

His feelings of anger for the ANBU's choice in trying to kill them in the first place,

His confusion as to why everything happened,

His denial that everything has happened,

His shock that his best friend died yesterday,

But, most of all, his sadness for his sister.

She would feel all of these emotions ten fold and more!

Naruto turns back to her.

They are in all black.

Sakura is in a short, black dress, black sneakers, black gloves, and black tights.

Her black jacket tied around her waist even though it is raining heavilly.

Naruto is in a black long sleeve, black jeans, and black combat boots.

He is not wearing his headband that he wears on any other given day.

He can not bring himself to show his pride in the Hidden Leaf.

Naruto, frowning, leans down to Sakura, squating next to her.

He puts his right arm on her shoulders.

She turns back to his slowly, her eye liner streaking down her reddened face.

Naruto hugs her, trying to keep her calm, his attempts failing horribly.

The two of them stand back up, trying to regulate themselves.

Naruto hugs her again, not letting go of her for a few minutes, letting her release any of her grievings through him.

Naruto rocks her side to side gently.

Sakura sobs against his soaked shirt, her bare shoulders shivering.

She purposely wore short clothing, hopping to feel some sort of physical pain today.

Her wish came true by her shaking violently from the cold, getting stung by the speeding rain.

Naruto pulled her away slightly to look into her emerald eyes.

Sakura looked back into his sky blue eyes.

Naruto tilts his head to the right, saying,

"Do you want to see him one last time?"

Sakura, tears pouring down her stained face, nods, going with Naruto as they go to see his body.

They walk to the morgue.

Naruto's POV(19)

We walked out of the dark outside and into the stoney walls lit by artificial light that is the morgue of Konoha.

Sakura and I are dripping, leaving puddles behind us on the stone floors.

I have my arms around her, trying to keep her still and warm her so she has no chance of getting hypothermia.

We walk to the back of the room, a single, sliding, metalic door being our only obstacle from what we came here for.

I look to Sakura, trying to find any form of rue.

I see none, opening the door.

This room is made of darker stone walls from the outer room and metal flooring similar to the door, but darker and duller in colour.

But, there, in the middle of the room on a stone table, is the body of Sasuke.

Sakura gasps, leaving my arms to run over to the body of her lover.

I follow more slowly, not able to look directly at his body.

Less than 24 hours ago he was killed.

Less than 24 hours of him being here.

I went there, looking at Sakura as she fell to her knees and cried into the table.

Her forehead remained on the stone, her head just infront of Sasuke's paling arm.

I forced myself to look away from Sakura's body, not able to stand the sight of it.

But, I found myself looking at Sasuke's instead.

He had his eyes closed, his face looking as though he was merely asleep.

Maybe that is how is seems when someone lies dead?

He has his arms on either side of his body, his joints stiff.

He is still in his white clothing from yesterday.

Sakura cries louder, barely holding it together.

Sasuke has dark, purple-ish cirlces under his eyes; He looks restless.

His skin is paler than when it was usually.

His lips were parted slightly, making him look like he was asleep.

I turned away sharply, not able to look at him any more.

Sakura's sobbing was abosrbed by the stone walls.

But, because I was right behind her, I heard her whails of pain directly and loudly.

Sakura's voice was weak and harsh, her moans of agony taking a toll on her throat.

We stayed there for ten more minutes.

I let Sakura grieve for however long she wanted, but, she didn't seem to have the stength she did yesterday.

She stood up, whimpering, saying to me,

"Naruto... I want to go home... I can't stay here..."

I turned back to her, holding back my own tears by clenching my teeth.

I nodded, hugging her once.

She nodded into my collar.

Then, when I pulled away, she turned back to his body.

She smiled slightly, whispering quietly,

"I love you, Sasuke..."

She leaned down onto him and kissed his lips one last time.

I lost my resilience, tears streaking down my face.

Sakura stands back up and, taking the jacket sleeve from around her waist, puts it over her shoulders, not putting her arms through it.

She walks over to me, puts her right hand on my shoulder and, on her tips toes, kisses my cheek.

She looks down to her feet, saying,

"Thank you, Naruto... Arigato..."

She quickly walks out, not able to stand the pain of being in that dreadful room anymore.

I squint my eyes closed, grinding my teeth together, clenching my fists tight.

I shake my head, saying to the lifeless corpse that is my best friend,

"Why, Sasuke? Why?"

I flash my eyes open, glaring at his motionless body,

"Why did you have to die?"

I turn away, adding,

"Teme... Why couldn't you have used your smart ass abilities to your advantage this time?"

Tears go down my face more, falling to the floor, leaving small pools of tears and rain around me.

I stay there for a minute before I decide to leave, to go home.

As I walk towards the door, I see for only a moment a small, subtle glowing white light on the stone walls.

I stand still, shocked.

Then, a breathless gasp comes from behind me.

A sharp gasp escapes my own lips as I turn around.

What I see scares me but fills me with a feeling of awe.

Sasuke, sitting up on the table with his hand on his chest, breathing heavily, and coughing, is alive!

I run over to him, looking over him, not sure if this is an illusion or not.

Sasuke is breathing heavilly and quickly, his lungs filling up for the first time in about 24 hours.

His eyes are wide as he clutches the part of the shirt over his heart.

His body is shaking violently as his breath comes easier and easier.

Then, when his hand slowly relaxes and his breathing is somewhat normal, he turns to me, a smirk on his face.

I stare in awe, my mouth agape and he huffs at me.

His smirk grows slightly wider as he says,

"Hey, Dobe..."

I shake my head, walking around the table to look at him from all angles.

He follows my movement with his head, not sure of what I was doing.

When I did a comeplete 360, I nearly yell at him,

"How are you-? How are you not dead?"

Sasuke closes his eyes, still smirking at me,


I laugh humorlessly,

"Heh-heh, no shit! But how?"

Sasuke tries to get off the table by swinging his legs over one side, but he gasps aloud and recoils in on himself, curled in, arms wrapped around his chest.

