Title: Scars

Basic Summary: Draco and his mother cope with Lucius' imprisonment in different ways.

I really like Narcissa C: I'm writing her like she was in the books though, Her hair is horrid in the movies. Anyways I got the idea for this today. I really wanted to write something about the entire Malfoy family. Lets see where it goes I suppose.

Narcissa Malfoy brushed a dark comb through her long, blond hair. She sighed as she looked into the mirror, seeing sad, dull eyes. Now she felt like a mere shell of who she used to be. Beautiful, vivacious, elegant replaced with dark, cold and exhausted. Now she was trying to comb the rat nests out of hair and almost growling with frustration. It seemed like no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to look as nice as she once had. Her remarkable beauty had faded with the imprisonment of her husband.

She set the comb down and placed a small, delicate hand to her cheek. Her face looked sunken and gaunt. When had she gotten so thin? It must have been all the worrying. Bellatrix was always telling her that worrying would but more age on her face. She definitely looked older now. Depressed, she didn't bother to finish touching up her face, for who was there to notice? Instead she left her room and closed the door quietly behind her. It was nearing noon, but she felt as though she had just gotten out of bed at a very early time. She felt a tired weariness that she couldn't shake off.

Walking down the empty corridor she frowned, feeling very alone in this huge empty house. She had once been fond of it's decorated walls, but now, now it just reminded her of him and the life she used to have. The life she would never have again. She felt lonely as she descended the stairs. This house didn't smell right anymore. In fact, she hated the smell. It smelled like family, like home, but it didn't feel like any of those things anymore. It was an illusion, and it upset her. She could smell his familiar scent, the scent of her husband, everywhere in the house and it made her sick. He was gone…and yet…she still felt as though he may appear suddenly and tell her good morning like he always used to.

She was alone here…and being alone hurt more than she could bear. She was headed to the kitchen to see if a house elf could prepare her a late breakfast, when she stopped in her tracks. She wasn't alone at all… She scolded herself, realizing that she had completely forgotten that her son was here. Why, just yesterday she had surely talked with him, right? Then why was she constantly waking up in the illusion that no one else was here. She grimaced, feeling uncomfortable.

When had she become so forgetful? Even trying to recall what had happened yesterday made her head spin. She tried to shake it off and threw open the kitchen door.

Young Draco Malfoy was a little ways behind his mother. He had not yet gotten out of bed. He was covered in soft blankets, laying on his side, and staring at the windowsill. He would sometimes spend days in bed. He didn't much feel like getting up anymore. Besides, it was the winter holidays. What else were you supposed to do during the winter? He tried to convince himself that his behavior was normal.

This house felt awkward and empty. He hated it. He didn't want to be here anymore. Father and Mother had always went their separate ways before throughout the day, but atleast he knew they were both there…somewhere…happy.

He frowned. He didn't feel well…perhaps he was sick? Was there a better reason to stay in bed? The sunlight creeping in through the window annoyed him, and he pulled the covers over his head. He closed his eyes and drifted back into sleep…

Narcissa had brunch with her sister. It felt good to have someone to talk to, made her feel less alone. She sat back in a huge armchair with a cup of tea on her lap.

"You really should get out of this place for awhile you know." Bellatrix said, standing at the fireplace, watching the flames dance.

"Staying in this big empty house like this is not healthy." Narcissa nodded her head in agreement but said nothing. She quietly sipped her tea, lost in thought. Bellatrix glared at her, annoyed.

"Cissy have you heard a single word I said?" Narcissa seemed to snap back into reality, almost spilling her tea all over her dress.

"Yes yes," she chirped," I should take a vacation. But what about Draco? I couldn't leave him here all by himself. It wouldn't feel right…" Bellatrix sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Then what would make you get that sad, puppy dog look of your face?"

"I haven't the slightest-"

"Don't play dumb with me Cissy, you're upset. Tell me what's wrong." Bellatrix walked over to her sister, glaring at her in an almost intimidating way. Narcissa stared down into her tea, not making eye contact.

"I'm worried about Draco…" she trailed off, "or perhaps maybe the way I am treating him." Bellatrix's eyes flashed a look of curiosity and pleasure. She was glad her sister was talking for once. The past few months had made her sister colder, and much less talkative.

"What do you mean?"Narcissa looked up at her sister with sad eyes.

"At first I couldn't stand the sight of him…Im not sure if I can still bear it. I avoided him. But now…" She looked around the room anxiously, as though suspecting someone else to hear.

"I keep forgetting that he's even here. Neglecting him. I feel awful but…I can't face him." Not someone who looked so much like the man she could not get over losing…

"Cissy he's your son, you have to face him sooner or later." Her head fell in shame.

"I feel like I should be a mother to him…but sometimes I'm not even sure if I really know how." There was something odd about her saying that. Narcissa had never questioned her role as a mother the entire time Draco was growing up. But here he was, almost a full-grown man, and now she was wondering if she was a bad mother?

"Where is he now?" Bellatrix asked, realizing she hadn't seem her nephew all day. In fact, she didn't believe she'd ran into him the past few times she visited.

"I don't even know," Narcissa said pitifully, "I can't remember when the last time I talked to him was." There was something disturbing about living with someone and having no contact with them. Bellatrix could sense a dark aura around her sister. She walked over to her and held her shoulders as if to comfort her.

"Narcissa, even after your husband left, you haven't stopped being a mother. You have a responsibility to your son. Go on and talk to him. I should get going anyway." And with that she was gone.

Narcissa didn't smile though. She didn't look even the slightest bit happy. Instead, she slumped back in her chair and let out one long,loud sigh.

She couldn't face him.

Draco was lying on the tiled floor of his bathroom, sobbing. He'd dreamt of his father again. Horrible, vivid dreams filled with death and torment. It horrified him to think of how his father may have been being treated at Azkaban. His entire body was shaking. Crimson rain down his left arm, flowing freely from the wound he had just inflicted on himself. The physical pain didn't hurt nearly as much as the emotional torture did.

Unsatisfied, he reached for his razor blade and tried again, but no matter how much he tried he couldn't bleed out the memory of his father. His stomach felt sick, his body felt sticky, and his head was spinning. He tried to sit up, but ending up falling back down, leaving bloody hand prints streaked across the bathroom floor.

Lucius had never been much of a father too him. He was demanding, even cruel at times and definitely never outwardly loving. However, he was still Draco's father. It took him losing the only father he'd ever have to realize how much he truly cared for him and loved him. It was only now when Lucius was gone that he realized how much he needed his father. His father being ripped from him hurt so badly. He didn't think he could ever heal.

He wanted to cut himself, kill himself. While his mother was downstairs having brunch with company in the library he was lying on the bathroom floor bleeding to death. It was sadistic. It was horrifying.

It was disgusting.

Not sure how much I like Draco cutting himself. Ive read a lot of stories like that though so I figured I would give it a try. Tell me what you think! I hope to write the second chapter soon! You'll just have to wait until