Caleb POV
Running down the stairs I bolted across the grass. Lyra was walking across the campus and she looked as if she didn't have a care in the world. Coming up behind her she turned and with a swift movement of her hand she flung me backwards. The smug look in her face held no fear.
"Enough Danvers. She's long gone and there's no way she'll hear you. After all it's not like you've been family that long." She said
Catching her off guard I saw Levina with Tyler not far behind running out. As they tackled her to the ground I searched for the knife that fell out of my grasp.
"Caleb whatever you're going to do, do it fast." Tyler grunted
Grabbing the knife by the wrong end it fell from my grasp slicing my hand. Quickly picking it up I ran over toward the struggling Lyra. Concentrating, I only ran into walls as I tried to access her mind.
"She has too many walls." I said
"Caleb hurry!"
Looking at both Tyler and Levina, their eyes had turned black and I could tell that even using wasn't doing much good.
"Let her go." I said backing away
"What!" they both exclaimed
Slicing her hand I backed away.
"Now." I ordered
Letting go Lyra shot to her feet and stared at all three of us.
"You scared?"
Looking at Levina take a few steps back I could tell that we probably should be. Lyra just laughed evily. Moving quickly I grabbed her by the arm nearly dodging a punch to the face by her. Within that second her hand collided with mine. Her blood collided with mine.
"Family." I muttered
She screamed at the top of her lungs as we clasped hands. I held her tight so she couldn't let go.
Lyra!, I yelled into her mind. She whimpered in pain but I could see everything. Her memories flew by like nothing.
Flashbacks in Lyra's mind*
Seeing a young girl who couldn't have been older than ten being dragged into the bathroom against her will by what looked to be her mother. She fought with all her might as her mother yanked her forward. The young girl pleading as her mother dunked her into a large tub not letting her up. in the midst of the struggle the tub cracks and breaks out the side sending water everywhere as the girls chokes on water.
"You are not my daughter." The woman said as she looked at her daughter who was on the verge of crying
The scenes of her mine moved fast. So fast that I could barely keep up and hold on.
The young girl who appeared to be Lyra was standing at her locker as she watched what looked like another girl get harassed by a guy.
"Stop." She said in a low voice
The guy turns toward and shoves her back against the lockers roughly.
"this isn't your business." He snarled
"She's my business." Lyra growls at she looks at Levina
"Whatever freak." He snarls as he walks away to go talk to someone else
Looking back at him levina put a hand on her shoulder.
"He's a jerk." She said
Nodding, Lyra put her hand on the lockers as her hands flash black. All of the lockers burst open in the hallway including the one that hit the guy in the face and broke his nose.
"Lyra you didn't have to do that." She said as she dragged her away
"I know." She muttered with a half giggle
The scene blurred into the next one.
"And do you hate me?" she asked
Reid was lying beside her holding her eyes with his own as his forehead touched hers..
"I couldn't."
Nodding slightly she went to move away from only for him to pull her close and kiss her. it wasn't like I had plans on watching one of my best friends and my sister have sex but there was something here she remembered. What it was, was the way he looked at her. The way he held her like she would break. The way he tried to hate her but found himself just as much in love with her as she was with him. And it terrified her.
Once again the scene had changed to a more familiar one that we both knew.
We both sitting out on the steps.
"I wasn't looking for family Caleb. I had enough troubles with family." She said
"Well get over it. Because I plan on keeping my newly found sister. I like her and she's just about the only who can manage to keep Reid in his place besides me."
"That's because he annoys the hell out of me." she said
Looking at myself talking to her I just chuckled.
"You would be the first to say that. Usually the girls fall all over him for it."
"Good thing I'm not like most girls. If I were there would be a problem." She said
"Yes there would be a big problem." He agreed
"So there's no chance I could get you to forget that I even exist?" she asked
"Not a chance." She smiled to herself
"Good." She said
With that things just went black. There were no other memories. There was just nothing.
Lyra!, I called out
Caleb…it's dark. Get him out of my head!, she screamed
You have to let your walls down.
I can't. bad things happen when I do.
You have to. I won't leave your side. I promise.
But why? I don't understand. Why would you help me?
You're my family Lyra. My blood. I can't let go. Not when I haven't had time to know you.
I could hear her crying like she was in pain.
Reid POV
Having run out behind Tyler I froze as I saw Caleb holding Lyra off the ground, their hands trickling blood.
"Stay back. Chase is still in there." Levina warned
"What's going on?" Pogue asked
Tyler just shook his head clueless. I just stood there and watched as they both fought. Tears rolled down Lyra's temple into her hair.
"Caleb!" Lyra screamed at the top of her lungs
Then all of the sudden a huge blast of power flew out in all directions sending everyone in different directions. Sitting up I rubbed the back of my head. Rushing over to Lyra's limp body I put my hand to her face. My raced as I looked down at her pale face. The closer I looked the closer more I noticed that the tears she cried weren't ordinary tears but blood tears.
Caleb was on her other side. He looked terrified.
"That…really hurt." she mumbled as her head turned a little
I found myself chuckling at those words. Leaning down I kissed her forehead.
"He's not dead." she mumbled
After a moment of breathing she sat up and wiped her face of the blood she'd cried. Her breathing staggered here and there as she stood.
"He's not going to stop either. Breaking the mind connection was just lucky." She added
"Can we just focus on the fact that you're alive when you should be dead." I said
Both her and Caleb just looked at me like I was an idiot.
"Would you rather she be dead? Because I sure as hell don't." I snapped as I took her hand and pulled her into my arms
On some level I was happy to rub it in Caleb's face. I knew he couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand the fact that I was with her. But I just didn't care. Lyra leaned back into me as she laid her head on my shoulder. Taking a deep breath I took in the sweet smell of her hair.
"No Reid I don't want to see her dead but there are other problems at hand right about now." Caleb said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I think we've had enough action for one night." Pogue interjected
"Same." Levina agreed as Tyler stood beside her
"I need a drink." Lyra sighed
I just smirked at the comment. Then again a drink sounded pretty good.
"I think I'd rather get some sleep."Caleb said
Going back inside Lyra's fingers didn't part from mine. Getting up to the common room we both fell back on the couch as Levina and Tyler sat beside us. Silence had taken hold of the room as we all just sat there. What was there to say? Caleb came over to Lyra after he wrapped his own hand in a towel and wrapped hers. Other than that there was barely any movement as well. Looking from one person to another each expression was intense and on the inside I was screaming for someone to say something.
Then looking down at Lyra I saw her and Caleb staring at each other. It was like a staring contest between the two. I wasn't the only who saw it either. Pogue was looking at Caleb intensely where as Tyler seemed extremely absorbed in Levina. Then all of the sudden Lyra nodded and looked over at Levina.
"We'll take Baby Boy's room. He can sleep in Reid's room." She said
I wanted to fight to keep her within my arms but she was already up and moving down the hall mumbling to Levina. What were they talking about that they didn't want us to hear? Getting up off the couch to follow so I could ask she had already shut the door behind her.
"I'm beyond tired-" Caleb started
"What's going on?" I asked
"What are you talking about?" he asked
"Don't play coy. Something's going on Caleb. Speak."
"Nothing is going on. so if you don't mind I'm exhausted."
Like that Caleb dropped any thought of what had gone on between him and Lyra that I'd missed. But I didn't miss it. in fact it was like and itch that only got worse. Something was definitely wrong.