Annime: Here we go; the last chapter.

Chiro: And it's your first finished SRMTHFG story.

Annime: XD Yep!

Otto: Annime doesn't own SRMTHFG or anything belonging to someone else!

Dear Diary,

Yea I know it's a little cheesy to call you that, but what else should I call you?

Well, if you don't already know, my name is Chiro Savio Lazzaro.

I'm the grandson of the evil Skeleton King.

I'm the nephew of the evil Valina.

I'm the son of Elario and Gioia Lazzaro.

I'm leader of the Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force.

I never meet my real father.

My mother disappeared when I was younger.

My grandfather and aunt then took over raising me.

Not too long ago they sent me to look for a giant robot on the outskirts of Shuggazoom City.

When I found it, I went inside and woke the team up.

I then started to train with them to fight against my two guardians.

When they found out I was related to Skeleton King I thought they weren't going to like me anymore.

I'm still happy that I was wrong.

Suddenly, after moving in with the team, I was brainwashed by Skeleton King into fighting on his side.

The Monkey Team helped me fight his influence.

Then, about a week ago, we fought against Skeleton King and stopped him from awakening the Dark One Worm.

I haven't seen him or my aunt since. But we have fought with my grandfather's formless.

My neck was badly injured and the team keeps a good eye on me so that it heals. I have to keep it bandaged for another two days. Well, that's what Gibson says.

Why am I writing in a diary when I could easily go to Antauri and vent my problems?


It's because I don't want them to think I doubt fighting my grandfather or being on the team, because I don't. I love being on the team, and standing up against my grandfather was the right thing to do.

Why am I afraid they might think this?

Simple again;

I feel sad that I had to do that to him.

He is my mom's dad. He was my grandfather. He is my relative by BLOOD.

She is my mom's sister. She was my aunt. She is my relative by BLOOD.

I will always love them, no matter how many times I may not like it, and no matter how many times the team gets frustrated about it.

I just can't help but love them.

I don't love them for what they do.

I love them because it is my nature to.

I love them because my mom taught me to.

My mom taught me I should love everyone; no matter what.

So, now I'm on a mission to stop my grandfather from destroying the world.

I can mark being a normal kid from my to-do list, because it's not going to happen.

Yes, I have to admit something.

The dark side was once my home.

But here's the key word: ONCE.

I have a new home now.

One where people show they care, and where love floods the rooms around us.

I have a new family now.

So, what do I do when it comes down to the last stand?

When the Monkey Team and Skeleton King go head to head once and for all?

I lead my team to victory, that's what.

And I know I can do it.

Your friend,

Chiro Savio Lazzaro

Annime: It is finished!

Chiro: Wahoo!

The whole Hyper Force: Please review and read Annime's other stories!