I move slightly as if to help him, but he holds up his hand to tell me to stop.

I straighten up and watch him.

He slides his ass off the table, letting his feet stand on the floor.

But, when he takes his hand that was holding him up on the table off, he falls to the ground, whimpering in pain as his feet go out infront of him.

Still holding his heart, he rubs his head with his free hand.

He silently cries out in pain as he stands up.

Placing his right hand on the table behind him and holding himself steady, he looks up to my eyes, pain in his black ones.

He looks back to his feet as he speaks,

"It... It was a spell... I-"

He almost fell again as his arm gave out, not yet usefull.

I catch him though.

He looks up at me through his bangs and smiles,

"Thank you..."

I pull him up so his right arm is across my shoulders, answering back,

"No problem."

He turns to the ground, I set him back on his death bed, letting him speak before I bombarded him with all my questions.

Sasuke's hands are behind him on the table as he breathes slowly, closing his eyes and just seeming to take his time.

I cross my arms, waiting for him impatiently.

Then, after a few more moments of him breathing, he says to me,

"It was a... A spell..."

I shake my head, growling back,

"Again, no shit! But, what spell?"

He moves his arms in many ways, stretching and extending, recoiling and rolling.

He seems to be getting his feeling back.

While popping his shoulders, he says,

"One of the spells Orochimaru taught me... It was a... Um..."

I shake my head again, not sure if I'd get an answer if I wait any longer,

"Are you an illusion?"

He looks to me quickly, his expression appearing annoyed,


I shrug, answering casually,

"We all saw you die, so... Are you an illusion?"

He squints his eyes, his mouth twitching as he gets ready to yell at me.

I cut him off before he can, asking another question,

"Or was what we saw an illusion? Your dying?"

His face becomes a scowl as he tries to explain,

"No, dobe... That really was me... And this,"

He gestures to his body,

"Is also me."

I step closer, bringing up my hand to his forearm.

He watches me cautiously.

Them he shrieks when I pinch him hard.

He tries to kick me, but the strength in his legs is not back yet so it feels like a child's kick.

He holds where I pinched him, growling,

"What the fuck, Naruto?"

I held my hands up innocently,

"I was just checking to make sure you were really there."

He held up his right hand, the hand on the arm I pinched, in a fist, quietly growling,

"You held me, you idiot! How would I be an illusion if you picked me up off the ground?"

I felt the stupidity crawl across my face as I took in that factor.

I chuckled nervously as I realized that him being an illusion would have been ousted as an idea.

He clenched his fist tighter, then he relaxed it, sighing as he tried to continue from where he left off,

"Where was I? Oh... Well, over the past two years, Orochimaru taught me many spells that could be useful for many situations, including ones for Sakura and I..."

I tried to think of spells that he could possibly be reffering to other than the one he was found teaching her.

After I thought of none, I looked back to his meloncholic figure and asked,

"What spell?"

Sasuke closes his eyes, his face lost in his memories as he utters,

"Fusegu Agari Jujutsu..."

My eyes pop open,

"Prevent Death Spell."

He nods glumly,

"Hai... It's a reanimation spell... It makes it so that if you die within one hour of casting, you will be rivived an exact 24 hours after the death..."

I looked around for a clock but found none anywhere in the room.

I turned back to Sasuke, his posture showing that he was depressed.

I walked over to him, putting my hand on his shoulder,


He answers me without even looking at me,

"I can't be part of Sakura's life..."

I jump back, confused,

"Nani? Why? You're back! Everything should be normal now!"

He shakes his head,

"No... If the ANBU or Hokage or even Sakura find out I'm still alive, then they might punish her again... Thinking it was always a set up... I can't be part of her life..."

I frown, his anguish over coming me as well.

He sighs, jumping off the table, wobbling as he tries to stand straight.

I go over to him and put my shoulder under his arm, wanting to help him.

He nods, saying to me,

"Take me somewhere where no one will find me... I need your help, Naruto..."

I smile, nodding back at him.

We hobble out of the morgue and sneak outside, running through the dark fields of Konoha's Centre to get to my house.

Naruto's POV(19)

"Wait... How do you know that it's even possible?"

Sasuke and I are in my bedroom, we are changing at opposite ends of the room, trying to get into dry clothing.

As he is changing behind me by my bed, he answers,

"Um... You don't want to know why I think so..."

I think over what he said;


We walk up the stairs that lead to my house, entering the kitchen.

I am still holding Sasuke up as we trudge upwards.

When we are in the kitchen we stop, catching our breath.

The kitchen has white and orange floor tiles and beige wall tiles. Surrounding the room are counters with cream, marble tops. The fridge is small and white with an orange stripe down the middle, and sink, next to the fridge and infront of the window is porceline with a golden faucet. The stove, on the other side of the room, is white with black burners ontop.

We are by the caramel staris leading to this room, both of us hold onto the gold coloured railings.

Sasuke pants, catching his breathe because we were running so there was no chance that we would be seen.

He moves away from me and goes to the counter, bending over it as he breathes deeply

I breathe too, taking harsh breathes.

Sasuke turns back to look at me barely, asking,

"Do you have any clothes for me to change into?"

I nod, my hand on the other wall.

We walk down the hall leading to my room.

My room was originally a living room, so it doesn't have a door, but a curtain so no one will see into it.

Pushing these cream tapestries aside, we walk into the room with white carpet and beige walls.

Infront of us is a window and my desk for Magik studies. On our left is a bookshelf for more of my studies. To our right and along the wall is my wooden dresser. Across from the dresser is my bed with beige blankets and metalic bed posts. To the for right of the room and next to the bed is my only bay window, facing out to the street below.

Sasuke huffs and trudges in to my bed, sitting on the floor inbetween it and the window, just low enough so his hair in under the window sill.

I walk in and over to my dresser, pulling out clothing for both of us.

I pull out an orange T and slacks for me, a black under shirt and loungue pants for Sasuke.

