"We're here!" Hotaru said happily as she and Dento arrived in Sanyou City.
Sanyou City is just like any other city there is. There was the usual Pokemon Mart and Pokemon Center. The Pokemon Trainer's School in one part of the city and the Sanyou Gym in the other part. People were walking around, happily enjoying the sunny weather. Some were going inside a cafe while others were entering or exiting the Pokemon Trainer's School or the Sanyou Gym.
Dento then lead Hotaru towards the Sanyou Gym.
"This Sanyou Gym." Dento said as he and Hotaru took a look at the gym.
"Whoa... it's... it's..." Hotaru stammered as she continued to stare at the gym.
"Huge?" Dento asked, a faint smile crept on his face.
Hotaru just nodded.
"Ah, Hotaru. I need to go to the cafe first." Dento said. "I need to see my brothers there."
Hotaru looked at Dento, puzzled. "You have brothers?"
"Yes, two of them actually." Dento said. "Look, Hotaru, before you challenge the gym leader, I think you should go to the Pokemon Trainer's School."
"Oh, okay." Hotaru said as she watched Dento leave.
Then she started taking the path to the Pokemon Trainer's School. When she entered the building, she saw a familiar figure near the blackboard. It was a boy with jet black hair and eyes with eyeglasses. he was wearing a white shirt with an unbuttoned blue jacket, jet black long pants and blue tennis shoes.
"Cheren!" Hotaru cried happily as she approached the boy near the blackboard.
The boy turned around and looked surprised. "Hotaru? What are you doing here?"
Hotaru grinned. "Surprise to see me? I just came here after Dento suggested me to come here."
Cheren arched an eyebrow. "Dento? Isn't that... well, you'll see."
Hotaru looked at Cheren, puzzled. "You know Dento?"
Cheren just smirked. "Must have heard him somewhere. By the way, how's Mijumaru?"
"She's doing great." Hotaru replied.
Cheren then grinned, "Since you're here, how about a Pokemon battle?"
Hotaru looked at Cheren, astonished. "A Pokemon battle? Here? Right now?"
"Of course, unless you are a chicken." Cheren said with a smug smirk.
Hotaru felt a vein popped out of her forehead. "Alright, I'll take you on anytime!"
Cheren then took out a pokeball. "Prepare to lose, Hotaru!"
Cheren threw the pokeball in the air and a Choroneko appeared. Hotaru took out her pokeball and Mijumaru appeared from it.
I'm ready for battle, Lady Hotaru! Mijumaru said in battle stance.
"Alright then, Mijumaru, Tackle attack!" Hotaru commanded as Mijumaru charged forward at Choroneko.
"Choroneko, Assist!" Cheren commanded as Choroneko extended his paw and a glowing white light appeared. The glowing white light then transformed into a blast of water hitting Mijumaru, making it stop it her tracks.
"Darn it, Choroneko used Assist and transformed it into Water Gun." Hotaru muttered. "Mijumaru, Water Gun!"
Mijumaru released a blast of water from her mouth but Choroneko dodged it and tackled Mijumaru. Mijumaru then was thrown backwards and was hit at the wall.
"Choroneko, finish it off with Tackle!" Cheren commanded as Choroneko tackled at Mijumaru.
"Mijumaru, no!" Hotaru cried as Mijumaru fainted.
"Looks like I win." Cheren said with a smirk and let Choroneko return to his pokeball.
Hotaru did the same to Mijumaru and frowned. "You were tougher than me, to tell you the truth. But one of these days, I'm gonna defeat you!"
Cheren grinned. "Yeah, one of these days. By the way, good luck with your gym challenge."
"How did you know?" Hotaru asked Cheren.
Cheren just smiled. "Lucky guess."
Cheren then left, leaving Hotaru speechless.
After healing Mijumaru from the Pokemon Center, she quickly headed for the Sanyou Gym and went inside. There she saw two boys with the same outfit with Dento. One boy has blue eyes and hair with one side of his face being covered by his hair. The other boy, on the other hand, has red eyes and spiky red hair. The two of them were busy talking, not noticing that Hotaru just entered the gym.
"Um, excuse me, I'm here to challenge the gym leader." Hotaru said, interrupting the conversation.
The two boys look at Hotaru and approached her.
"I'm Corn and this is Pod." The guy with blue hair introduced. "You're here to challenge the gym leader, correct?"
"Um, yes." Hotaru said.
Pod nodded. "Okay, what's your name and your Pokemon?"
"I'm Hotaru Warentaa of Kanoko Town and my current team is Mijumaru and Choroneko." Hotaru said.
Corn frowned. "I'm sorry, Hotaru. But the gym leader handling right now is not around."
"Who said I'm not around?" A voice from the shadows said.
Pod, Corn and Hotaru turned and saw a boy with the same butler-like look came out. He looked at Hotaru with a grin on his face.
"Dento?" Hotaru said in astonishment. "You're the Sanyou Gym Leader?"
"One of the Sanyou Gym Leaders." Dento corrected. "The other ones are Pod and Corn, my two brothers."
