Regrets in time

The rain was falling heavily as pikachu awoke.

She opened her big black eye's and sat up.

She then ran over to the window sill expecting a sunny day but became upset when she saw the rain "pika" she sadly muttered.

But she soon remembered that she had to wake her trainer Ash ketchum, because he always woke up late.

She climbed onto ash's bed and ran up his body

to reach his ear, she took a deep breathe in and screamed at the top of here lungs "PIKACHU!"

Ash awoke with a startled face he was sure pikachu had woken every neighbor in palettown.

"What was that for pikachu?"Ash said as he sat up,"pika" was the reply as the pokemon pointed to the clock.

The clock was either wrong or Ash was a really deep sleeper for the clock read clearly 12o'clock in the morning.

"Oh now i see why you did that, But i preferred it when you electrocuted me"

Pikachu went down stairs into the kitchen and waited for Ash to get dressed and come down.

When he did the phone began to ring, Ash ran over to it and picked it up.

"Hello" he said as anyone would on the phone, Ash then waited as if someone else was talking on the other end.

"Yeah that's great" he responded and then waited once more, Pikachu was eavesdropping as usual.

"OK we will come right over" and hung up the phone.

He walked over to Pikachu and said in a cheerful tone"Hey Pikachu how do you feel about going over to see professor oak"

"Pika" Pikachu replied in a happy squeak.

When they got there professor oak greeted them and lead them to the lab."I didn't want to tell you everything over the phone, but i might have created a devise to turn pokemon into human" professor oak said happily.

"And you wanted us to come over here to test it?"

said Ash looking at pikachu.

"Yes, but only if you want to i'm not forcing anything"professor oak said also starring at pikachu.

Ash neeled down to pikachu and said with care in his voice "What do you think pikachu do you wanna try it"

Pikachu looked at Ash and replied "pika" nodding as if to say yes.

"OK then lets try it"

Pikachu was put into a glass tube as tall as a human and professor oak began pressing buttons.

Pikachu then began to fell hot and dizzy as the tube began to heat.

She felt energy flow through her body, and felt her self growing in a flash of light she fainted...

Pikachu awoke and saw Ash looking down at her "What happened" said pikachu but surprised that words came out of her mouth she was expecting her self to hear pika or something.

She looked down at her paws or now hands and gasped "So it worked I'm a human"...