I put them on the bed close to him and then walk to the other side of the room and start stripping down out of these soaked cloths.

I can hear Sasuke as he mutters stuff about how he hates white clothes like his and how he wants his rope back.

I chuckle as he complains to himself.

Then, Sasuke becomes quiet for a moment before he says louder for me to hear,

"I wonder if Sakura is... No... Nothing..."

As I toss my soaked shirt to the hamper on the other side of the dresser and infront of Sasuke, I say,

"What? You wonder what?"

I hear his clothing land in the hamper too as he says,

"I wonder if there is a possiblity that she is pregnant..."

I freeze, hoping I heard him wrong.

I ask as I take off my pants,

"Did you say 'pregnant'?"

I hear another article of clothing smack against the wall and slide down into the hamper,

"Hn... Yeah... I wonder if it's possible..."


And that is where we are now.

I pull up my orange slacks as I demand from him,

"I think I do want to know!"

He is silent, refusing to answer me.

So I guess, already knowing the answer,

"Did you... Have sex with her?"

He is still silent, I can't even hear him moving as he changes.

I pull on my shirt, turning back to face the direction he's in.

He is on the ground as he changes so I can stay facing this way.

I ask again more sternly,

"Did you have sex with Sakura?"

His hand comes up over the side of the bed, his face following.

He looks guilty as he says,

"Yeah... Two days ago... Or... Well, two days ago and into yesterday..."

I shake my head, going over to the bed.

He gets up on his knees as I say,

"Why are you acting guilty?"

His face becomes confused,

"Don't you still like her?"

I smile, shaking my head,

"No. I like her as a sister and nothing more! Actually,"

He comes onto the bed, sitting next to me, I beam,

"I'm engaged to Hinata Hyuga!"

His eyes widen momentarily.

Then his face becomes somber as he mutters,

"Aa... You're going to be getting married..."

I lean down to try to see his face, he continues,

"All the things I have missed..."

I smile appologetically,

"Don't feel that way... There's no way you could have known... There was also no way for me to know you would come back."

He nods, smiling weakly,

"Aa... But... I really do wonder if she's pregnant... It's possible... But... Then again, it was possible any of the times we had sex..."

I look to my legs, pouting.

Feeling some what perverted and also curious, I ask,

"Sasuke? The last time you were here... The day you got your Curse Mark... Did you and Sakura... You know... Then?"

He looks to me, shock on his face.

He frowns, looking away,

"I thought you noticed something on that day..."

I nodded.

I had suspected something had happened that day, but I didn't want to assume.

I turn back to him and smile,

"Well, you can always try to find out!"

He side glances at me, asking me 'how' with his eyes.

I grin wide, saying,

"During the past two years, I took up some small forms of White Magik! I might be able to find out if she is pregnant! Even before she would know herself! That's how some Medics do it!"

He smiles again, closing his eyes and nodding,

"Yeah, please do that."

I jump up, he follows me with his head.

I give him a thumbs up and nearly yell,

"Count on me to find out! Believe it!"

His face is slightly shocked and annoyed by my enthusiasm, but then it becomes calm and he smiles, saying sofly,

"Thank you, Naruto."

I giggle, feeling pleased with myself.

We then look at my clock and see that it is getting late and that we should be going to sleep.

I let Sasuke stay here for tonight.

He sleeps in the living room down the hall as I sleep in here.

Tomorrow I would go to Sakura and find out whether or not Sasuke had impregnated her.

If so, Sasuke would be thrilled.

But, if not...

I didn't want to fathom how his depression would deepen.

One Month Later(August)(19)

Sasuke POV

I monitor at a distance.

I am a Silent Watcher.

Nothing more.

I can not interfere with her life.

But I can make sure she is happy.

Soon she will know that she isn't alone.

She will be awakened from her darkness.

She will be happy again.

Soon, Waga Tenshi*, My Love

(*Waga Tenshi- My angel)

I am in the woods surrounding the Konoha Centre, watching as Sakura uses her spell over and over again to see me.

I blink once as I continue to monitor her.

I feel a stirring pain in my body as tears fall down her face.

I hold back tears of my own.

Then, a gust of wind goes by as Naruto appears infront of me.

As the wind travles to her, I whisper a spell, saying,

"Don't forget..."

I blew away the incantation, my voice carried literally by the wind.

Forbidden to see...


Allowed to be present

I closed my eyes, feeling my aura through the breeze.

It connected with hers so I knew she heard my voice.

She gasped, crying so much.

I forwned deeply as she called back, almost clearly in my ears,

"I never will! I'll never forget you!"

I held back my agony as Naruto sighed, saying to me,

"I feel so sorry for her..."

Eyes still closed, I nodded, answering back glumly,

"Hai... Me too..."

Naruto turned around to face me, saying again,

"Maybe we could help her?"

Opening my eyes quickly and shaking my head just as fast, I growled at him,

"No!... We are merely watchers... We are only here to see what she does... To make sure she is fine... Nothing more... Besides..."

I scoffed, thinking how we were the only ones who knew now that she was pregnant,

"What are we to do? Tell her how wrong she is? Tell her how she doesn't have nothing?"

Naruto closed his eyes and nodded at me,

"Maybe... If it will make her happy..."

I sighed, stepping up to him and putting my hand on his cloak covered shoulder,

"If it would make her happy, then you can tell her... I don't think it would make much of a difference if I told her..."

If I told Sakura... Well... I can't even show myself to her! I am 'dead' so if I went to her and told her I was alive and that she was pregnant it could cause more harm then good...

Naruto nodded at me,

"I might tell her... Maybe not directly, but in a way that will make her think about it..."

I nodded back at him, stepping back into the safety of the shadows.

Naruto formed a hand sign for a spell, a teleportation spell, saying to me,

"I'll tell her some other time... A time when it will truely make her happy..."

Then, in a gust of swirling leaves, he disappeared, his voice saying,

"I'll leave her alone for now."

I blinked slowly at the leaves as they fell to the ground around me.

I fell back, resting my hand on one of the thinner trees around me.

