I'm going to try to update at least once every month.

Starclan's POV

20.) Come into Firestar's den in the middle of the night claiming you had a bad dream.

21.) Shake all the trees around the camp and insist that it's an earth quake.

22.) Shun the non-believer.

23.) Toss Firestar in the lake and see if he sinks.

"Firestar?" Frostpaw nudged Firestar's shoulder with her paw.

"It's the middle of the night. Go back to your den." He groaned.

"I had a bad dream. I wanna sleep here with you." Frostpaw moaned.

"No." He said firmly.

"I'll get Acornheart." She threatened.

"Fine you can sleep here one night." He sighed

The Next Day

"Why are all the trees shaking?" Cloudtail asked.

"Most likely Treeclan." Firestar yawned. Frostpaw had kicked him repeatedly trough the night waking him up.

"Attention Thunderclan!" Acornheart was using a microphone to amplify her voice. "This is an earthquake. I would suggest evacuation."

"This isn't an earthquake." Firestar's voice was drowned out by Thunderclan screaming and running out of the camp. They really didn't want to be there if another tree came down.

"That's right head down to the lake you'll be safe there." Acornheart encouraged.

Thunderclan ran to the lake followed by Treeclan. Firestar reluctantly followed his clan out of the camp and through the forest. When he reached the lake Treeclan was handing out dead mice and comforting his panicked clanmates.

"That wasn't an earth quake!" He shouted. "That was Treeclan shaking the trees."

"Shun the non-believer!" Willowstar shouted to Thunderclan.

"Shun." Frostpaw shouted.

"Shun." Lionblaze yelled.

"Shun." The rest of Thunderclan and Treeclan shouted.

Then they all ignored Firestar until Willowstar and Birchstar, who had swum in from the island toss him into the lake.

Instead of struggling he instantly began to swim.

"Ok! This is cliché! First the flying now SWIMMING!" Willowstar growled. "Acornheart."

"Already on it." Acornheart cut her off.