Good to be back America! Welcome to the continuation of your favorite fanfiction, Goku and Naruto go to White Castle! Last time, our high heroes had just barely been able to escape the dreaded Chi-Chi's house, and with hope in their eyes, they had went to White Castle just to find out it wasn't White Castle anymore! So now our heroes are on the road once again, so prepare for more mischief! Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Dragonball Z, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. So, enjoy and review bitches!
As Naruto continued driving along the long road, Goku began to fidget in his seat, annoying the hell out of Naruto.
"What the hell are you doing?" Naruto shouted, kicking Goku with his foot while watching the road.
"Trying to hold a pee-pee," Goku said childishly. "You are a fucking mystery!" Naruto shouted. "Did you not just piss your pants not even like an hour ago?"
"But that was then," Goku said, looking at Naruto with an innocent look. "I need to take a Number 2 now too."
"Fine," Naruto said, pushing Goku away. "Wait until we get to the nearby restaurant."
"Ok!" Goku said happily as he sat still. Naruto sighed as he began to focus on the road again.
A couple minutes later, as Naruto tried to keep his eyes on the road, he began to feel tired, so he pulled over.
"Goku, I'm going to rest my eyes for a minute. Wake me up in a few," Naruto said, yawning.
"But what about…" Goku started.
"Fuck it!" Naruto shouted. "You can wait a few minutes. Now be a good dumbass and sit here and don't touch anything." As Naruto laid back in his seat and fell fast asleep, Goku began to fidget once again. He pulled down his pants until his ass was out and began to pat it, trying to sooth his ass as he tried not to shit himself. Goku looked at Naruto desperately as he felt he couldn't hold it anymore. As he reached over to drive, his pants still down to his ankles as he grabbed the wheel and stuck his foot on the gas. The car jutted quickly, sending Goku into the window, and as this occurred, he began to shit all over Naruto and the car seats. Goku bit his bottom lip as he couldn't stop the shit from coming out, so he let it all go. Naruto began to sniff the air in his sleep.
"Smells like shit in here Hinata," Naruto muttered out loud in his sleep. "Wash between your legs next time in come, will ya?"
"NARUTO!" Goku screamed, making Naruto jump from his sleep.
"No, your covered in my doo-doo stains," Goku said solemnly. Naruto began to scream as he accidently kicked the wheel and sent the car into reverse. Goku and Naruto began to scream as the car went over a bridge and flipped into a river. Goku managed to grab Naruto before the car plunged into its doom.
"Wow," Goku said, floating in the air, looking down at the car. "That kinda sucked."
"Shut up Goku and put me down," Naruto said, closing his eyes.
"Good idea," Goku said, holding his nose. "You smell like my doo-doo stains and asscrack."
"I'm going to make it so you never speak again Goku," Naruto warned.
As Naruto and Goku began walking down the long road, Naruto looked at Goku, biting his lower lip.
"I want to kill him," Naruto thought, looking down at his clothes. "Why did I ever become friends with this douchebag?" His mind then drifted to the day that he and Goku first met…..
Naruto proudly accepted his award for graduating the Ninja Academy with top ranks, smiling proudly as he walked up on the stage. As he did this, his mother and father both waved as he took his scholarship to the Ninja College program and his degree of finishing the Academy. He walked off the stage as his mother reached in for a big hug.
"Naruto-kun, I'm so proud of you!" his mother gushed, hugging him tightly. His father came up and shook his hand and smiled.
"So what will you do now Naruto?" he asked. "Will you become a scholar? Hokage like me? Or will you go even further?"
"I don't know dad, but I know one thing. I got the munchies like a bitch!" Naruto screamed as he ran out the auditorium. He ran into a tall, lanky man with a weird haircut and an orange and blue jumpsuit type suit on.
"Want to smoke with me?" the man said cheerfully. Naruto grinned as the man pulled out a bag of weed and they gave each other a high five.
"I can tell your going to shit on me one day," Naruto said."
Flashback end
As Naruto's eyes snapped open, he began to focus on what was around him.
"Look, a car!" Goku shouted, pointing ahead.
"Great," Naruto moaned, looking down. "We can hitchhike for sure with me and you covered in shit."
"Shit stains," Goku corrected.
"Fuck up," Naruto said. "We need to get that car."
"OK," Goku said cheerfully as Goku jumped in front of the vehicle.
"What are you fucking doing?" Naruto shouted as Goku got hit head on by the truck. Of course the truck didn't hurt him; he just left a dent in it. The driver jumped out, armed with a shotgun. Naruto looked at this and sneaked away, leaving Goku alone.
"Ain't any got dam ninja techniques stopping a fucking shotgun," he whispered as he sneaked away. Goku smiled at the man and waved as the man approached Goku slowly.
"H-hey you put your hands up weirdo," the man stuttered, gripping the gun tightly in his hand.
"Go fuck yourself," Goku said cheerfully.
"I must have smoked too much crack," the man said, nodding his head. He put away his crack pipe as he looked at Goku with red eyes. He then stopped and began to sniff the air.
"Do I smell doo-doo stains?" the man wondered.
"YESS!" Goku shouted happily.
The man jumped and accidently shot off the gun. Goku dodged easily and knocked the man clear out the area.
"Retarded strength?" the man asked himself before hitting a building with a squish. Goku waved happily as he looked on the ground and seen that the man had dropped his crack pipe. He seen their was no more crack in it, so he smiled as he thought of an idea. He took a chunk of doo-doo on his clothes and used a ki blast to blast it into a powdery mix. He then placed it in the pipe and began to light it up. A stench of crack and doo-doo stains filled the air as Goku began to smoke his shit. Naruto crawled from a cut and the smell caught him from a distance.
"What the hell is that?" he wondered to himself as he walked over to Goku. He looked at Goku and gasped.
"Are you smoking crack?" Naruto said angrily.
"No, doo-doo stains," Goku said with a big smile on his face. "Doo-doo stains and crack pipes, what a combo."
Naruto's jaw just fell open and hit the ground. No matter what he did, he couldn't say anything. He slapped the pipe out of Goku's hand and pointed up the road.
As Naruto and Goku traveled up the road in the half destroyed truck, Naruto kept his eyes on the road and couldn't look at Goku. As they neared a town, Goku looked at Naruto and smiled.
"Fuck you," Naruto whispered. "Fuck you, you dumb ass gorilla."
"Now you sound like Frieze," Goku said with a hurt look on his face.
"Shut it up!" Naruto shouted. Naruto got out the car and dragged Goku into a restaurant.
"Go take a bathroom break faggot!" Naruto shouted.
"But I don't have to go!" Goku whined. Naruto turned to him, his eyes glowing red.
"DO IT."
Goku smiled nervously as he headed towards the bathroom. Naruto sighed as he sat down as everyone else moved from the shit smelling Naruto.
"Had a long day?" a voice said. Naruto turned around to see Neji smiling at him.
"Neji!" Naruto shouted. "When did you get out?"
"A long time ago," Neji said solemnly. "I've gotten clean since then."
"Really?" Naruto asked.
"Nah," Neji said, pulling out a large bag of weed. "I'm about to go to this party, with bitches and weed. You in?"
"Hell yes!" Naruto screamed. "LETS GO!" He looked back at the bathroom and wondered if he should wait for Goku.
"Let's go Neji," Naruto said firmly, walking to the door with Neji as Goku remained in the bathroom, not knowing what's going on.
Naruto and Goku have split up! What will happen when the comedy team goes their separate ways! Find out next chapter!