"You lied to me!" Hotaru accused Corn and Pod.
Pod shook his head. "Nope. We told you the truth. We only challenge challengers depending on their starter Pokemon."
"But you still lied to me!" Hotaru accused.
"Are you ready to battle or not?" Dento asked.
"I don't appreciate that you change the topic but yes, I am." Hotaru said.
"I will referee this match." Corn said and stepped on the battlefield as Dento and Hotaru took their places. "This match between Sanyou Gym Leader Dento and challenger Hotaru Warentaa of Kanoko Town will now begin. This is going to be a one vs. one match. The first to defeat the opponent's Pokemon shall win this battle. In addition, only the challenger may substitute Pokemon. You may use items if necessary. Now... BEGIN!"
"Yanakkie, I choose you!" Dento called out as Yanakkie popped out of his pokeball and into the battlefield.
"Mijumaru, let's do this!" Hotaru called out as Mijumaru stepped into the battlefield.
"Yanakkie, Fury Swipes!" Dento commanded as Yanakkie lunged forward at Mijumaru and scratched her with a series of scratches.
"Mijumaru, endure it and use Fury Cutter!" Hotaru commanded and Mijumaru endured the hit. After that, Mijumaru lunged forward at Yanakkie and hit it with its sharp claw double time. Yanakkie was thrown back but managed to get up.
"Yanakkie, use your Seed Bomb!" Dento said as Yanakkie unleashed a seed-like bomb on Mijumaru which sent it flying, knocking it on the nearby wall.
"Mijumaru, no!" Hotaru cried out and hurried to Mijumaru, who was struggling to get up.
"Looks like I win." Dento said with a grin.
"Not yet, Dento!" Hotaru called out to the gym leader as she watch Mijumaru glow white. After the white light faded, Mijumaru changed form and took a battle stance.
"It can't be! Mijumaru evolved into Futachimaru!" Dento exclaimed in surprise.
Hotaru took out her Pokedex and point it directly at Futachimaru. Then, a femlae voice beep, "Futachimaru, the Training Pokemon. Futachimaru has a technique of handling applied to seeing is different by Futachimaru."
"Alright, Futachimaru, Revenge!" Hotaru said as Futachimaru hit Yanakkie with her paw.
"Don't get too cocky, Hotaru. Yanakkie, Lick!" Dento commanded as Yanakkie lunged forward at Futachimaru.
"Futachimaru, quick, use Aqua Jet!" Hotaru said as Futachimaru dashed forward with incredible agility and hit Yanakkie.
"Yanakkie, no!" Dento cried.
"Now, finish it off with Aqua Tail!" Hotaru cried out as Futachimaru hit Yanakkie with its tail, sending it flying at the nearby wall.
"Yanakkie!" Dento cried out as he approached at the fainted Yanakkie.
"Yanakkie is unable to battle. The winner of this battle goes to Futachimaru and Hotaru!" Corn announced
"Here, let me help." Hotaru approached Yanakkie and placed a hand on him. Her hand glowed green and began to heal Yanakkie. After for a few moments, Yanakkie was fully healed.
"Thank you." Dento said. "And to confer your victory, I present you the Tri badge."
Dento handed Hotaru the similar badge Touya showed them a few hours ago.
Hotaru smiled in delight. "Alright, the Tri Badge is all mine!"
Futachimaru nodded. Good for you, Lady Hotaru.
"In addition to that, I'll give you the TM83, which contains the move Cheer Up." Dento said.
Hotaru looked puzzled. "Cheer Up?"
"An attack that raises the Pokemon's Attack and Special Attack." Pod explained.
"Oh. Okay." Hotaru said. "Anyway, do any of you know where's the next gym is?"
"Oh, you're planning to challenge the other gym leaders?" Corn asked.
"Yep, I want to become a Pokemon Champion!" Hotaru replied happily.
"Well, the next gym is in Shippou City, headed by Aloe." Pod said. "To get there, you should get past Route 3."
"Okay, thanks for everything." Hotaru said.
"Hotaru, before you leave, may I join you in your quest?"
"What!" Pod and Corn yelled together.
"But, Dento-" Corn began to reason but Dento cut him off.
"I wanted to see the world, guys." Dento said firmly. "So, I'll ask this one more time: Hotaru, may I join you in your quest?"
Hotaru thought for a moment and grinned. "Sure!"
"Well, if you are leaving, please take care, Dento." Pod said.
Dento nodded. "Okay."
"Come on, Dento! Let's go!" Hotaru said and pulled Dento outside.
"H-hey! Hotaru, wait up!" Dento said, trying to catch up.
Pod and Corn smiled. "May their adventure go well."
Chapter 4 Summary: Hotaru and Dento were asked by Makomo, a friend of Prof. Araragi, to help Munna, a Pokemon which was being held captive by Team Plasma Grunts. Along the way, Hotaru and Dento were teamed up with Bel and Indigo League Champion, Hibiki, to stop the Team Plasma Grunts from hurting Munna. Will they succeed or will they let Team Plasma take Munna away?
Stay tune and find out!
BTW, please review.