I do not own How To Train Your Dragon.

Alright, this is Toothless POV to that dance with the drawing.

Amazing right?

I know, I love Toothless too.

Don't you?

Night Fury POV

I opened my eyes and spotted the strange human sitting on a rock. He was still here? Why can't he just leave me alone? With a grumble I got off the branch and slowly fell to the floor. I smacked my mouth, getting rid of the taste of sleep.

I walked over slowly and sat down next to the human, staring as he started making something on the dirt with a stick. He glanced over at me and back at my drawing-hey that looks like me! I purred, telling him that I liked the drawing.

He finished it, lastly with my eyes. I suddenly got an idea; I wanted to copy him, to try it also. I started to walk towards a tree, searching for a good branch. Once I spotted one I grabbed it with my teeth and pulled it off, fixing it in my mouth so it wouldn't fall out.

I started spinning on the ground.

A turn here, a turn there, a line and another line.

I glanced over at the human to see him watching me and make a dot. Then I spun around even more, making sure I didn't mess up his drawing of me. I hit him with the leaves-oops I didn't mean to do that.

Once the branch was tosses aside I looked down at my art, satisfied.

He stood up, looking at it and began walking away.

He stepped on my line! I growled him, warning him that he better get off, or there will be trouble!

The human took his foot off, staring at me. I merely purred at him.

He put his foot down again, I growled, he lifted it, I purred, he put it back down. I growled again, getting ready to attack him. He lifted it again; I was still in attack stance as he went over the line. I was okay with that.

The green eyed human began walking over every line, every curve I made. His arms were up, sideways of him.

I tilted my head, how strange.

He still did this….this dance, going over every line, making sure he didn't step on it and for some reason, I was okay with it.

He finally stopped, right in front of me with his back to me. I breathed through my nose, trying to catch his attention.

It worked.

The human turned around slowly, staring. I continued staring back at him, observing the strange little human. He slowly put his hand out, still staring into my eyes. I growled uncertainly, should I let this human touch me?

He pulled his hand back and looked away. Then, he stuck his hand back up, his whole arm also.

I was stunned as I stared at his hand; why….why did this strange human trust me so much? So I did something I never did before.

I trusted the human, closed my eyes, and put my nose to his hand.

I enjoyed the warmth his hand gave me. Sure I was warm as well, but I liked the human's warmth. I opened my eyes and pulled away, staring at him and his hand. Then I shook my head and walked away. I spotted a patch of grass and flamed it up, making it warm to sleep on.

I watched the human still, he had a smile on his face and he began walking away. He turned around and waved his hand at me. It was then I thought 'Could this be a new friend for me?'

The thought of that made me smile a bit as I started falling asleep, a dance made us friends.

How strange.

Hey! The sequel thingy will be called "Another Dance" because it's after the movie and will have 3 POV




Alright? I dunno when the sequel will be up, don't ask me.