Where Are We?

Carly, Sam and Freddie just finished their episode of iCarly and celebrated their success of having 2000000000000000000000 hits by drinking soda Spencer made (though they dumped it in the sink).

"So Sam, what should be our next idea for our next episode?" Carly asked the blonde girl.

"I don't know, but I'm thinking of putting Freddie's face in the toilet!" Sam suggested.

"Ha, ha, very funny Sam. Tell another joke." Freddie laughed sarcasticly.

"Okay, how about I push you out the window and see how long it takes for you to land?" Sam said aggressively. Freddie sweatdropped.

"Stop it you guys!" Carly shouted. Then Spencer came running wearing a towel.

"Carly! Sam! Freddie! There's a swirly hole in my shower!" Spencer yelled.

"Spencer! What are you doing only wearing a towel? It's cold!" Carly screamed.

"Well there's a swirly hole in my shower that's why!" Spencer repeated.

"I'll bring my video camera, it must be some hole that will take us to a magical world with pretty ponies! Better than me falling off a building!" Freddie said sarcasticly. Sam stuck her tounge at Freddie.

"Come on, follow me!" Spencer said running to the bathroom.

"I'm bringing my baseball bat, it might be a bug." Sam sighed pulling out a baseball bat.
"YOU STOLE MY BASEBALL BAT!" Freddie yelled. Carly sighed and dragged the two off to the bathroom.

In the bathroom...

"Woah...Check it out!" Freddie said excitedly.

"I know, we're right here dummy!" Sam said.

"Stop it or I'll spray you guys with pepper spray!" Carly yelled holding a pepper spy can.

"I got a titanium pan just in case aliens come out of the hole!" Spencer cheered. Just then the hole started growing bigger.

"Uh...Guys? The hole's getting bigger..."

"Whatever, Fredward!"

"No seriously guys, the hole is getting bigger!" Freddie said nervously. Then the hole sucked Freddie in.

"NO! FREDDIE!" Carly screamed.

"Hooray! Freddie is gone, but...OH NO! THAT'S HORRIBLE!" Sam cheered, then she acted worried when Carly glared at her. Then it sucked in Carly.

"NO! CARLY!" Sam yelled. Then Sam jumped in.

"NOOO! Oh well I'M COMING GUYS!" Spencer shouted. Then he jumped in the hole.

A few hours later, they fell on a hard floor.

"Ugh...Where are we?" Carly moaned. She saw Freddie, Sam and Spencer awake and alright.

"We're okay..." Sam said sleepily.

"Hey! Those aren't popcorn! It's a bunch of people! You failed your inventions again, dummy!" a shadowy figure yelled.

Ooo...Who's shadowy figure? Will the iCarly gang become movie snacks? Do they know where they are? What happened to their self defense weapons or their camera? Find out in the next Chapter? Please review and no flames! I do not own Super Smash Bro. Brawl or iCarly! If I did own iCarly I would find the gang and give it back and I would give back Super Smash Bro. Brawl also. THANK YOU!