By XxSailorWinchesterXx
Hey! Well here is my newest story. I hope that it's not to bad, but I've never wrote a proper Glee story, so I hope that I've kept the characters, in well, character. I don't know if I'll continue so the only way is to review and let me know what you think.
Anyway here it is. Enjoy. Also sorry for the mistakes, I was in such a rush to post it I never proof read it.
I do not own Glee or any of it's characters.
Rachel couldn't help but frown as Finn, for the seventh time this hour ask her what they were doing.
"I told you." Rachel said, her voice suppressing the irritation she felt. "We're here because I have to do the shopping for the week because my dads have gone out of town."
Finn nodded, then asked the next question. "Okay. But why do we have to do it in a shopping centre that's an hour outside of Liam?"
Over the past few weeks Rachel had been 'trying' to curb her, well as Santana had so plainly put it, 'ability to always talk as if everyone if a fourth grader and you're Einstein.' In all honesty, Rachel was surprised that Santana even knew who Einstein was. Stop it Rachel, that's exactly the sort of thinking you want to avoid. Besides, this will be good practice for when I have to work with less then helpful co-stars in the future. She thought, then turned her attention back to Finn.
"Because Finn, this is the best shop for buying gluten free and vegan foods. All the shops in Lima look as if they've been deep fired."
Finn, had to admit she was right about that. But why did she have to be so damn picky? Couldn't she just order her food online, like some people do.
"How long do you think this is going to take?" Finn sighed as they walked up, what seemed like the hundredth isle.
"Not to much longer. I just need to get some vegetables then we're done." Rachel smiled as she walked over to the vegetable cart. Vaguely she could hear Finn mutter something about everything here being to green and couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny?" Finn asked Rachel, giving her his normal confused puppy dog face, that she loved so much.
"You." Rachel replied as she stood on her tippee toes and gave Finn a quick peck on the cheek, to which Finn gave her a kiss on the head.
"If I didn't know better I'd say that you were making fun of me." He said jokingly. Rachel feigning shock, placed a hand over her heart and dramatically said, "I would never!"
She was about to pick up an apple when she felt someone else's hand go for it to.
"Oh sorry." Rachel said looking up and was surprised by who she saw.
"Rachel?" Shelby said, surprised as she looked up and saw her daughter standing in front of her. "I hardly recognised you." She admitted as she looked Rachel up and down noticing, her new haircut, weight lose and also massively tall boyfriends, who she vaguely remembered was the male lead for her Glee club. "How..what are you doing here?"
Rachel wanted to answer. Say it was just a coincidence and that they should all go get lunch or something, but her eyes were focused on the pram next to Shelby and the what looked to be no older than 10 month old baby inside.
Finn noticed the baby also and knew that it had clearly both surprised and hurt Rachel.
"Is that your baby?" Rachel asked and realised how stupid she sounded. Like a dazed child, trying to find her words.
Shelby looked down at her daughter and gave a smile. "Yes. I adopted her." She answered. She knew that it must hurt Rachel to see her with a new daughter, but she wasn't going to lie. "Her name's Beth."
Beth. Rachel thought and could already feel the tears forming at the edges of her vision. Luckily, she was Rachel Berry and knew how to stop her tear, so no to ruin the moment. "Beth. That's a lovely name." Rachel said and took another look at the baby who she realised had both Quinn's eyes and Puck's nose. "Did you adopt her from Quinn?" She asked before even thinking.
Finn was surprised to hear Rachel ask that. He didn't pick up the likeness until she mentioned it, but now he couldn't stop seeing it.
Shelby fidgeted with her top nervously. "Yes. Rachel I know that this must be a shock for you-"
Rachel did her best fake laugh she could muster. "What? No. No no, I'm glad that you're happy. She's beautiful, I'm sure that…well…I'm glad that you have a daughter." Rachel said and grabbed Finn's hand. "We'll leave you now. Goodbye Shelby." Rache; began to pull Finn away before he could protest, she needed to get away from Shelby and Beth. Faintly behind her she could hear Shelby yelling out to her, but she blocked it out. She didn't want to talk to her now, she just wanted to get home.
"Rachel are you okay?" Finn asked, though he already knew the answer. "Do you want to go back and just talk about it?"
"No Finn." Rachel said as she loaded her shopping into his car. "Can we not talk about it please. I just want to go home." She said then jumped into the passenger seat.
Finn sighed and knew not to push her. He couldn't even imagine what she was going through. Like sure, he'd lost his dad, so he knew how that felt. But to have a parent out there, who didn't want you simply cause you weren't a child anymore. Well even he knew that would hurt. The car ride home was silent. Neither Rachel nor Finn said a word. When they pulled up at the front of Rachel's, Finn began to get out only to get stoped.
"Umm, could we hang out some other time. I just kinda want to be alone right now." Rachel said quietly and opened the door. "I'll see you at school tomorrow." She said grabbing her shopping and jumping out.
"Rachel wait!" Finn said, getting out of the car too. Catching up to her before she could even get to the door, Finn grabbed her waist.
"Rachel, please I know that you're upset but please talk to me." Finn pleaded.
Rachel shook her head. "I just need some time to think. Please Finn, I'll see you tomorrow okay." She said then walked up to her door. Turning around she saw Finn standing there looking hurt. Placing down her shopping she walked back down to him and gave him a kiss. "I'll be fine. Now go home. You still have to finish your Spanish homework and glee assignment."
Giving Rachel one final kiss, Finn jumped back into his car and drove off. Please Rachel, please be okay. He thought sadly.
What do you think? Love it? Hate it? Review and let me know