I looked at Sakura far across the field as she cried hysterically.

I sighed in anguish,

"Soon, we will make you see just how wrong you are..."

Then, forming a hand sign of my own, I prepared to teleport to a different location.

I was swept up into the air by black rose petals, they swirled around my body, turning any part that they touched into black rose petals as well.

I went away from the woods and to another section of trees farther away.

I watched my Cherry Blossom as pain filled her.

Sorrow consumed me as I pulled up the black hood of my dark cloak.

Soon, my love... Soon you will be happy again.

Eight Months Later(March)(19)

Sasuke's POV

"You're doing fine! The baby's almost here!"

The Nurse said to Sakura as she helped her deliver the baby.

We are in the hospital, all waiting with little to no tolerance.

I wait out in the hall, leaning against the wall next to the door.

The walls out here are minty green and the floor tiles are white like the toothpaste the walls also resemble.

In the hall are Sai, Naruto, and I.

I am here but under a cloaking spell.

It makes me invisible, but with the exception of Naruto who I let see me.

Sai is wearing a white longsleeve with paint splatters on it and black jeans.

Naruto is wearing an orange longsleeve and denim jeans.

Naruto is sitting across from the door on one of the wooden benches, looking at the door I am next to occasionally.

Sai, next to Naruto, has his arms and legs crossed, tapping his fingers against his arms.

I glare at Sai, even though he can't see me.

He is acting as though it is his child being born in there!

He is acting like his love is the one in there!

He has no idea of what impatience even is!

I glare at him more, holding back yelling, even though only Naruto would be able to hear me(Another perk of the spell! I can say anything I want and not get caught by anyone other than Naruto!)

It is like I'm the ghost and Naruto is the pyschic.

Only he can see and hear me, but, by chance someone walked by me, anyone can feel me.

I am about to push away from the wall and go hit him, but I don't.

I cross my arms under my cloak.

I am wearing my black, red laced cloak.

But, under it, I am wearing a black long sleeve, black skinnies, and black, knee high boots.

I am also wearing my purple rope as a belt.

I made such a fuss about it to Naruto that he found it for me.

I clench my fists as Sai sighs impatiently.

Naruto looks over in my general direction, watching me as I glare off to the left at the door.

It just seems normal...

Three guys who mostly consider each other as friends.

All three of them waiting with one another as one of the guy's girls has his baby.

It just seems like this is how it would play out...


Only Naruto knows I'm here...

Only Naruto knows that the father is here.

Only Naruto knows that the three guys are all here, not just two...

I close my eyes meloncholically.

Naruto stands up, causing Sai to look to him, asking,


He smiles at him, walking over to stand next to me against the wall,

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just stiff and can't stay still."

He nods once and closes his eyes, resting his head on his shoulder as if he is going to take a nap.

I growl at him, almost yelling,

"You inconsiderate bastard!"

Naruto glares at me, moving closer to me and jabbing me in my ribs.

I yell out in annoyance, turning my glare onto him,


Naruto looks down to his feet as he whispers,

"Sasuke, I know you are impatient but you have to be calm."

I frown, relaxing a bit as I say,

"I know, but it's just hard..."

Naruto side glances at me as he listens.

I look down to my feet as I speak,

"I just wish that I could be in there with her... That I didn't have to hide out here with only you knowing I still exist... I can't go in there and help... I can't see her or my child..."

Naruto nods subtly,

"Yes, but..."

He didn't know what to say, so I said to him,

"My love is in there giving birth to our child and I have to stay out here and wait..."

He frowns as the silence prolongs after that.

I break that silence and add so he will be able to understand more,

"Imagine that you and Hinata were in mine and Sakura's places... That she was in there having your child and you couldn't even be in there for her and the baby."

Naruto nods, his eyes closed,

"I know, I know... But... I'm sorry, Sasuke..."

I tilt my head to him, closing my own eyes as I thank him,


Then, causing all three of us, Sai, Naruto, and I, to jump, Sakura screams.

Naruto and I push away from the wall to look at the door.

Sai is on his feet, prepared to move.

Then, after a few minutes of quiet, the Doctor walks out of the room.

We all look at him expectantly.

He looks back and forth at Naruto and Sai as he speaks,

"She's fine and is going to be fine. She had a healthy baby girl."

All three of us sigh at her condition.

When I open my eyes to look back at the doctor, he adds,

"She is is asking for you to come in."

Sai walks across the small space and enters the room by me.

I growl at him as he passes me.

The Doctor holds the door open for Naruto, waiting for him to enter.

Naruto smiles at him, waving his hand as he speaks,

"I'll be in in a minute."

The Doctor nods and goes into the room.

When he is gone, Naruto looks to me, smiling,

"You know, I could take you in with me if you'd like."

I look up at him in shock.

A grin crawls across my face as I look down to our feet,

"Yeah... Yeah, I'd like that..."

Naruto tilts his head as he walks over to the door, opening it just enough for me to slip in first.

Upon entering the room, it is dark and the first thing I see are all the people around her bed.

Infront of me are Hinata and Ino, holding each others hand.

Sai is next to Ino, his right arm around her waist.

Across from them are the Doctor and Nurse, smiling down at Sakura, who I can't see.

The Doctor looks to Naruto as he follows behind me.

The Doctor says something to the Nurse so quietly that I can't hear.

He goes away from the bed and walks out of the room.

Naruto stepped aside for him, then going over to his spot.

He purposely bumped me.

I was frozen, fear, anxiousness, and awe keeping me there.

But, when Naruto hit me, I was brought back.

There was a space left at the foot of the bed.

My feet carried me there.

Placing my hands on the rail, I feel afraid.

This is the closest I have been to her since the day of my 'death'.

I didn't know what to feel.

I looked onto the bed at the figure of Sakura.

She was worn out but smiling wide.

In her arms and wrapped in cloth was a small baby.

She had black hair like mine.

Her skin, under all the red, was pale.

