This takes place during the fifth Harry Potter book and Phantom Planet has not happened while all the other episodes in the series have.

By the way, it is currently the end of June.

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or Harry Potter.

Hogwarts Residents: Part 1, The Dursleys' Summer Torture

Harry watched amusedly from the doorway as his Aunt Petunia chattered franticly on the phone.

"Maddie, I don't know, this is rather hurried and don't you think-"

She paused. A look of relief crossed over her face.

"You're not coming? A shame-"

She was seemingly cut off again as the person on the other end gave her some apparently horrifying news. Aunt Petunia stuttered for a few moments as the voice continued. Unfortunately, Harry couldn't make it out and watched as Aunt Petunia's look became resigned and seriously annoyed.

"I'm looking forward to it!" she gushed in a sugary-sweet, yet very fake, voice. "The little darlings will be perfectly fine! Okay … bye now!" She hurriedly hung up the phone and then whipped around to face Harry. In a 180 degree turn, she snarled out some orders. "Pack and move your things to the closet! Now!"

Harry was rather taken aback. He hadn't been in the closet under the stairs for three years now and had thought that the Dursleys were too scared of him to make him return.

Uncle Vernon entered the kitchen and picked up a cookie. "Who was that, dear?" he asked as he examined it greedily and began to eat it.

"That was the wife of your brother," Aunt Petunia informed him tightly, back to her thin-lipped self.

Vernon immediately spat out the cookie at the mention of his geeky, fudge-and-cookie-loving brother whom he was not anything like.

Harry watched motionlessly from his doorway, intrigued by Vernon's reaction and amused by the red hue that was enveloping his face. He opened his mouth to comment, but Dudley beat him to it.

"You have a brother?" he asked rudely as he grabbed some of the freshly-baked cookies and began stuffing his face.

Uncle Vernon promptly snatched the cookies, crumbled them into microscopic bits, and went an even darker shade of red. "Unfortunately, yes! I do!" He turned to his wife. "What about that weirdo?" he yelled at her.

Harry raised his eyebrows. A weirdo? Who was this unknown uncle-in-law? If he had been a wizard, then Vernon would have called him a freak. So if he wasn't a wizard and he wasn't a lower-class or unemployed person (they owned the title of "lazy bums in the slums"), then what was he?

"Maddie called and said something about a ghost convention." She spat out the last two words. "But they aren't taking their children and are dumping them on us." Aunt Petunia laughed derisively. "At least they're not coming, but their children, well. Being raised like that, their children have to be as abnormal as can be."

Having decided that nothing of immediate interest, namely food and bothering Harry, was at hand, Dudley wandered off, sulking at the loss of his midday sweets. It was up to Harry to ask for clarification.

"If they're not wiza-"

"DON'T MENTION THAT WORD!" Uncle Vernon roared.

"-then why do you dislike them?"

Aunt Petunia answered with the sneer that was usually directed at Harry. "They're only one level above your kind! Now move!"

When it was clear that his question wasn't going to be answered, Harry sighed and walked up to his room to pack. He smiled fondly as he lifted several floor boards that hid the few magical items he had managed to smuggle into the house outside of his trunks, which were locked up in a closet in the basement. He had protested that being left in a musty closet was really not good for his magical possessions, but Uncle Vernon had only smiled oily and dramatically locked the door, putting the key in his pocket.

Harry pulled out his invisibility cloak and his quill, ink, and bookwork. The cloak had been easy to bring, as it was easily compressible. The schoolwork, not so much. But after the past several fiascos, he was not willing to bring his summer homework to class incomplete at the beginning of the term. Carefully, he wrapped the cloak around him and his books and crept as quietly as possible down the stairs. Making sure no one was looking, he put them on a shelf in his old living space and then glided upstairs again to get the rest of his stuff.

"Get a move on! Dinner's in five minutes!" Aunt Petunia snapped at him as she passed him.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," he answered dully. Previous experience: agree to anything and they'd leave him alone. Stay out of their way and they wouldn't look for him. Harry liked the isolation policy.

Dinner was unusually quiet until Uncle Vernon broke the silence. Then it became unusually loud. At this point, Harry tried to eat as fast as he could to escape the table and listen without being noticed – or verbally abused.

"Are you moved?" Uncle Vernon grunted at Harry.

"Yes, sir," Harry said as he quickly ate the last of his brussel sprouts.

"When are they coming?" Uncle Vernon questioned Aunt Petunia.

Her lips disappeared again as Harry made his escape. "Tomorrow. At three in the afternoon."

"WHAT!" Uncle Vernon roared and stood up so quickly that his chair toppled over backwards. Harry peeked around the corner to see him breathing like an enraged bull and turning red as a bullfighter's cape.

"Who's coming, Da?" Dudley demanded.

"The two children of your … uncle," Aunt Petunia answered when she saw that her husband was in no condition to speak calmly. "They will be staying-"

"How long?" Vernon interrupted.

Now Aunt Petunia's lip trembled a bit. "A year."

"ONE WHOLE BLOODY YEAR?" Uncle Vernon fumed. Harry almost saw smoke coming out of his ears.

"They will be staying in your extra bedrooms, Dudley," Aunt Petunia continued, only to be cut off again.

"MY rooms? Why MY rooms? And why do they need TWO?" Harry sighed. If they didn't need two, then Dudley surely didn't need three.

Aunt Petunia stood up, determined to explain the situation fully without being interrupted again. "Jasmine and Daniel cannot very well share the same room, now can they? They will arrive tomorrow at three in the afternoon and leave at the beginning of June next year. Maddie and Jack will pay us for all expenses and the siblings will have money themselves to pay for what they need; we will certainly not be giving them any. Maddie asked that they go to school. We can call them at any time if they misbehave." Here Aunt Petunia sniffed to show her opinion that it was inevitable.

"WHY DID YOU AGREE TO THIS?" Uncle Vernon all but screamed. Aunt Petunia looked out the windows nervously to make sure none of the neighbors had heard.

"I didn't." This simple, emotionless statement seemed to make Vernon calm down slightly.

"Then call them up and tell them we can't do it," he said in a dangerously low voice that could barely be heard over Dudley's bawling. Harry watched interestedly as Aunt Petunia stood up to her husband for once.

"I can't. I tried, but Maddie didn't realize I was saying 'no.'"

At this point, Harry left the scene and was about to wander upstairs when he remembered that he was in the closet again. He set up for bed and thought about the visitors.

I wonder what they'll be like. Oh, wait, they're not going to Hogwarts so I won't get to know them too well. Darn. Well, I wish them luck dealing with the Dursleys; after seeing their attitudes, I can tell the whole year is going to be a nightmare for them. Harry cringed. Hopefully, though, the Dursleys will go easy on them since they can always tell their parents. As he yawned and closed his eyes, one last thought lingered in his mind. Hope they don't mess up any of my summer plans.

So. Just an idea I had. When ideas strike, I write. However, the updating of this story will be rather erratic. I'm going to try to focus more on my oldest incomplete one.

Happy Thanksgiving!