Almost two months passed, and the question of where things were going with George stayed in the back of Angelina's mind. The holidays passed like holidays do with family and festivities. The wizarding wedding of the century rolled around and Angelina found herself spending all her free time at the Burrow helping Molly and Hermione prepare things for the wedding. Ginny was there, but she wasn't always the biggest help when she was in full-fledged planning mode. She was a much better overseer than a helper.

Everyone that was anyone arrived to see the Boy Who Lived (Twice) get married. It was by far one of the biggest events that Angelina had ever attended. She was amazed at how sweet and personal the ceremony was despite the large crowd in attendance. It passed much like Ron and Hermione's wedding had, only with much more press taking pictures of all the guests and asking for comments on the marriage.

Toward the end of the night, George led her away from the reception and away from prying eyes.

"Care for a dance?" he asked, pulling her into his arms in the moonlight and twirling her about to the faint melody of the band inside the tent.

"Alright, but cast a spell, why don't you? It's frigid out here," she replied. He obliged with a warming charm and continued to dance.

"I wanted some time with you away from all those nosy buggers," he said. A few reporters had been bothering him all night for comments about his sister's marriage to Harry and their lives after the war.

"Of course," she said, giving him a peck on the cheek. "I'm impressed you didn't take out that one bloke with that quill that kept prodding you when you wouldn't answer."

"Well, I may have slipped a bit of a Puking Pastille in his drink when he wasn't looking." Angelina laughed and leaned against him as they danced. She was happy that he had really regained his sense of humor.

"Angelina?" George asked after they had danced quietly for a few minutes. She raised her head from his chest to look at him.

"Hm?" she responded. He stopped dancing and looked into her eyes.

"You are the best thing I could have ever asked for," he said. "I love you." Angelina leaned in and kissed him.

"I love you too, George. You're the best thing I could have asked for, too." She stepped closer, expecting him to dance with her again, but instead he took her hand into his and slid something on her hand.

"Marry me, then," he proposed, dropping down to his knee in front of her. "You got me through the darkest time in my life. I am grateful I have you every day. You are my best friend and I love you and I want to be with you forever."

Angelina was taken aback. She thought back to all the moments when she had gotten panicky about her future, when she had wondered if George wanted the same thing as her or if he'd even ever be ready for it. There was sincerity in his eyes now that told her just how much he wanted it and how ready he was. She dropped to her knees in the crispy wintery grass, warm from his charm, and kissed him.

"Then you've got me forever," she said. She barely caught his enormous smile before he lifted her up in a tight hug and swung her around. Her excited squeals must have caught the attention of some reporters. Flashes went off and it became apparent that they had an audience, so George set her down. Angelina smiled for the sake of the reporters as George pulled back into the wedding tent. His mum was waiting for him just beyond the crowd of photographers. Commotion didn't go on at one of her children's weddings without her knowing what was causing it.

She caught a glimpse of Angelina's hand, newly adorned with a beautiful sapphire engagement ring, and she gasped. Before Angelina could brace herself, the wind was knocked out of her as Molly hugged her fiercely.

"I knew it the moment he brought you for dinner," she said, wiping tears from her eyes. "Arthur! Come quickly and see!" She dragged Angelina by the hand and George quickly followed as his mother pulled his new fiancée around the wedding to announce to all their family and friends the news.

When the flurry of excitement over their engagement settled, Angelina was happy to let the attention return to the bride and groom. Molly nearly broke her rib cage hugging her several times. Arthur led a toast and the men of the family all clapped George on the back hard enough to leave a mark. Angelina managed to remain standing after being nearly attacked with hugs from her future sisters-in-law and friends. Finally, when she and George had begun to dance and all the congratulations were said, the reporters returned to Harry and Ginny and she was left alone with her fiancé.

Her mind rushed with all the things that typically fill a newly engaged woman's mind. When should they have the wedding? She would have to find a dress. And select bridesmaids. They'd most likely have the ceremony at the Burrow. Where were they going to live? She liked her flat quite a bit, but maybe George liked his too. They would have to choose, or find a new place to live together. She would have to tell her parents right away. She already had so much to plan.

As the night continued, they danced and drank and celebrated with their friends. As they finally said good night and went home to her flat, Angelina's mind was tired from all the wedding planning she'd been thinking about all night.

"Don't worry," Hermione whispered to her as she hugged her good night. "You've got that look I had when Ron asked me, but we'll help you with all the planning."

AN: Sorry! I know it has been over 2 years since I updated this story. College graduation and then post-college adult life just got in the way, and now I'm finally settled in life enough to get back to this. I hope you enjoy. I will post the final chapters soon!