Chapter 1

New Stories

"Harry Potter report to the Principal's office please." Spoke the Intercom.

"Wow Harry you'll never will be able to stay out of the principal's office will ya?" Joked Katara.

"Hahaha Katara real funny." Said Harry jokingly. As he ran to the principal's office remembering that Headmaster Ozai wasn't real forgiving. But the main thing that Harry was asked to do was show around new kids and things.

"Things will always be the same, a new kid." thought Harry with a smile on his face as he entered the room.

"You called Headmaster Ozai?"

"Firstly call me Fire Lord Ozai and second this is the two new kids, Aang and Toph. I want you to show them around the Bending High School."

"Ok I'll show them around. Have a good day Fire Lord Ozai." said Harry and he, Aang, and Toph left.

After Harry shown Aang and Toph around and their lockers. He took them to see Katara, his best friend and the girl he has a big crush on.

"Aang, Toph this is Katara. Katara this is Aang and Toph."

"Nice to meet you Aang and Toph." Said Katara with a smile as she held out her hand. Aang shook it but Toph didn't.

"Oh ya I forgot to tell you, I'm blind." said Toph as Katara and Harry looked at her." But I can see but not like you. I see with my feet with earthbending."

"And I'm the Avatar." Aang said

"Wow well anyway I got to go. See you Katara Toph and Aang Later." And with that Harry disappeared.

"Um Katara." Said Aang

"yes Aang what do you need?"

"I know we just met but do you want to go on a date with me?"

"Um sure but don't let harry know. He's a wizard." Katara spoke with a matter of fact voice.

"Wait you two are dating then I can't, my beliefs." Murmured Aang sadly.

"No, no we aren't. But he thinks we are."

"Ok say around Friday 8:00?"

"Sure, but I will have to tell Sokka, my older brother, otherwise he'll murder me."

"K bye" said Aang and he sped off. Little did Katara or Aang knew but Harry was listening in with Toph with Extendable Ears.

"Ooo looks like Twinkle Toes and Sugar Queen are going on a date." Laughed Toph

"The next time I see that Aang, I'm gonna show him a bit of my magic." Threaten Harry.