Finally, Chapter 4. I should be writing more now since I'm finished with my class and no more essays to write (and none for the whole summer). That and writer's block were...well, blocking me. There is something that has been bothering me though. I'll mention it at the end. I decided to actually say what happened though most of you figured it out. *Note* I am gaining not one cent from this and I don't own the characters.

She would go quiet at moments, tapping her finger anxiously. However, her face had a tragic gaze when the finger-tapping would ensue. It worried him. This event had caused her a great deal of pain. Miles made the vow to do everything in his power to fix this horrible occurrence.

She was raped on that night. Three men did the deed. She didn't remember their faces but the event never went away.

Franziska had told him the story, going silent at the moments where she couldn't bear to say anything. It was too difficult for her to remember that and she wanted those memories to go away.

"You are so eager to help, Miles Edgeworth," she suddenly said with suspicion. "Do you feel sorry for me? That I have been victim to a crime like this? Do you want to laugh at me?" Her voice seemed forced and angry and pitiful.

"No. I want to help you. It…It pains me to see you like this," Miles replied.

Franziska was spilling out everything. He did not laugh at her but the look on his face: pity. I want to whip that hidden smirk off of his face.

She raised her hand and Miles raised an eyebrow. "So you are biting the hand that helps you?" Franziska stopped her strike and just stared at him. He makes me so angry.

He sighed deeply. "I need to keep an eye on you these next few days. I am really worried about you, Franziska. I only want to help you but when you seem like you want help, you shut yourself in." Almost like myself. Almost as if we were made in pairs.

"It is almost as if we were made in pairs, is it not?" the blue-haired prosecutor asked. She began to chuckle and sob almost at the same time. "I find it so funny." She looked downward, away from his gaze. It hurts to have him look at me like this.

Miles stopped writing and put the paper on the nightstand beside him. "You read my mind," he told her. "These men weren't wearing any masks? Are you sure of that?"

Franziska nodded. "I am absolutely positive. They looked like pigs." She buried her face in her hands and went silent. A few minutes of silence made Miles decide that was all she was going to say anymore. He left and decided he would give her space for a while but stationed that poor familiar servant to stand at her doorway.

"If you hear anything out of the ordinary, call me right away," Miles ordered.

"Aye, sir." The servant sounded pained. Miles heard him mutter under his breath, "Oh that horrible whip…" That statement made him smirk and he hoped that would happen…to let him know she was as strong as ever.

"Franziska…we shouldn't…not here…" he protested.

"Oh come on," a drunken Franziska slurred. "Why not have a little fun once in your life? You're so uptight, little brother…*hic*" Her drunken smile showed and she ran a finger down his chest. "You said 'not here', little brother."

"That's not what I meant. We shouldn't at all. It's not decent for a lady of your renown." He crossed his arms and turned away.

"What about you, little brother? *hic* Is it decent for you?"

Miles sighed. "I knew going out tonight was a bad idea."

Miles shot upward, sweat rolling down his brow. "Ugh…what a nightmare." He hoped that would never happen. A drunken Franziska…with her whip still at her side….ugh. The thought sent shivers down his spine.


Miles jumped and fell out of his bed. He winced as he hit the wooden floor with a thump. Franziska peered at him while leaning over his bed.

"Pink?" She blinked at him.

After all that trouble of making sure not to wear the Steel Samurai pajamas, his light red—not pink, in his words—were about to be made fun of also. Great.

"Pink suits you," she said softly.

"It is light red, not pink. Now, what are you doing in my room?" He stood and glared at her, which he stopped immediately as the look on her face seemed frightened.

"I…." She looked away and bit her lip. Something was troubling her and she was having a difficult time saying it.

"It will not do you any good if it sits in your mouth."

"I want to sleep in your bed," she blurted out, face turning crimson immediately.

"That's fine." He grabbed his pillow. "I shall sleep in your…" Her grip on his sleeve made him turn around. She was shaking her head.

"No. I want to sleep in your bed…" Her face showed her signs of struggling with the words. "I want to sleep in your bed with you still in it."

"You mean like we did as kids?" he asked her. She nodded. "Fine, I have no problem with that." He did have a problem now that they were both grown. As long as it didn't leave the room, he assured himself.

She reached for the top button of her pajamas.

"What are you doing?" Miles asked. "If you are going to sleep in my house, for that matter, you will do so fully clothed."

Snap. The button dropped to the floor. "Why are you so uptight, brother?"

These mood swings were starting to worry him to no end. Miles grabbed her wrists and pulled her closer. "Listen to me, Franziska!" His eyes widened at her tears. "I'm sorry. You...I cannot sleep with you undressed." He looked away from her watery eyes. Franziska rubbed her face and nodded.

"I'm sorry, little brother."

Those words pained him. He hardly ever heard her say it and it bothered him when she did. "Please do not say those words."

Suddenly, the ground started to shake.

And I stop here. Is it the Steel Samurai or the Nickel Samurai? I have got them confused . And I just played both those games about a month ago. Sad. To hopefully make up for the cliffhanger…it helps me prevent writer's block. I feel bad about leaving people for months wondering when I'm going to update so I decided to come up with a way to help it. I hoped you enjoyed it ^-^