Her features were perfect, her skin so smooth looking, her hair shining bright in the lights, her face round and full.

I feel so much pride at the sight of her.

Sakura looks to her and holds her closer, snuggling her against her body.

I beam, so much happiness filling me.

Everyone congratulates her on our child.

She thanks them, saying that she was so happy herself.

Then the Nurse, TenTen, asks Sakura, clipboard in hand,

"So, what are you going to name her?"

Sakura smiles, hugging her again,


At the same time, Sai and I say,

" 'Forgiveness'."

I smile weakly at that.

I know why she would name her that.

Forgiveness for the two years I was gone.

Sakura's way of forgiving me by naming our daughter forgiveness.

I close my eyes as TenTen speaks,

"Kaiya? K-A-I-Y-A?"

Sakura nods and TenTen writes it down, saying then,

"Parents: Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchi- Oh, I'm sorry, Sakura."

Sakura's face becomes solem for a moment, causing me to be temporarilly filled with grief.

Then she grins,

"No, no. It's fine..."

TenTen smiles at her, finishing her quick draft of what to put on the Birth Cirtificate.

Then, when done, she hands it to Sakura, letting her go over it.

Sakura nods, handing it back to her,


TenTen tilts her head and is about to walk away when Sakura says,

"You got two things wrong."



Naruto holds his hand out for the board, TenTen hands it to him.

He holds it and reads slowly, letting me look too.

I see that it has the name 'Kaiya Haruno', our names, Konoha Hospital, and date of birth.

What's wrong?

Naruto hands it back and Sakura smiles, saying,

"You put 'Kaiya Haruno'."

"But that's her-"

"It's suppossed to be Kaiya Uchiha"

I gasp at her words.

She... She wants to give our child my name...

TenTen smiles weakly, changing what she wrote,

"But you said 'two'?"

Sakura nods again,

"Yes. You're also suppossed to put Sakura Uchiha."

My heart skips.

Sakura changed her last name for me

She gave her and our daughter my name

I shiver in happiness.

Ino and Hinata grin at her, unsure if she is sure

Sai closes his eyes, shaking his head as if in disagreement.

Naruto smiles weakly, leaning over to Sakura and saying that I would be proud, which he knows I am.

TenTen nods after adding the final drafting, hands it to Sakura again, and once she gets it back, walks out of the room.

TenTen goes past me, just barely avoiding me.

I slip forward slightly, almost falling onto the bed.

I catch myself before I do.

I look up from the covers only an inch from the tip of my nose to look at Sakura as she smiles and holds our daughter.

I sigh with sadness, pulling myself away from the bed and walking over toward the exit.

I smile weakly, trying to keep myself composed.

Then, I walk out into the hall and run headlong down it to the back of the building.

When outside, I jump off the stairs, my body forming into black rose petals and being carried upward to the roof.

When there, I jump out of my cover and land on my knees on the roof.

I let myself fall and embrace my knees, holding back to tears as I try to remind myself that I am not 'alive'.

I remember that I am a Silent Watcher and will no longer be able to be anything more.

About One Year Later(January)(20)

Sasuke's POV

I said that I would make you happy.

I said that I was merely a watcher.

I said I was a Silent Watcher.

But, what I didn't say was that I would keep you safe.

I never said that I was going to guard you.

I should have said that.

So, it should be that I am a Silent Guardian.

Yeah... That sounds more right...

I said I wouldn't interfere with your life.

Well, I guess I broke the rules this one time.

I remember that day clearly.

The day I broke the rules.

The day I saved you and our daughter.

The day you were almost killed.

The day I became your Silent Guardian.

Flash Back(January)

The day is closing, slowly becoming dark.

The sky is a violet, pink colour, the western sky caramel orange just above the swaying trees. The eastern sky is dark blue above the trees on its side, the sky just above the tips of the trees was pitch black.

I am on one of those trees, blending in with the night sky.

Sakura is coming back from the Konoha Lake with Kaiya in her arms, Ino at her side.

I remember when Sakura and I used to walk down that path, the day we went to the beach and we had so much fun...

The first day I laughed in years.

But, that was about three or four years ago.

How time flies...

I jump from tree to tree as I keep my eyes on the three girls walking down the heavilly foliaged paths below.

I look down through the leaves to see if anyone is in the forest waiting for an ambush.

I've done this everytime she goes out of the villiage, even in the village!

I see no one as I go ahead.


I land on the next tree, only my right foot on the point of the pine.

My toes on the only thing on it as my left leg is crossed behind the right leg.

I look back towards where Sakura and Ino are, 'Hn' again, and jump up off the tree and let myself fall down through the leaves and branches.

I land cleanly, kneeling on my right leg.

I get up slowly and run through the forest to go farther ahead to make sure no one is waiting from beyond my vision.

As I run and see no one, I sigh.

I wait for Sakura and Ino for a few minutes and, as they pass me, I trail behind them, like a shadow.

When they enter the Hidden Leaf, I run up the walls and fade into my rose petals, watching her in a more nonchalant way.

When Ino goes home and Sakura walks the rest of the way, Kaiya in her arms, I go down to land on a roof of one of the alleys she is walking through.

I fall out of the roses and run across the roof tops, jumping from building to building, the sky turning black above me.

Then as Sakura slows down to help Kaiya fall asleep, I stop on one of the buildings, looking down at her.

My cloak is flowing in thw wind, making my prescense more ominous.

Sakura stops, rocking Kaiya side to side, slowing in attempts to soothe her.

I smile, sorrow creeping across my face as I think of what it would be like for me to be down there with her.

But, perhaps my thoughts would come true.

Out from one of the buildings runs five men, armed with knives and Magik.

Sakura screams, trying to form a chakra punch and defend Kaiya at the same time.

I jump off the roof to a side alley that would have been my next jump to the next roof.

As I'm descending to the ground, I pull my hood up over my head.

Once down, I run out of the alley and at the men who were attacking my Cherry Blossom.

I quickly unsheath my katana and slash at them, killing two of them on contact.

