A/N: Just thought of this when I was reading other fanfics. The Konoha Twelve were Jounin Sensei's and I thought that was cool. Also Yoru from my other story will be in here. She'll be more like Naruto. (She's a cat girl nya! You'll see why later!)

I don't own Naruto. If I did there would not be flashback episodes. AT ALL. Unless someone had a strange power then ok. But not like the latest episodes of Naruto Shippuden. That just pissed me off… especially the frickin' ostrich.

Chapter 1- Meet Your Sensei! Then Devise The Plan!

Yoru Neko was filled with nervous excitement. Her cat ears twitched happily. She had passed her genin test and was finding out her team members and sensei.

Iruka-Sensei, her homeroom teacher, walked into the class. "Congrats on passing your test kids. I'm sure those here today will be great ninja. Now, you will be placed in a three man squad. Listen up kids because I'm about to announce who your teammates are." He walked to the front of the class. Teams 1 and 2 were called then the others.

"Team Three will be Setsuko Kameko, Akihiro Aoi, and Akane Shinjii."

"Team Four will be Akiko Suzuki, Mamoru, and Hikaru Akihiko."

"Team Five will be Katashi Hatake, Junko Kiyoko, and Natsumi Hyuuga."

"Team Six will be Isamu Komeko, Maiko Kou, and Chou Goro."

"Team Seven will be Yoru Neko, Ichirou Suzuki and Arisu Emiko."

"Team Eight will be Kyoko, Kenji Roku, and Atsushi Otaku."

"Team Nine will be Kimi Inuzaka, Hin Hyuuga, and Chiharu Aburame."

"And finally Team Ten will be Toshi Takumi, Keiko Akira, and Junichi Katsu. Now everyone get with your teams. Your Jounin senseis will be here momentarily."

Yoru moved to where her team was. She looked at her teammates and smiled. They rolled their eyes and looked away. She huffed. What the-nya? How rude can you get-nya? Yoru thought. Maybe they would be better when their sensei came. She wondered who hers would—

"AAAAHHHHH. OH MY KAMI! IT IS YOU!" came an excited yell. It was Kyoko, Yoru's best friend from the orphanage. She looked at Kyoko and smiled. She was truly happy because Kyoko got the sensei she so desperately wanted. The one she had to have or she would just die.

"LEE-SENSEI YOU ARE THE BEST!''Cried the excited girl. Lee smiled and gave his good guy pose and Kyoko gave it right back at him. She had brown eyes, long, black hair pulled into a high ponytail, a green skirt and shirt and orange leg-warmers, just like her idol (Think a black haired Ino).

Yoru giggled. Lee-sensei had visited the orphanage a few times when Sakura-sama had come to give them their physicals. He played with the kids and showed them his 'good guy pose' and while some kids where embarrassed or indifferent, Kyoko had been inspired. She practiced it every day and bought a girls version of Lee-sensei's outfit with some money from chores. Maybe her sensei would—

"COME TEAM EIGHT AND LET US TELL EACH OTHER ABOUT OUR YOUTHFUL DREAMS!" Lee shouted. He grabbed Kyoko who grabbed Kenji who grabbed Atsushi. Kenji sweat-dropped and Atsushi face-palmed with his free hand. This is so freakin' embarrassing, the boys thought. This so awesome! Kyoko thought.

"Where are my students? Team Four?" said a woman with two large buns (on her head!) and a giant scroll on her back.

"Right here sensei," said a boy. He had two medium sized scrolls attached to his hip. Mamoru smiled and resisted the urge to fist-pump. He had gotten the sensei he wanted. The weapons master, Ten-Ten.

"Come on Team four," she said. Mamoru, Hikaru and Akiko walked out the class room following their sensei.

"Team five please come in front," said a calm voice. Katsumi, Junko and Natsumi looked into the calm, cool, collected eyes of Neji Hyuuga.

Natsumi looked into the pupil-less of her sensei, the ones much like hers. "After you sensei," she sneered. There was no love for Neji from her. He was a branch family member, yet he got treated like he was part of the main. She was treated like dirt and he was treated like freakin' royalty and they were from the same background.

Neji looked into the sneering face but said nothing. He knew why Natsumi was like this. She didn't understand but then again she didn't have to. It wasn't her business.

