Title: A New Beginning

Summary: Harry tells his friends that his with Snape and he intends to be with Snape all the way.

Time-line: This chapter 01 starts off where Part I ended in the movie.

Disclaimer: I Do Not Owe HP...

Harry enters the cottage and right away he saw Ron and Hermione sitting on the couch by the fireplace as he saw Ron hugging Hermione comfortably and he saw the bandages on Hermione's arm. "Are you alright?" Harry asked so softly that Hermione almost didn't hear him at all.

"I'm fine Harry; the pain is going by slowly. What about you? You haven't spoken since we buried Dobby," Hermione said slowly.

"The memory would fade away," Harry lied as he knew that the memory of Dobby's death would always be within him. The next time he sees Bellatrix, he was going to kill her for sure after what she done to his godfather, Sirius and now Dobby. Harry turned to Ron, "Listen mate, what you saw when I open the locket…" he began.

"It's not true, that's what you've been telling me," Ron interrupted.

"What? What happened?" Hermione asked confused as she wasn't there at the time.

"Ron saw an image of me and you kissing each other. He thinks it's true," Harry explained.

"What? That's ridiculous Ron! I love Harry as a younger brother," Hermione replied.

"That's what I've been trying to tell him and I don't even like women," Harry added nervously without looking at Ron. Harry could feel the stare of Ron as Harry looked away.

"You're bloody joking, aren't you, mate? George told me that you've kissed Ginny before we left!" Ron exclaimed.

"That was just a spur of a moment thing," Harry replied, "I was going to tell Ginny that I want to break up with her, but with the incident at the wedding, how could I?" He asked.

Ron shook his head furiously, "No, I still don't believe it. I don't believe that you're gay!"

"Ronald Weasley, how can you be so shocked about that if you know that Charlie is gay as well?" A voice asked as everyone looked and saw Bill and Fleur.

"I'm sorry about eavesdropping, but we came in the room a few minutes ago but you didn't heard us and we keep of trying but you were so deep in your conversation," Fleur explained apologetic.

"I'm upset because Harry has been playing my sister for two years now!" Ron snapped, "I want to know why Harry hasn't told any of us that he was gay in the first place!"

"I didn't know Ron! I didn't know until the end of 6th year before Snape killed Dumbledore. I was still sorting through my feelings for him and even now," Harry explained.

"Wait, for whom?" Hermione asked shocked.

Harry looked up startled as he didn't know he had blurted that part out and saw every one was now staring at him including Ron with a red angry face.

"No, don't tell me…" Ron said slowly but he was still shock and angry with the fact.

"Yes, I'm in love with Severus Snape since 6th year," Harry confessed and with that said, he watched his best friend got up and stormed out off the room and out off the house as everyone became silent again.

"How… I mean, how did this happen? You don't even trust Snape, remember?" Hermione asked as she found her voice again.

"I think it's great," a voice said making every one looked up and saw Luna Lovegood with a smile on her face. "Harry finally found someone and I think that we could all trust Snape since people changes," she explained.

"Have you've forgotten he killed Dumbledore?" Fleur asked slowly.

"Yes, he told me, last year," Harry explained making everyone's faces shock again as Harry began retailing the story of how he found out and how he became lovers with Severus.


"Potter, there are some news that I have to tell you and you're not going to like it," Severus Snape deep voice began as Harry sat at one of the desks and he was writing lines but he had now stopped and was fully surprise to see that Snape was talking to him for the first time in a pleasant matter.

"It has to do something with you-know-who, am I right?" Harry asked softly.

"This is from Albus Dumbledore's orders, he told me to tell you. Soon, and I mean soon, I will have to kill Albus due to his orders since he is already slowly dying," Severus explained.

"What! You can't! You just can't!" Harry cried.

"Potter!" Severus barked out, "this is his orders and you can not make him change his mind nor mind. It has to be done," he said.

"His dying from that bloody ring, isn't he? That's why his suffering," Harry said slowly but Severus have good ears that he heard him. However, he didn't comment it on it. "I love you…"

Severus perked up as he heard that and looked at Harry as he saw that Harry was staring at him. Did he heard right or was he just imagining it?

"I love you Severus and I want you."

With that right there and there, Severus couldn't help himself as he stood up and went over to Harry and kissed him on the lips passionately.

(End Flashback)

"Wow, I mean, wow…" Fleur said with wide surprise eyes.

"Harry, do you love him? I mean, are you worried about him since his with you-know-who right now?" Hermione asked.

Harry nodded, "That's why when I heard his name on the radio about him being Headmaster, I knew it has something to do with you-know-who," he said worriedly.

"I should go and speak to Ron," Hermione said and she quickly stood up and left the room to go find her lover.

Bill and Fleur continued on what they were doing as Luna stayed with him until Hermione came back with Ron. "Listen mate, I still think that it's disgusting that your with Snape..." Ron began as he recieved a glare from Hermione, "but I want to remain friends with you and please spare me the details between you and him once this war is over, ok?" Ron asked.

Harry looked at Ron surprised and back to Hermione who nodded. Harry looked back at Ron and smiled, "That's fine. We should plan on what's our next move," he said seriously.

"Like how do we get back the Gryffindor sword now that Bellatrix has it," Hermione replied.

"I know where she might have put it," Luna piped up as the three looked back at her. "The only place that you could keep valuable stuff like that is at Gringotts," she said.

"Gringotts," Harry repeated as he sighed, "that's where we begin," he said and he began planning the next move with his friends on how to get back the sword.


me: I know it's short, but the next chapter would be better. I was thinking of just doing a two-shot story on this, but now I'm thinking of doing more than that. However, don't get your hopes up.

Harry: Anyone watched the 7th movie during the midnight showing?

me: I saw it on Friday morning. It was wonderful. Though some scenes were cut or replaced, the 7th movie part I is better than the 6th movie. And there was only a few minutes of Snape in the movie! (Sobs)... My favorite character. At least he'll have more minutes later on in Part II. I wonder, why did they shown scenes of Part II during the preview in TV if it isn't going to be shown in Part I?

Ron: We'll be onto the next chapter soon.

me: All of you review so that the next chapter would be up. The next chapter would be up anyway for Thanksgiving... so review and no flames!