If any of yall are waiting for the next chapter of one of my other stories, I'm soooo sorry I havent updated, but Assasins Creed Brotherhood is just so much fun, and I got this idea for a story.


Crap! They found me! Cahin screamed in his head as he rounded the corner. The small framed, brown haired man was incredibly ordinary. No extinguishing figures, no bulging muscles, nothing.

He ducked his head as the knife buried itself in the doorframe that he had previously been eye level with. Why had they come for him? There were much more important Templars in the city, so why target someone so unimportant as Cahin? There was the Blacksmith who made swords and armor, the Engineer who made guns, the Courtesan who spied…

So why me? Cahin slipped through one of the side alleys in time to see an Assassin recruit drop down and draw his sword. Pulling out his belt knife, Cahin stuttered into a defensive posture. As the recruit swung at him, the bang of a gunshot stopped them. Prowler landed between the two would-be combatants, and nudged the Assassin, causing her to fall. Nodding to Cahin, the Templar hitman got a running start before scaling the walls.

He had some time now, but not much. Running into his small house, Cahin barred the door with some furniture. Yanking out the chest from under his bed, he began throwing things out, desperately searching. As the Assassins reached his door, the young Templar heard the hammering noise of sword pommels being bashed against the wood. Sweating profusely, his hands quaked as he pulled various and random items from the chest, finally finding what he was looking for.

Pulling the mask out of the trunk, he slipped it on. Cackling madly, he pulled the daggers from the folds of cloth in the chest. The door seemed to explode as the five Assassins busted in. But it was okay, he was the Harlequin now.

The first of the group to realize their mistake tried to run, but too slow. The Templar leapt out amongst them, bringing one dagger into the leaders ribcage. Leaving it there, he snatched the Assassins sword from his dying grip, swinging it around to open a gash from shoulder to hip in the next. Retrieving his dagger and kicking the legs from a third Assassin in a single move, he brought both knives down into his opponent's chest. Seeing this as an opening, one of the group brought her sword up to behead the maddened jester, but the gesture proved futile. His right hand shot out, burying the knife in her stomach, as his left flicked his blade into the back of the fleeing attacker.

Cleaning his blades, he walked back into his home, where he began getting the rest of his costume on, the dark blues and greens accentuating his mask. The soft knock on the door alerted him to a presence.

"Dearest brother, what have you been up to?" The Hellaquin stepped daintily over the bodies as her brother placed his hat on his head.

The Harlequin cackled, every bit the insane murderer he was. "Nothing important, sister mine, but let us not tarry on that. After all, there's killing to be done."


If there is a request, I will probably make a sequel to this, but if it's not wanted, then I don't reckon Ill bother with it.