"Come along," he said to the three girls. Junko and Katashi followed, wondering why Natsumi was so hostile to their sensei, especially since they were from the same clan.

Two guys walked through the door as Neji and his team was coming out. One guy was munching on chips and another looked like he really didn't wasn't to be there.

"Such a drag," the one with the spiky ponytail murmured. "Team ten, follow me and don't be troublesome by being slow." Shikamaru about-faced and walked out the class, his team slowly trailing behind.

"What did I just tell you guys? Kids are such a drag," he said slowing his pace until his team caught up.

"Ok Team Six please follow me," said the bigger guy who walked in. He had swirls on his cheeks and long spiky, brown hair. He walked out first and his team followed.

Next came three at the same time. One had spiky, blonde hair and blue eyes, the other had pitch black hair and black and the last had midnight blue hair and pearlish-lavender, pupil-less eyes.

"O-ok students of Team Nine. P-please follow me," the blue-haired one stuttered. He's so c-close, she thought. She had to use all her will notto look at him because she wanted to look a little cool when she met her team. Kami forbid she actually faint in front of them and him. That's just too much in one day. The team followed.

"Ok, where's good ole Team Seven?" the blonde asked. Yoru was so happy. Naruto fuckin' Uzumazki was her sensei. Her ears twitched happily. This. Was. AWESOME!

"We're right here sensei-nya!" Yoru said, waving her hand like crazy.

Naruto smiled, "Well what ya doing over there? Follow me!" He walked out the classroom and Yoru scurried after him. Ichirou and Arisu followed suit.

Team Three didn't have to guess who their sensei was. They all lined up after the Uchiha. He nodded and they followed him out.

Iruka watched as the last of his new students followed his old student, save for Lee, Ten-Ten, and Neji. He knew they were all going to be great shinobi. His only thought was how hard their senseis were going to push them to achieve that.

2 Months later

Yoru and Kyoko trudged home to the orphanage. It was 10 o'clock at night. Naruto and Lee ran training late. Not only they but Shikamaru's, Chouji's, Ten-Ten's, and Neji's teams were just finishing up.

"Uhhhhhh! The way we're going, we're gonna be dust before our first mission-nya!" Kyoko yelled. She was pissed. Naruto-sensei made them get up at the ass-crack of dawn and ended when it was super late.

Kyoko gave her best friend a tired smile. "Yes. As much as I hate to agree, Lee-sensei is running us into the ground. I have never been this tired. I am grateful he gave us the day off tomorrow."

"You know what? I'm gonna go ask sensei why we have to start so early-nya!" Yoru took off towards Naruto's apartment.

"Yoru-chan! Wait!" Kyoko chased after her.

Yoru ran all the way to Naruto's apartment. She hopped into the fire escape with Kyoko close behind her. She was about to smash through the window, but the sight stopped her cold.

"Kyoko-chan, look." Kyoko peered into the window and 'eeped.'

"What… no not sensei's ass silly. Look at the bed." Kyoko looked at the bed and felt sad.

Naruto was lying back on his bed, hands behind his head. He kept looking at the other side of his bed. Even dense Yoru could see the longing in his eyes. He wanted someone to share his bed with. Naruto turned, stared out his window and saw a shooting star. I wish I had someone to love, he wished. He felt a tear run down his face but ignored it. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Yoru and Kyoko walked quietly to the orphanage. Kyoko was kind of worried. Yoru hadn't said one word since the spied on Naruto-sensei. She didn't say anything when they showered, brushed their teeth, or when they put their pj's on. Kyoko was about to fall asleep when Yoru spoke.

"Kyoko-chan, Naruto-sensei is lonely. That's why he trains us for so long, so he doesn't have to think about his empty bed. If he's like that, then who's to say that the other senseis are like that too? We have to help them Kyoko-chan. I don't want to see sensei sad," Yoru said looking at her best friend. She saw Kyoko nod her head in the darkness.

"Yes we should. Sometimes I see Lee-sensei look sad when he thinks we aren't looking. But what about the others? We don't know how they act."

"That's what our friends are for. We have at least one on every team. We'll ask them how they act and pair them up." Kyoko nodded in agreement. Yoru smiled tomorrow, she was gonna help her senseis.