Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy or its characters (although I wouldn't object if anyone got me Jesse Williams for Christmas)

"Jackson!" A familiar voice called lightly from across the nurses' station. He didn't have to look up to know that Little Grey had a huge grin splattered across her face as she bounced towards him. "We're both on Sloan's service today. It looks like you didn't screw up as bad as you thought you did." Lexie wasn't sure what was bringing Jackson down but nothing could make her lose focus today. She had woken up in a surprisingly good mood and no one – not even pretty boy – was going to take that from her.

Jackson grunted slightly swatting at Lexie's arm to shoo her away. His head rested on the counter as he tried to block out all the noise around him. He did not need her perky attitude this early in the morning.

"You okay?" She asked leaning onto the surface next to him getting closer.

When he made no attempt to answer her, she grabbed the back on his neck and pulled him up to she could see his face. He looked okay.

"Grey." He groaned, squinting his eyes shut.

"Open your eyes." She demanded quietly.

When he didn't, Lexie slapped his cheek lightly but hard enough to startle him. His eyes snapped open. "Ow." He whispered trying to look hurt.

"Don't be a baby." She studied his face and leaned in close. "Are you hungover?" She asked quietly like it was a secret.

"No." He lied pulling away from her.

"Jackson!" She slapped his arm like she was scolding a child.

"I got like two hours of sleep last night so leave me alone." He started to walk off but the light footsteps following close behind him made him smirk a little. Lexie was so predictable.

"Drink this. I got it for me but you look like you need it more than I do." She passed him a cup of coffee.

"When did you get so violent?" He sipped on the hot liquid but she didn't get a chance to answer before Sloan rounded the corner in front of them.

"Avery, I need you in the pit. Grey, you're with me in the OR." Sloan told them.

"Scut?" Jackson scoffed. "Why am I the scut monkey?"

"Because I said so." Mark said simply. "Come on Grey."

Lexie ran to catch up with Mark. "Am I assisting?" She had to admit that she was a little excited to be able to cut.

"Actually, I think I have all the hands I need but since this is a teaching hospital I thought you might like to observe."

"Oh." Lexie couldn't hide the thick disappointment in her voice. "Dr. Sloan?"

"What?" Lexie could tell Sloan didn't want to be bothered with questions.

"Why'd you give Jackson the pit today?"

"Someone has to do it." He shrugged. He was lying. He had a very good reason. Mark had seen the way Jackson had been looking at Lexie lately and he maybe he was a little jealous.

"Well, uh, if you don't really need me, maybe I could help Dr. Avery in the pit?"

"You'd rather do pointless scut with pretty boy that watch a mommy makeover?" Mark turned to look at her. "I might let you help." Mark watched Lexie bite her bottom lip thinking. He could tell she wanted to get into the OR; that she wanted to cut. "Fine." He sighed. "Go."

Lexie turned on her heels heading towards the ER hearing Sloan mumble something about sex-crazed doctors but she ignored him.

Jackson was reading over Mr. Willows file when a whirlwind of brunette hair caught his attention in the corner of his eye.

"Grey?" He asked looking up.

"Hey." She smiled taking a file from the stack he had made little progress on.

"I thought you were in surgery with Sloan."

"It was just a rhinoplasty . Nothing I haven't seen before." She lied shrugging. "Besides, I couldn't make you do all this work alone."

"Thanks." He grinned.

Lexie looked down at the file in her hands then back at Jackson. "I uh… I heard about your patient yesterday." She said in a soft voice and he tensed. "Sometimes things just happen."

"It wasn't my patient." He retorted avoiding her eyes.


"Damn it, Grey, it was Bailey's patient. She wasn't my patient." He practically yelled and Lexie flinched back at his outburst. "She was Bailey's patient." Jackson said a little quieter before sulking off.

"What's got his panties in a bunch?" Karev leaned onto the nurses' station.

Lexie glanced at him before huffing off herself.

Lexie grabbed a yogurt before joining April and Jackson at their usual table.

"He's been sitting there like that for the last hour." April told Lexie.

"What happened?"

April shrugged. "Apparently he begged Derek to scrub in on some surgery and Derek basically told him to buzz off."

"I'm right here, you know." Jackson finally lifted his head up. "I can hear everything you're saying."

"Look Jackson, I don't know why you're so stressed about this." Lexie tried to calm him down.

"I'm getting fired."

"Oh yea, for some reason he has this idea in his head that the Chief is going to cut him from the program." April leaned over and whispered to Lexie.

"Okay, for one, that would never happen. You're a great doctor. Believe me, if anyone was going to get fired it'd be me." Lexie finished as Meredith joined their table.

"Who's getting fired?" Meredith asked.

"No one." Lexie sighed. "Jackson thinks the Chief is going to fire him and I'm simply stating that I'd get fired way before he does."

"That's true." Meredith shrugged and when she saw the look on Lexie's face she continued. "You have screwed up a lot."

"What?" Lexie started to get defensive. This was definitely bringing down her mood.

"Well, you went through this whole klepto phase and kept stealing from the hospital. Then you formed an underground "teaching" club with the other interns. You performed an unnecessary appendectomy on another intern and almost killed her. And you had a nervous breakdown in the hospital before going crazy for a week." Meredith said simply. "Oh, and you broke Mark's penis."

Jackson scoffed suddenly catching interest at this last part.

"What?" Lexie altered. "It- it wasn't that bad."

"Lexie, he had to have surgery… on his penis." Meredith leaned over scooping a spoonful of yogurt from Lexie and popping it in her mouth.

"The point is," Lexie sighed turning back to Jackson. "I've done a lot worse at this hospital and I'm still here."

"You broke Sloan's penis?" April asked seriously.

"Bent right in the middle." Meredith laughed. "The most hilarious thing I have ever seen." April chuckled when Jackson's hand went instinctively to his crotch.

"If you guys are done making fun of me, I have to get back to the pit. It's pretty busy down there." Lexie stood and surprisingly Jackson got up to follow.

"I can't make you do all the work alone." He smirked when he saw the look on her face.