The two left with knives, I knock out by blunt hitting them in the back of the head with the handle of my katana.

The last one who was using Magik, cowers away, saying as I run at him,

"But she's a woman! She shouldn't be allowed to use Magik!"

I thrust my sword through his throat, holding his forehead as I lower his corpse to the ground.

Pulling my katana from his red neck, I put it back in it's sheath and turn back to Sakura.

She is holding Kaiya in a defensive manor, her face terrified but grateful.

Then, relaxing, she smiles at me, saying,

"Thank you... If you didn't come, they would have killed me and my daughter..."

I just look at her in awe, not sure of whether I should run or stay.

She looks to Kaiya, checking if she is fine.

Then, turning back to me, she asks,

"How can I ever repay you?"

She takes a step forward, I take one back.

My stance shows that I'm scared, that I'm unsure, shocked.

Her face changes at my body language,


I shake my head, looking at the ground.

I speak quietly and deeper, hoping that she would never recognize my voice like that,

"Just stay safe."

Then I jump up to the roof and sprint as fast as I can in the opposite direction of where we were going.

I look back slightly to see her face showing confusion and sadness.

I grunt, clenching my teeth and fists, squinting my eyes harder as I run from her vision of sight.

When out of her vision, I back track to make sure that I can keep her safe the rest of her walk home.

Present Thought(January)

I never had intended to run away from you

I wanted to walk you the rest of the way home, be able to keep you safe with me by your side.

Like the way it should have been.

The way it will never be...

But, from that day forth, I knew that that would not be the end to those who would attack you.

Many people are still sexist and thus will target you.

I knew, from that day forth, that I would have to be a silent influence...

Your Silent Guardian.



You don't know how much I wish it wasn't 'silent'.

About One Year Later(March)(21)

Sasuke's POV

I knew that my pain would never end.

But that is what comes with being a 'ghost'.

Maybe it's my fault that all this happened?

Maybe if I never said yes to Sakura that day she asked me to train her, I wouldn't be here now?

I sit on one of the highest towers in Konoha, on a stake out for three men who are trying to assassinate Sakura.

They are planning on going to find her at midnight.

It is sunset.

I anticipate their first movement.

But, as I wait...

I think of everything that I am going through and all that I have done...

Maybe... If I did say no, she would accept that and still work for me...

We would have slowly begun to fall in love...

Or, more so that we were...

But, we would have gone out...

Might have announced it to our friends...

Naruto would probably have fought me at the time, but we would get over it like we always did when we got into arguements.

We could have slowly become even more fond of each other...

I still would be the one to take her virginity.

I still hate Sai for ever drawing those tatoos on her...

For him ever touching her the way I did!


Beyond that...

Sakura and I would have a loving, passionate relationship...

We would be something like highschool sweethearts...

Something like that...

We could have gotten married...

I actually thought of marrying her when we were still teens...

Well, she still is a teen, but... I mean when I was seventeen and she was sixteen.

But, now...

I sigh as I look up to the sky, seeing that the moon is getting closer to the middle of the sky.

That it is almost midnight.

I embrace my knees as I look back down to the assassins' hideout,

But now, at twenty-one years old, I can just remember what it was like...

Remember that I'm alone and that I have regret.

The door opens in the building below me and on the other side of the street.

I sigh, standing up on the point of the tower.

I say my incantation and form an illusion-like Jujutsu as I prepare to jump down to "attack them"

I say "attack them" because I'm not gong to do any physical damage.

I'm going to use an illusion-like spell where I will enter all three of their minds and tortue them from in there so they wont ever reconsider going after Sakura or my daughter ever again.

They walk out cautiously, looking around.

Hn... Maybe they expected me?

Oh well...

As I let the spell charge up so it will be at full power, the men below me walk slowly, looking about for... Unknown reasons.

The spell is at full charge an exact minute after it was casted.

The spell flares around me with a pale, blue-green tint.

It flows around me, appearing as if it were a see through, blue-green fire.

It sways with the wind but doesn't leave my figure.

From my targets' distance, I would appear as a phantom, a ghost.

The began to creep quickly in the direction of my-


Sakura's house...

My face remained emotionless as I watched them run.

When they reached a back alley where no one would see them, I made my move.

I jumped off my peak, the black rose petals carrying me as I hovered down.

Pulling up my hood, I fall through the rose petals, them swirling around me like a cape.

The men gasp as they are consumed by the roses and my spell.

We are now in a pitch black void.

There is no ground, walls, sky, anything.

Just pitch black.

They look around, gasping, yelling, screaming, trying to find out who was doing this.

I walk out of the shadows, my body covered by the darkness, only my mouth being seen clearly.

They look to me, glaring, yelling out curses, trying to use spells unsucessfully.

I glare, my posture showing my anger and hostillity.

They suddenly gasp as the scenes all around us form to show sights that they can not bare to see...

The sights and feelings that I faced.

They see the blood running down their own hands as they run for their lives from vicious ANBU black ops.

They see as the man who you worked for's blood spill from their body, their body at your feet.

You brother's eyes losing their light as he dies in your hands, as he dies from your doing.

They are dying from the Draining Spell.

They feel the pain of watching their love grow up away from you, how you long to be with her again.

She has your child but you can't even be there with her, you can't hold your own daughter.

You cry alone every night.

You have come so close to her, but you can't reveal yourself, no matter how much your mind, body, heart, emotions, your whole being is telling you to go to her, to feel the softness of her skin against yours again.

They are now on their knees, hold their heads in some way, screaming for it to stop.

As they see every mal feeling I've ever felt before their eyes, I walk over to them, looking down onto their pathetic figures.

In a stoic, emotionless voice, I say to them,

"You see all the things I have seen... Felt..."

They look up to me, eyes tortured and terrified as I pull back my hood to reveal my face.

One of them screams,

"IIIIIIAAAA! It's the ghost of Sasuke Uchiha!"

I glare at all of them, my sharingan blazing,

"You don't know what I have felt... You've only seen glimpses..."

