*J.K. Rowling Owns Harry Potter!*

Summary: Narcissa doesn't believe she is capable of feeling anything. Until a certain member of the Golden Trio, with bushy hair proves her wrong. Starts during the Goblet of Fire up till the Deathly Hallows and so on. Femslash NM/HG!

Chapter 1: The First Meeting

Narcissa Malfoy was sitting in front of her vanity in the master bathroom in Malfoy Manor. She would be attending the Quiditch World Cup with her son Draco, and her husband Lucius. They would be sitting in the minister's box with Cornelius Fudge. Narcissa didn't want to go but her husband insisted. After he had begged and pleaded she finally gave in. Narcissa hated Quiditch almost as much as the marriage she was forced into. People always thought that she and Lucius had a perfect marriage and they were in love.

How wrong they were. She was forced into the arranged marriage before she was born. Her parents told her it was a wonderful opportunity to combine two of the most powerful and wealthy pureblooded families in the magical world. She knew the Malfoy family from an early age due to all the parties she had to attend with her parents. At first she thought she could love him, and when they were first married she believed she did and she thought he loved her.

Soon she realized she was wrong. Lucius only saw as someone who would provide him an heir, and look good on his arm at parties. She didn't know when she stopped loving him, it must have happened sometime after Draco was born. She finally saw him for what he was a cold, cruel, conniving man. When he joined the Dark Lord and promised that their son would join him when he became of age, she began to hate him. Narcissa began to wonder if she ever truly loved him at all.

She snapped out her thoughts when Lucius came into their room telling her she needed to hurry and then left to go find Draco. She rolled her eyes and finished putting on her make up and found a pair of shoes and went downstairs.

They apperated to the pitch and saw hundreds maybe thousands of people walking around. They were walking up to the Minister's box to sit with Cornelius and his wife.

Lucius and Draco stopped short however. She looked up and saw red hair, and realized that she was looking at the Weasley family.

Narcissa automatically pulled up her nose as if she smelled something bad. She looked over every gingered hair freckled family member. She stopped momentarily when she saw bright green eyes and messy jet black hair Harry Potter she thought this was the boy that stopped the Dark Lord. She continued looking and the strangest feeling came over her when she saw bushy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.

She knew this was Hermione Granger, she had heard all about her she was the mud blood who punched her son in his third year. Narcissa didn't know why she was still looking at her. Hermione turned around and looked straight into Narcissa's dark brown eyes. Narcissa forgot how to breathe for a moment. Brown and brown looked at each other for what felt like minutes but it was only mere seconds. Narcissa quickly turned her attention back to her husband and son who were taunting Potter and the Weasley's.

As they were leaving to go to their seats, Narcissa felt someone staring at her. She quickly turned around and saw that the mud blood was looking at her. There was something about her that Narcissa couldn't quite shake. She quickly turned around and followed Lucius to their seats.

Narcissa took Draco home quickly after the match Lucius stayed behind to attend to "business". When they arrived back to the manor Draco went to his room. Narcissa retired to the drawing room. She waved her wand and the fire place roared to life, and she ordered a house elf to bring a pot of tea.

Narcissa stared into the fire, why couldn't she stop thinking about her. Hermione wasn't anything special. She admitted to herself that the girl was pretty and would grow up to be a beautiful woman. She would either grow up to marry Potter or the youngest of the Weasley boys.

Narcissa didn't know why but this caused a slight pain in her chest. She quickly abandoned these thoughts, and looked at the fire the embers were dying she rose and with a flick of her wand the fire was extinguished, thick plumes of smoke rose from the hearth.

Satisfied she left the drawing room and decided to retire to her room for the night. She changed into a emerald green nightgown and got on the bed and soon all thoughts about Hermione were gone as her head hit her pillow. She quickly fell into a dreamless slumber.

Little did she know that Hermione was having the same thoughts about her.

A/N: I decided to republish this and change the way I thought Narcissa looked! :)

R&R! Let me know what you think!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!