I could almost feel my eye twitching at the irony of it all. My first day here and I already gathered this much unwanted attention. I have to learn how to stop doing that.
And I really want to get out of the spotlight and this annoying guy's face right now. I frowned mentally; I knew his kind of person from experience. This kind of person knew how to break you and enjoy it. This was the type of person you didn't want to get acquainted with.
My mind panicked, trying to find a way to redirect the attention.
I ignored his question, and instead, asked another question relating to the girl who had previously irritated me. I'm going to be so hated for this.
"Eh? Are you two a couple or something? You look like you're having a lover's spat." I feigned innocence, but I was inwardly apologizing because I knew this would trigger some sort of bad reaction.
The result was worse than I thought, because the room's temperature suddenly dropped a few degrees and pin-drop silence followed. I gulped as I watched for a reaction.
My eyes roamed around the class, and not so surprisingly, I even found some students shaking in their seats, inching away from the same direction. Probably in fear of who that caused the atmosphere to go bad. My eyes followed the direction where everybody was cowering away from and stopped at that Natsume guy.
His bangs were covering his eyes and his fists were clenched shut, but even then, I could still sense that bad aura surrounding him. I couldn't remember how long everybody stayed like that, but something had to stop it, right?
Saved by the bell. Everybody scampered out of the room quickly, whilst Natsume looked like nothing happened and walked back to his seat.
Not knowing what to do, I grabbed my bag from its previous place on the floor and walked out of the room, leaving some people and Natsume in the room.
Once I shut the door, I unzipped my bag and fished for my schedule, finding it after pushing my notebook to the side. I looked at the piece of paper and saw Chemistry written beside the day.
I never really checked where all the class rooms were, so I decided to ask for directions. I looked around, trying to find anyone from the previous class. My eyes caught sight of a girl with pink hair walking with another girl with blue hair from the door, and I tapped the pink-haired girl's shoulder. Her head turned and I asked her where the Chemistry room was.
"Ah, you have Chemistry next? Then that means we're in the same class. You can just follow me there. I'm Umenomiya Anna, but you can just call me Anna. This is my best friend, Nonoko." She pointed to the blue-haired girl beside her, and I introduced myself.
"So you were that girl in homeroom, right?" Nonoko asked, her eyes on the path to Chemistry. I nodded, but said yes because she couldn't see it.
"That was one heck of an attitude you showed Natsume there, talking about his relationship with Luna and all." Anna said as if she were in awe.
I laughed sheepishly. "Well, I admit it was kind of really stupid of me to do that when I didn't know anything, but that guy just made me so mad I couldn't think straight. Who is he, anyway? Why is everybody afraid of him?" I added, remembering the sequence of events that happened earlier.
"Do you want the whole story or just the basics?" She asked, as if there might be something in the whole story that I wouldn't like.
"Whole story, please." I hesitated. Anna seemed really serious when she asked that question.
"Okay. First of all, Natsume has the fire alice. He's one of the most powerful alice-users in the school. He's a special star, like you, and he's in the Dangerous Ability class."
I nodded. "So, he has the same star as mine?"
"Yes, though it's rare for more than one person to be a special star in the high school division."
"So, why's everybody afraid of him? Oh yeah, what's his and Luna's relationship?"
Anna seemed to tense up when I asked the last question, but answered my former first. "Rumor has it that he used his fire alice to destroy his home when he was just 12. That was what led his parents to bring him to this school. There's also another once that said that he killed a group of upperclassmen. Nobody has any solid evidence, just that those certain underclassmen suddenly disappeared the next day and a huge part of the school was burnt to ashes." She stressed on some words, giving off a dramatic feeling.
"Wow. No wonder he's in the DA class."
"So for his and Luna's relationship, nobody really knows what happened. They were a couple two years back, and Natsume was the happiest he had ever been. Everybody thought their relationship was changing Natsume for good, but when they broke up just a few months ago, Natsume was even worse than before he got together with Luna. He started avoiding her, and he'd go missing from class even more."
"So he's.. heartbroken?" Weird, he didn't strike me as someone who would be heartbroken. Maybe he has a grudge?
"That doesn't sound like Natsume, but that's most probably correct. From all the small pieces of harsh conversation they have once in a while, though it might not be a hundred percent true, you can almost say that Luna cheated on him. For what reason; nobody knows except for the two of them."
"Ah, I see.." Well, that was most certainly interesting. And somewhat cliche. I mean, seriously-
Dangerous boy falls in love with an apparent slut, dangerous boy becomes less dangerous and slut becomes less slutty because of relationship, slut cheats on boy for some reason, they break up, boy is heartbroken and becomes even more dangerous, slut becomes.. sluttier. Maybe.
Just like a movie, isn't it?
My train of thought was broken when a door slammed shut behind me. Woah, when did I reach Chemistry? I groaned when I realized that I didn't get a chance to memorize the route.
I walked behind Anna and Nonoko, passing by some other students in the same class. "Ah, you can sit beside me. Nobody sits there, anyway.", Anna said as we reached a four-seater in the very front.
I nodded, then placed my bag on the chair. I watched as students started flooding in the classroom, finally taking their seats as the door creaked open and a raven haired man walked in.
I suddenly heard some giggling beside me. My eyes widened in realization when I saw Anna and Nonoko blushing, looking at the teacher. They had crushes on a teacher!
"Good morning, students."
Dreamy sighs escaped many lips before greeting back. Wow, this teacher must be really popular with the girls.
"Now before you touch the apparatus in front of you- Yes, Nonoko?" I looked at the blue-haired girl, with her hand raised in the air.
"M-Misaki-sensei, we have a new student." She blushed, then turned her head to smile at me.
"Ah, is that so? I thought the class looked fuller. Well, please come up to the front and introduce yourself!" He smiled at me and gestured to the space beside him. I smiled back nervously, feeling many pairs of eyes on me.
I pushed back my chair and maneuvered past the tables, wary of the fragile equipment on it. I faced the class and bowed whilst introducing myself, knowing that it was polite to do so.
"Okay Sakura-san, is it necessary to arrange a seat for you or would you like to stay at your previous seat?" I didn't want to give him the trouble, and I wanted to stay near Anna and Nonoko, so I shook my head.
"Okay, but you're still going to need a partner. Imai-san, could you be Sakura-san's partner?" He looked at the seat beside mine and I followed his gaze. A raven-haired girl sat there, and I wondered why I didn't notice her before.
Her eyes narrowed at the teacher before sighing, "Fine, but if she brings my grade down, I'll make you regret it." She turned to stare at me, with an almost calculating gaze. I laughed nervously; I felt like her stare was boring into my soul.
I took the end of the conversation as my cue to walk back to my seat; so I did. After sitting back down, the chair beside mine creaked and I found a hand in front of me.
"Imai Hotaru." I heard her say, then gave me a small white card.
Imai Corporations
Imai Hotaru
Technical Engineer
Mobile: *insert number here*
Fax: **** ****
Email: **************.***
It was typed in a slightly cursive font, with little decoration except for the small fireworks at the corner. Then I remembered that Imai Corporations was one of the most famous international companies in the world.
"Thanks." I said, knowing that the card might be important in the future. Then Misaki-sensei continued with the lesson.
Author's Note: Okay, it's not that long. I have a bit of trouble understanding the original plot, so I might need to change a few things. If there's anything you're confused about, just tell me and I might be able to answer your question.