A/N: Hey, all you fanfictioneers out there. Kinzee here. I wrote this while listening to Long Live by Taylor Swift; it reminded me of being seven, running around and fighting dragons and using magic. So, therefor, I was inspired to write this. Sonny and Chad are seven in this; I hope y'all like it!

Dedication: To the wonderful Arie Jay. Carma-Dee, I'm dedicating this to you because I know you love Sonny and Chad as kids. I hope this is up to your standards. I love ya, twin!

"Long, long live the walls we crashed through
All the candlelight shined just for me and you
And I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made"
And bring on all the pretenders
I'm not afraid
Singing long live all the mountains we moved
I had the time of my life
Fighting dragons with you."

-Taylor Swift, "Long Live."

"Watch out, Sonny! Your about to step in lava!

A small gasp could be heard as a seven year old Sonny quickly jumped away from the spot she was standing on. Her brown hair was in two sloppy braids, falling over her overalls slightly. Her hands were dirty, mud slathered on them. As soon as Sonny's feet touched the ground again, another muddy hand grabbed Sonny's arm, pulling her backwards.

"A dragon was about to eat you!" the same voice informed the little girl. It belonged to a blonde haired boy, with sparkling blue eyes and a cocky grin. He removed his hand from Sonny's arm, leaving a mud hand print on her skin.

"Thanks, Chad!" Sonny grinned at her friend. Chad grinned back, before getting a devious smirk on his face and a glint in his eyes. "Chad?" Sonny asked cautiously.

"You owe me your life!" Chad announced with a grin. Sonny's mouth fell open in shock and confusion at Chad's words.

"I do not!" argued Sonny, crossing her arms across her chest. Her brows furrowed in defiance of Chad's words. "Why would I, anyways?"

"Because I saved your life, twice!" Chad nodded his head, his blonde hair flopping up and down. His bottom lip poked out in a small pout.


"So, you owe me your life!" Chad raised a small eyebrow, daring Sonny to argue.

"Or what?"

"Or you'll have to kiss me!" Chad gave her a wicked grin. Sonny's mouth fell agape in shock. "You have too or you'll owe me your life!" Sonny bit her lip, as she tried to pick an option.

"Fine, I'll kiss you!" Sonny decided finally. Chad grinned again, deviously.

Cautiously, Sonny elevated herself onto her toes as she came to his height. She closed her eyes tightly, puckering her lips. She hesitated slightly before pushing herself forward.

She stumbled forward, and, as she opened her eyes, she realized Chad had disappeared from her site. With an aggravated sigh, she shouted, "CHAD DYLAN COOPER!"