Shannon sat slightly dumbfounded for what seemed to her like only a few seconds. However when she looked up as she was starting to feel cold she found that she had been sitting for over half an hour.

Glancing down at the casing she held in her hand she tried to rationalize with herself internally. There was nothing to say that this was what she thought it was… but then again, she knew for a fact that very few items from this jeweller actually came with that outer box. All of their jewellery came in a case with an outer casing. But only their wedding collection came with the criss-cross extra box, the same one that she was turning over in her hands.

Shannon silently placed the box back on the ground, slipping it slightly under the couch making sure that it was out of sight.

Padding back down towards her bedroom Shannon was torn between grinning like an idiot or trying to convince herself that she wasn't thinking straight. This wasn't what she thought it was.

Glancing up at the bedroom clock she tossed over whether or not to ring an old friend, Noah, who she had house-shared with during her uni days. He worked for that specific jewellers albeit over in Perth now. He would be able to put her mind at ease. She was sure that Lawson didn't even know that Noah worked for the same jewellers. Shannon was half-way though dialing the number when she realised that even if it was two hours earlier in Perth he wouldn't be at work and therefore wouldn't be able to look at records anyway.

Sitting back in bed Shannon contemplated what this actually meant. She shook herself at the excitement of what the box could be and what it could mean. What did she want? If she was honest with herself this was something she had found herself fantasying about it all, spent quite a bit of her down time doing so. Funnily enough the shift that she had last worked she had spent some quiet time, in the back seat, wondering where life was going. She knew that Lawson was an old-fashion type of guy who would want to get married. He had dropped hints about it. And Lawson wasn't the type to take change suddenly, so she knew that there was a lot of thought behind this move. They had never actually sat down and had a serious discussion about it, but had skirted around the issue a few times.

But now with it seemingly about to happen or at least a very real possibility of it facing her. Shannon now had a chance to really think about what she wanted.

Lawson had always seemed like he wanted it all…Marriage, kids and the white picket fence. It just didn't show itself around others.

Shannon on the other hand wasn't so sure about the kids' part of the picture. Every time she had come in contact with little kids she hadn't felt at all comfortable. Kids would be part of the Blake deal, was that something that she could handle? Or was that a deal-breaker?

It was funny, Shannon thought, if you were to look at the TR team as a whole and Christian was the only member that anyone would believe that was capable of being a father. From the outside Lawson Blake dud not come across as the fathering-type. Most of the team would associate the terms 'stick up the arse' and 'married to the job' to Lawson. And if Shannon thought about it hard it probably the only one on the team that would see him in the light of being a father would be Josh.

It briefly crossed her mind to actually ring Josh, she knew for sure that if…and somewhere in the back of her mind she was thinking it was a big if …Lawson was thinking of proposing then Josh would definitely know about it. Once again she found herself reaching for her phone and flicking through the contacts before suddenly realizing that Lawson was with Josh.

Or it might be worth a text message to Josh. She was sure she had her ways of talking and getting information out of Josh without Lawson knowing.

'How much did she really want to know?' she asked herself. If it was going to happen, then shouldn't she just let it happen? Why did she need to over-analyse everything?

Which of course lead her train of thought back to kids, Shannon had managed to skim over that topic in her mind before. There had been a time when she had to Michael that 'she wasn't maternal'. At that time she knew that to be true. And this flashback made her wonder if this was still how she felt.

Kids with Lawson, Shannon would be lying to herself if she hadn't caught herself thinking about it, but usually those thought would be pushed to the back of her mind. But now with it seemingly staring her in the face, what was her gut telling her?

She supposed it told her that this man was the one for her. The hard arse Senior Sergeant who was still technically her boss was the one person in life that she knew undoubtedly had her back, no questions asked. There and then she knew she would be answering yes to that question when Lawson asked.

Yet somewhere deep inside she struggled with the idea of kids. Kids meant giving up the job. Kids meant giving up TR. Shannon loved Lawson, but there was no denying that Lawson would force her out of TR when they decided to start a family, citing that it would be too dangerous. Being out on the road wouldn't be the place to be. The minute she fell pregnant she would be yanked from the road. And she didn't know if she was entirely comfortable with that. Her job was a big part of her life.

It was always said that they did have unique relationship. And Shannon knew she wouldn't change their relationship for anything.

Could she give it all up for her job? In a few years time was all this going to be important.

Sighing for the umpteen time that night, Shannon leant over to Lawson's side of the bed to rummage though his drawers, seeing if she could find anything.

Leaning back onto her side of the bed, Shannon slid down the bed rubbing her temples another headache starting. Sliding under the covers Shannon closed her eyes still confused about whole situation.

Little did she know that Lawson still had the box in his jacket, every so often turning it over in his hand, pondering their future too.