Author's Note: Second Fic! This one is short, 373 words to be exact. You see, I'm trying to get better at writing from Sam's viewpoint. So, that's the purpose of this little ficlet (:

Reviews will always be appreciated!

Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly, blah blah blah.

Five Things That I've Learned About Freddie:

First) He has this sensitive spot behind his left ear. When I brush my hand over it while we're making out, he practically melts into my hand. I like to think of it as my secret weapon.

Second) He lets me win most of our little fights. I can tell 'cause he's always smiling at the end of the argument, instead of frowning like he usually does when he loses anything else. Not that I'm complaining. After all, winning is my fourth favorite thing in the world.

Third) When we're holding hands, he rubs circles on my palm with his thumb. I've also learned that this little quirk of his makes me smile.

Fourth) He'll buy me any dessert I ask for. I don't take advantage of it, 'cause that would be wrong and whatever. But still. Any dessert!

Fifth) Despite me always telling myself that it will never happen, I'm totally, utterly, stupidly in love with the dork. And to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'll deny saying that if anyone asks, of course.

End Note: If you haven't read my first FanFic, Only the Closest, feel free to read it, and possibly review it (:

But don't forget to review this story, because it needs some attention too!

Constructive Criticism: Yes, always.

Bashing: Not welome.

P.S. I've written a short two-shot where Freddie compares Sam and Carly's kisses. Let me know if that sounds any good, 'cause I'm not sure if it's even worth posting.