They keel over, holding themselves, screaming,

"Stop this!"

"Don't show me more!"

"End this torture!"

I glare at the man who yelled out the word 'torture'.

I go over to him, pull him up by the scruff of his shirt and yell in his face,

" 'Torture'? You have no idea what real torture is!"

He begins to cry in my grasp as I continue,

"How I've longed to talk to her! How I've wished I could just hold her hand! How I've prayed that I could feel her skin against mine! You don't know how I've felt the pain of having to watch her at a distance! How I've had to force myself from just going over to her and to try to talk to her! The fear that I will live the rest of my life in this Hell! You don't know real torture!"

I throw him to the ground, holding my wrist as I yell again,

"Itasu Itaime-ni?*"

(*Itasu Itaime-ni?-Do you want to feel real pain?)

I form the Chidori, letting it grow really strong before I unleash my agony.

Then, when it is nearly going to blow my hand apart, literally, I strike at all of them.

Then, as I thrust my hand through each of their hearts and they die infront of me, I still feel tense.

The blackness fades away, falling apart into black rose petals to the ground, the real terreign coming back into sight.

I look to their dead, mutilated bodies stoicly.

I pull my hood back up as I jump up to the roof and run back to Sakura's house.

As I run, I start to feel a subtle form of relief.

Other than Naruto, who I still only see on rare occasion now, I have never been able to talk to anyone in any way.

I released my stress, pain, agony, anger, confusion, everything...

I feel like I just came back from the therapist...

A therapist that had intentions of killing my lover and who I killed before they could get that chance...

But a therapist in general...


I smiled and sigh at the same.

I guess this could be my laments...

'Sasuke's Laments...'

I chuckle weakly as I reach the house that used to be mine.

I look up to the second floor, the lights are off.

Sakura is asleep...

I look down to my feet, frowning.

Then I am carried up to the roof by my black rose petals.

Once there, I sit down and hold my legs like I was at the tower.

I rest my chin on my knees, thinking over everything I yelled to the three assassins.

I close my eyes, tears falling from my face.

I did say that I cried every night...

That wasn't an over exageration...

I look up to the half moon, my lips slightly parted.

It shines brightly on me.

I sigh, continuing to cry...

I do this the rest of the night.

Like I have been for almost three years...

Four Months Later(July)(22-Technically-)

Sasuke's POV

"Just like any other day..."

I mutter to myself as I lean against a tree down the path that leads away from my- Sakura's house.

Today Sakura and Kaiya, now three years old, are going to go out to the park with Ino and Hinata.

Hinata had I child I heard from Naruto.

He was proud and happy.

And, of course I was happy for him!


You can't blame me for being envious...

He gets to be with her everyday and to be able to hold her and his wife.

He is able to call Hinata his wife...

I've wanted to call Sakura that for years...

But that will never come true...

I look over at the house as Sakura and Kaiya walk out.

I convieniently disappear into my rose petals, floating just above them in the warm, July breeze.

I sigh internally,

Huuuh... July...

July 22nd...


Sakura looks down to Kaiya, I slow down the teleportation to listen in.

Even if it was jsut Kaiya saying 'hello' to Sakura, I just love to hear her voice.

"Yes, Kaiya-chan?"

Kaiya tilts her head to the side,

"Are you okay?"

Sakura looks honestly surprised as she says,

"Of course, akachan, why would't I be?"

Kaiya looks ahead as she says,

"I don't know... You just act weird this time if year... I don't know why..."

I frown internally, knowing just why she acts 'weird'

Sakura's smile is fake, similar to Sai's, when she picks up Kaiya,

"It's just that today is a sad day, sweetie... I'll be fine."

Kaiya smiles and laughs with Sakura,


I slow down my movement, trying to stay behind them.

They are so happy, even though Sakura is feeling pain.

I long to be with them.

Now, though, as Sakura and Kaiya go to the park, I go into woods, using that as my hide out for today.

I look around my surroundings.

I used to come here alot when I was a child.

This place always fascinated me, the leaves, the bushes, the trees, the way the branches and leaves hung over the top making the ground dark and gloomy but all the more inviting.

I smile as I circle around and get memories of a far past.

I get flashes of Itashi and I just running through these very woods, laughing and smiling.

I can see my father following us in, trying to keep us in sight as we hid from him so we could stay longer.

I remember when he caught us and brought us back out to the Green where our mother was waiting.

I remember her smiling face as she looked at our dirty clothes.

I sigh as all this comes back to me.

I look out through the high bushes.

Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Kaiya, and Naruto's daughter, Mizue, are all in the park, just talking.

I'm watching to make sure that everything is okay...

The thing I do every day...

Kaiya and Mizue are running around, playing tag.

I smile as I think of when Itachi and I used to do that, when we used to play aimlessly running and having fun.

Kaiya tries to get ontop of one of the statuettes in the park.

I chuckle, seeing myself as I used to do that...

I sigh...

How much she has grown to be like me already...

Mizue tags her, running away from Kaiya as she jumps off and ties her shoe.

Then, Kaiya sees Mizue and runs at her quickly, hitting her shoulder and sprinting headlong.

Then, she turns towards the woods, running in.

I sigh, hastilly waking to keep at the same pace as her.

Mizue is behind Kaiya when she calls out to Kaiya, probably 20 meters in,

"Kaiya? I'm scared... I don't want to be in here! I'm leaving."

Then, she runs back out.

Kaiya, who was hiding behind a tree, like me as a child, came out and looked to the area where Mizue last was,

"Pfft... She's no fun..."

I chuckle quietly at her remark.

Then, she walks about, drifting farther in to the woods.

I follow her, keeping to the denser parts of the foliage.

Then she walks out into the clearing where there is one single Sakura tree.

There is a small break in the leaves above so that sunlight flitters down onto it.

It looks like something straight out of a dream.

Kaiya walks up to the roots and sits down, looking up at the leaves.

I smile as I remember coming here with Itachi.

He told me that this was where miracles happened...

