Title: Distraction
Pairing: E/J
Rating: M
Recipient: BMango
What you should read of theirs: Beyond Duty - so great. Very original AU Vampward
Prompt: None. I'm gonna do a proper one for you soon, hon. Props to Donnergirl for the pic that inspired this.

Dear Friend: My darling girl. I love talking with you and reading your stories and sharing your ideas. Thanks for waking up with me. I love you. I promise you'll get a full shot soon. Merry Birthday!

Disclaimer: Not SM. Just playing with her ossim toys.

Jasper's hand hesitated above the paper, wondering if this was a good idea.

He looked around the kitchen, smiling fondly ashe remembered sitting at his counter in his old apartment with Edward by his side. They pored over plans, laughing and dreaming, sharing kisses that tasted like cheap wine as they traded ideas.

Now, over five years later, Jasper looked around, taking in the house they'd designed theselves, together.

His heart gave a bittersweet little lurch.

The house had been fun to design and perfectly reflected their combined tastes, but Edward had gotten a little too used to long hours at work.

What good was having such a fine house when Edward was never around to share it?

Putting that thought aside, he again hoped he was making the right move. Lately, Edward had been on the defensive. Too often, Jasper's sweet entrities were met with, "Babe, I'm busy." Jasper couldn't help his hurt, and it would all devolve into an argument.

Sighing, Jasper wrote his message on the paper and put it next to the things he'd brought. Wine - the good stuff this time, the kind his adorably wine-snobby boyfriend would approve of - cheeses and grapes.

He finished setting things up just in time, hearing the garage door open. Quickly, he slipped upstairs.

Jasper paused outside the bathroom door, taking a moment to admire the space.

This room was all his - which was another reason he wasn't sure this little plan would work.

Edawrd had shaken his head indulgently when Jasper proposed they install the huge, deep tub that took up most of one wall of the master bathroom. It was a gorgeous set up, with marble tiled shelf room and more than enough room for two grown men.

Which was, Jasper hoped, the idea.

He made short work of his clothes, flipping on the hot water tap to begin filling the tub. Nude, he crouched shifting through the the various salts and oils. He hummed to himself, mixing and matching until the tendrils of steam rose, filling the room with a pleasing, floral scent.

When Edward appeared in the doorway, Jasper felt his presence. He didn't turn, but held his hand under the tap, testing the temperature.

Just right.

He waited for a tense moment, but when he heard the tell tale slip of rustling fabric against skin, he grinned. He stood, turning just as Edward stepped out of his boxers.

"Dinner and a bath?" Edward asked, picking up the tray Jasper had prepared and setting it on the flat surface behind the tub.

"I figured you might appreciate the multitasking," Jasper returned, flashing his lover a grin.

Leaning forward, Edward cupped Jasper's cheek, kissing his lips sweetly. "I appreciate it," he assumed.

Winding their fingers together, Jasper tugged Edward's hand. "Come relax, baby. You had a long day."

Jasper climbed into the tub first, opening his arms out for Edward to join him. His lover took a moment to pour the wine into two glasses before he joined him in the water.

"Mmm," Edward moaned as he settled back against Jasper's chest. "The water feels wonderful."

Jasper merely hummed, glad Edward couldn't see his little smirk. His lover was forever poking fun at him for believing that certain scents could be soothing... or alluring as the case might be.

He didn't need to know that Jasper had mixed liberal amounts of both scents into the bath.

For long minutes, they enjoyed the hot water and each others presence, sipping wine and listening to the water sloshing lightly against the side of the tub.

"I'm sorry," Edward said, breaking the silence with a sigh. "I know I've been distant."

"You're here now," Jasper murmured. "That's what counts."

Edward laid his head back on Jasper's shoulder. "I'm a lucky man. I'm not unaware of that."

At that, Jasper had to grin. "You are lucky man." He let his arms wind around his bronze haired lover, dragging the pads of his fingers along Edward's chest, snaking his other hand down lower to graze his length. "And if you really want to make it up to me, then when I get you out of this bath, you're going to get even luckier."

Craning his head back on Jasper's shoulder, Edward smiled back wickedly, his green eyes dark and filled, for once, with lust instead of distraction. "Why wait?" he challenged.

And Jasper couldn't find a reason.