A/N: Hello! New Fanfic, ahoy! (Sorry, in a very hyper mood. I have no idea why.)

ANYWAY. This is serious business. Supposedly.

Also, I asked my friends what I should call this. I got the responses of "Muffin on a Leash", "Sarah is Cool", "Sarah is a Fridge", "Serious Fanfiction", "Untitled: For Lack of a Better Name" Thanks guys, for your... inspirational... input -sarcasm-

Right. Back on track. Yes. Here's a summary:

In an alternate reality, Katniss didn't shoot President Coin and Snow's execution went ahead as planned. But that's not the only thing changed. The horror that is Coin's Hunger Games is about to begin. Follow four Capitol children, Ryker, Jessamine, Eryx and Fayna as they attempt to conquer Coin's Games.

Right. Summary out of the way. Now, Prologue.

"Why did I agree to this?" Katniss murmured as she and the other living victors were called to the stage to witness President Coin take twenty-four slips of paper out of two large glass spheres. The scene was all too familiar to Katniss, and she tried not to look too emotional in front of the huge crowd gathered.

The line of surviving past victors took their seats at the back of the stage, leaving Coin to begin a lengthy speech on the importance of these Games.

"Greetings, citizens of the Capitol. As you all know, you have been called here today for a reaping. The final Hunger Games is about to begin, and the children of the Capitol will enter the arena for the first time in history!"

There was a paused as worried – and, strangely enough, excited – murmuring rippled through the crowd.

President Coin nodded to a pair of boys offstage, who began wheeling the two glass spheres onstage.

Katniss' heart pounded as her memories of those reaping balls came flooding back into her mind, the most painful of which was the eccentric Effie Trinket pulling out that tiny slip – one in thousands – with the name Primrose Everdeen unmistakeably printed upon it.

Katniss felt like she was on the brink of a meltdown. She shot a nervous glance at Peeta, decided that he would be no help, and stared at the ground, keeping her mind blank.

Meanwhile, President Coin had launched into a massive speech which no-one really listened to. Some of the children were too scared to pay attention and the Victors were either bored due to the amount of speeches they'd heard in their time, or preoccupied with more important thoughts.

Then, President Coin went on to begin drawing the Tribute's names, and everyone became very interested all of a sudden.

After about a minute of suspenseful rummaging, Coin pulled out a small strip of paper.

"Brea Stone!" The words rang clear, and a dazed thirteen-year-old made her way to the stage, as id she couldn't decide if this was a dream or reality.

Coin the moved over to the bowl which held the boys' names, extracting the first male tribute.

"Abdon Marl."

The rest of the assembly continued like that, resulting in twenty-four petrified, or in some cases, delighted, boys and girls, standing on a stage, not knowing what the future held for them.

A/N: Well, that's the prologue. It's supposed to be short, even though I have a habit of writing short chapters. You may have to get used to that.

Anyway, tell me what you think! Please? Because if you don't tell me, I may have to go and cry in my designated emo corner.

Right. Anyway, review?