


Lisbon walked through the CBI parking lot, her arm inter-twined with Jane's.

They had used their time in Europe to really get to know each other, with no more secrets, pretences, or fear of being spied upon. Lisbon had thought she would never get tired of Paris but Venice and Tuscany were just as amazing. She felt relaxed and happy but nonetheless was itching to get back to work.

Lots of people welcomed them back as they entered the office. Oddly enough, Van-Pelt was standing at a window and making funny faces at something outside. She came running over to give Lisbon a big hug when she finally noticed them.

"Where are Cho and Rigsby?" Lisbon asked. The agents' desks looked surprisingly clean – and unused.

"Oh, they're around," Van-Pelt replied evasively. "Senior agent Hightower wanted to talk with you first thing."

Hightower greeted them warmly in her office. "Welcome back, agent Lisbon. Or is it agent Jane now?"

"No, I'm keeping my name," Lisbon informed her. Jane nodded in agreement.

"Very well. There have been a few changes while you were away. I promoted agent Cho to head up a new special crime unit," she informed them. "I hope you will give him whatever support he needs in the new role."

"Of course," said Lisbon automatically. She would miss having Cho on the team but he deserved the promotion and she was happy for him. "What about agent Rigsby?"

"Agent Rigsby is no longer with us. He took a position with AXA Insurance as an arson investigator. I tried to offer him a raise but he said the private sector pays better and there are…personal reasons as well."

"Isn't AXA based in that building across the road?" Jane asked. Hightower nodded. That explained Van-Pelt's fascination with the window.

Hightower also told them that Cho's team tracked down Red John's residence and collected evidence from the dead man's apartment. "You should take a look at it once you're settled in."


"I'm gone one month and half my team disappears," Lisbon complained to Jane in the break room.

"It's nothing personal," Jane reassured her. "With Red John out of the way it's a good a time as any for change and new challenges."

"New challenges, huh. Like training up new agents to replace Cho and Rigsby?"

"Don't worry, I'll help," Jane said brightly.

Lisbon rolled her eyes. "That's what I'm afraid of."

Later that day they got Cho to show them the evidence his team had collected from Red John's place.

"You're not going to like this, boss," Cho warned her as he handed over a box.

"I can handle it. And I'm not your boss anymore."

Lisbon opened the box and found a large pile of photographs. They were all shots of her, some with Jane as well but mostly her. There were photos of Lisbon on the street, in her car, at restaurants, even in her apartment. It appeared they had been right to be paranoid.

"They covered the whole wall in Red John's living room. I'd say he was a little obsessed with you."

"God that's creepy," Lisbon shuddered.

Jane reached over and picked a photo out of the pile. "Hey, look at this one." It was a close-up of the marriage proposal in the park. Lisbon was clearly rolling her eyes in exasperation at the man kneeling in front her.

"What a classic. We have to take a copy of this," he exclaimed.

"We're not keeping a photo taken by a serial killer," she said flatly.

"Actually, we think he hired a private investigator to take most of these pictures," reassured Cho.

"Whatever. I still don't want it. Did you find anything useful?"

"We did find several leads relating to old murder cases," said Cho seriously. "It's going to take us a while to tie up all the loose ends. Oh, and we also found boxes and boxes of pop-tarts. It seems he was a pop-tart addict."

Lisbon replaced the lid on the box. "Well, it appears you have everything under control. It's nearly dinner time. Shall we go, Patrick?"

"Of course, my dear." Jane used a sleight-of-hand trick to slip a photograph into his pocket. Then he followed his wife home.