Une Passion Enflammée

AN: I have always loved poetry. Whether reading or writing it, it leaves me with a feeling of... depth. So, I'd like to post this little poem I thought of while listening to The Pretender by The Foo Fighters. (Awesome song.) This is from the point of 2D about a brief love affair he had with Murdoc. (Granted, 2D may not talk like this, but I think if he wrote poetry, it'd be profoundly in depth.) Not a huge Murdoc/2D fan, but it didn't really work with 2DxNoodle or MurdocxNoodle. So, it is what it is. R&R like always, and I love all you readers out there! (Though I'd love you tons more if you bothered to review!)

The heat of your passion;

It engulfs the air we breathe,

Setting alight painful tensions.

Intoxicating, the sins and pleasures

We delve ourselves into.

Your touch scorches skin,

Leaving trails of smoke behind.

Our heated love can burn

Flimsy desires to the ground.

Your breathe warms The Beast within;

It's slumber disturbed

By your whispered promises.

Yet while you hold the flame,

I hold the ice to the affair.

While your eyes smolder,

Mine chill your core.

You shiver in ecstasy, the frost

Bites delightfully.

This eternal dance of flame and frost,

It cannot, should not, will not

Hold up to true love.

Yet who is it to say we wish it to?

Sinful embraces and corrupting kisses

Are all we seek within another.

The sweet words uttered into the night

Are all fables, fibs and alike.

We both know this.

But for a single night,

We give ourselves into lustful lies

And foolish promises

As empty as your heart.

Keeping this hideous truth

Hidden in the shadow of our intentions,

We play a game of pretend

You, the madman

And I, the lover.