"Ange? Ange are you okay?" Brennan asked bending down next to her best friend.

"She could be out for awhile Dr. B. That was a bit of a shock." Hodgins told the fretting anthropologist as he helped her fiance move Angela onto the couch.

"A BIT! Hodgins I know you do alot of crazy experiments but are you sure none of them have caused brain damage? This is huge!" Cam yelled.

Just as Hodgins was about to reply with a witty remark Angela started to stir. She slowly blinked her eyes open and looked up at her best friend with a bewildered expression on her face. "I just had the weirdest dream!" Angela exclaimed. "You and Booth got engaged while the lab was locked down. And then we all came in the morning to see if you were okay and apparently your daughter was here!"

Just then Olivia walked into the room holding a bottle of water, "Mom, I found the water but I can't find asprin."

"Thanks baby." Brennan said taking the outstreched bottle from her daughter.

"Holy shit!" Angela yelled.

XxXxXxXx (6 months later)

"She looks so beautiful." Booth commented as he watched Brennan dancing with her father.

"They say all brides look beautiful." Olivia said from his side. She watched her mother twirl around. She was wearing a white strapless dress with a light blue bow around her middle that matched both her and Olivia's eyes. Olivia's bridesmade dress was the same color as the sash around her mother's waiste.

"Well she is the most beautiful bride I have ever or will ever see." Booth said wuth finallity as the song ended and he walked towards his new wife and father-in-law. As Booth entered Max kissed his daughters cheek and walked away. "Are you having a good time baby?"

"This may sound cliched but this is one of the best days of my life." Brennan said as she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close.


At the end of the everyone excpet the squints, Olivia, and the newlyweds had gone home. The little makeshift family had gathered around a table that they dragged to the center of the room and were trading stories and laughs.

Angela decided that that moment would be perfect to make her announcment. She stood and banged her spoon against her glass to get everyone to quiet down, "Okay I have something I would like to share with everyone." Angela glanced at everyone in the circle before Hodgins grabbed her hand, "I'm pregnant!"

To say the group was shocked was an understatement. In fact the last time they had been this quiet was the day Brennan announced her duaghter/engagement. Of course Brennan was the first one to get up and hug her friend, "Oh Ange I am so happy for you."

Cogratulations and well wishes were exchanged through the whole group. Once the activity had calmed down enough Hodgins spoke, "Booth, Dr. B, we were wondering if you would want to be the god parents." Hodgins said.

"It would mean so much to us." Angela said grabbing her husbands hand.

Brennan had tears in her eyes and looked like if she tried to talk they would start flowing. Booth locked eyes with his new wife and in a moment traded all the information that he needed to know, "We would be honored to." Angelas face lit up with a smile, "On one condition." he added

Angela and Hodgins both looked a little confused but Olivia looked so excited she was practically bouncing in her seat. "What might that be?" Cam finally asked when it was evident no one else was going to.

Brennan stared directly at Angela, "If you agree to be godparents for us." Once again Cam's eyes grew wide, Hodgins' mouth fell open, and angela fainted

A/N: So what did ya think? should I write a sequel?