Kaiya smiles as she ponders alloud,

"I wonder what this tree is called?"

I look to the ground quickly, thinking just as fast.

Then, almost without thought, I say,

"It's a Cherry Blossom Tree... Or a Sakura Tree... Like your mother."

She gasps, stands up, and tries to back away,

"Who's there?"

I step out, feeling slightly guilty,

"Don't worry, little Kaiya... I won't hurt you..."

Her lips quivers and tears form at her eyes.

I feel horrible!

I took a weary step closer, trying to soothe her,

"Kaiya, I won't hurt you... I'm actually trying to help your mom... Trying to keep her happy..."

She looked to me slightly, her voice barely loud enough for me to hear,

"Really? Who are you?"

I tilt my head to the side as I speak,

"I'm a friend... I'm sorry you have not met me yet..."

She hops off the root and comes a little closer to me, asking,

"How come I can't see you? Are you a shadow man?"

I close my eyes and chuckle, entertained by her choice of words,

"I guess you can say that... But..."

I open my eyes and frown when I see tears still fresh on her cheeks,

"Kaiya... You don't need to cry anymore..."

I step over to her, kneeling down infront of her.

I put my right hand on her shoulder, my left hand to her cheeks, wiping away the tears.

Her voice fills the clearing as she laughs,

"Heh-heh! I like you! You're nice."

I smile at her, feeling so happy.

This is the first time I have ever been able to get near Kaiya.

I have been near Sakura, but never her.

This is the first time I am able to touch my daughter.

I move my hand from her cheek to her other shoulder, continuing to smile at her.

Then, I hear a twig snap behind me, someone is coming.

Just before the presence connected to mine, I turned around and grabbed them by the wrist, lifting them up into the air.

Then, filed with awe, pain, happiness, and shock, I smile at Sakura.

She glares at me, yelling,

"Put me down!"

I continue to smile as I take her other wrist and put it in the same hand.

Kaiya watches us with curious eyes, Sakura yells to her,

"Kaiya! Run!"

Kaiya cocks her head to the side, asking,

"Why? He's my friend."

Sakura shakes her head, yelling,

"Just listen to me-"

I cut her off as I turn my head to speak to Kaiya,

"Hold on, Kaiya... Just wait... Please?"

Kaiya nods at me, Sakura gasps.

She tries to knee me, but I catch her leg just before she can.

Her face turns red.

I remember what happened an exact three years ago, the day I returned from Orochimaru's grasp...

The day Kaiya was concieved...

She looks at my hidden eyes, saying through her teeth,

"You don't want to mess with me, you, you..."

I look back at her and chuckle.

She squirms in my grasp and tries to escape from my hands.

I laughed for a moment before I became silent.

I am this close...

I have talked to Kaiya...

She knows me know...

I have actually physically encountered Sakura...

I have broken the rules...


I don't regret it...

I want to break them more.

I smile at her as I decide to break the biggest rule,

"Itasu anata akume ware*?"

(*Itasu anata akume ware-Do you miss me)

Her eyes are suddenly open.

She looks to me slowly,


I beamed at her, cautiously release my grip on her leg and bringing my hand up to the hood of my cloak,

"Itasu anata akume ware?"

I pulled my hood down, revealing my face.

Sakura gasps, tears coming from her eyes and falling to the ground below.

I put her back down, but, the second I let go of her, she lunges at me, her amrs wraping around my neck, her lips pressed fervantly to mine.

I wait for a second before my feelings take over me.

I kiss her back, lifting her off the ground by her waist.

I feel at complete bliss, complete and utter ease for the first time in five exact years.

When we end the kiss, she hugs me tightly,

"Sasuke! Sasuke-kun!"

I smile weakly, kissing her cheek.

She shakes her head,

"How? How are you still alive? You died infront of me."

I shake my head back at her, jsut wanting to release all of my emotions,

"I know... I'm sorry I couldn't come to you sooner..."

She pulls away from the nape of my neck, looking into my eyes,

"But how?"

I smile at her,

"Remember those spells that I didn't want to use? That Orochimaru taught me?"

She nods slowly and I kiss her lips gently,

"One of them was a reanimation spell... It made it so, that when I died, I would be able to come back a day after."

She shook her head on disbelief, but, after a moment, smiled and kissed me again.

As we reunited, Kaiya pulled at the end of my cloak.

Sakura and I looked down to her as she asked, her head tilted to the side,

""Mommy...? Do you know who he is?"

Sakura looked to me as I kept my eyes on Kaiya, smiling.

She kissed my cheek and let og of me, kneeling down before our daughter,

"Yeah, sweetie... He's your Daddy."

She looked up to me, awe on her face as her grin became wider.

She held out her arms for me.

I smiled and gasped at the same time as I picked her up.

I held her as tight as I could, snuggling my head against her.

My voice was breaking as I spoke,

"I've watched from afar long enough..."

Sakura hugged me and kissed my cheek,

"Let's go home..."

I nodded, feeling nothing but hapiness.

I walked out the opposite way from where Kaiya and Sakura came in, the way fastest to our home.

Sakura walks with us for a few steps before she stops and turns back around, calling out,

"I'll be right back!"

I watch her until she leaves my sight.

When she does, I look to Kaiya,

"Let's go home, sweetie."

She smiles at me, wrapping her arms around my neck as we walk.

I hold her, never wanting to let go.

For the first time in years, I am happy...

Truely happy.

I think of all the things have happened to me in these past five years, all the pain I felt, all the things I have seen, all the emotions I felt.

How everythign seemed like a dream, a nightmare...

But, here with Kaiya in my arms...

Nothing feels more real!

I have watched as Sakura and Kaiya grew up without me...

How neither of them knew I was alive...

That I didn't die that day three years ago.

But, knowing that all that is going to change...

I feel awake...

And I feel actually alive


Now I truely feel awake and alive.

My life starts now.

Now that I'm awake and alive

The End

Chapter 13: Awake And Alive

Artitst: Skillet