Being You

Here it is... the final chapter...what will happen? Read to find out!

Disclaimer: i really don't like repeating myself...i don't own class of the titans. I wish i did. But i don't.

Atlanta woke with a start as Herry shook her awake.

"urgh," she groaned "what time is it?" she looked at her clock. 3 am! She flopped down onto the pillow but Herry was persistant.

"we got a call from Jay." he said "they need us."

Atlanta reluctantly struggled out of bed. Usually she had no trouble getting up in the mornings but today she just didn't have the energy, it was usually Archie who hated mornings.

Atlanta froze. Oh no, she thought, if i'm beginning to act like Archie, it must mean that time is running out. But that was stupid, she told herself. She wasn't going to turn into Archie, she would still be herself, maybe she was still feeling the effects of yesterdays training.

She struggled into Archie's trademark blue hoodie and stumbled down the stairs, yawning.

"finally." Theresa teased. She stood beside Hera, the Queen of the Gods who looked uncharacteristicly radiant for someone at this time of morning. Then again, Atlanta thought, she was a goddess. The queen goddess. Damn her for being so perfect.

Atlanta yawned again. "so..." she rubbed her eyes "what did Jay want?"

"they found it." Herry said "they found the Hydra."

Archie looked over the barren landscape. All of the trees were gone, cut down leaving only the stumps. There was no greenery anywhere and no signs of life. Except for that.

In the distance, but impossible to miss, stood a huge beast. Odie had estimated it to be the height of a four story building and it was a terrifying sight. Archie didn't want to get any closer.

From the hiding spot behind a lone rock, Archie could see the Hydra perfectly. It was huge, it's black scales glinting in the moonlight. The beast had three heads, each the size of a truck, and huge, razor sharp talons on eack of its four legs. Archie couldn't see the teeth but he bet that they where needle like and razor sharp too. He shuddered.

"well" Neil said, lightly "we found it, now lets get home before it eats us" he hissed the last bit and turned around but Odie grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Hey watch it" Neil cried "this shirt is cashmere"

"the others will be here soon" Jay ignored Neil's whining "they'll make a portal straight to this point"

as if on cue, the air shimmered behind them and a blue disk appeared. Herry stepped through followed by Theresa and then Archie (Atlanta)

the group exchanged hugs and greetings before turning their attention on the situation at hand.

Atlanta pulled Archie aside.

"we have twelve hours left" she hissed

"i know" he put both hands on her (his) shoulders "we just have to be organsised."

Atlanta nodded in agreement and they returned their attention to what Jay was saying.

"whatever you do," the leader whispered, not wanting to draw the Hydra's attention to them "don't cut off the heads. If you do, three new ones will grow back and we don't want that."

"thanks for the reasurence" Herry muttered sarcastically, Jay shot him an annoyed look.

"this is no time for jokes" he scolded "this is about finally defeating Cronos" he continued ranting until he was silenced by a deafening roar.

"i don't think the Hydra likes your plan." Archie said.

Atlanta started to laugh but that laugh quickly turned into a startled scream as the Hydra turned and charged.

"Stand your ground" Jay drew his sword and pushed Theresa protectively behind him. The others quickly drew their weapons and braced themselves for the attack. Neil fainted.

"nows not the time, Neil." Odie said through clenched teeth "we could do with some luck right now."

the Hydra towered over their heads and the team lunged.

The team sagged against a rock, nursing their wounds and recovering from the feirce battle.

"Hydra," Atlanta squeeked "...easy" she slumped against Archie for a second until he was called over by Jay.

"Atlanta," their leader said "i know your tired but can you look around for any signs of Cronos"

Archie nodded half heartedly. "can Archie come too?" he said

"actually, Theresa joined them "Atlanta and i were just going to go and get some food, any clues will be hard to find in the dark anyway."

Jay nodded "good idea, we could do with something to get our energy back up, we'll look around in the morning" Atlanta nodded and Archie breathed a sigh of relief

"wait" Archie said as they were about to leave "what time is it?" Jay glanced at his watch

"11" he said

Atlanta pulled Archie aside "we have an hour, will you be back in time?"

"of course" Archie reassured her "nothing can possibly go wrong.

Fourty five minutes later, he and Theresa where stuck in a snow storm.

Archie called Atlanta to tell her the news.

"Oh my Gods, what are we going to do?" he worried

"don't worry, i'll see you soon"

before Archie could ask what she meant, Atlanta had hung up.

Atlanta ran through the snow storm, relying on her instincts to lead her. She couldn't see her hand infront of her face and she was freezing. She wasn't used to running through snow and she kept on slipping and was having trouble controlling her breathing. She didn't know where she was, she was concerntrating all of her strength on reachig Archie and being herself again

Archie too was running. He told Theresa that he was going to get help but he was running back towards where the group had camped. He couldn't see infront of him and he knew time was running out. He looked at the clock on his PMR. Less than five minutes left. He ran faster than he ever had before, marvelling at Atlanta's speed and agility. His PMR rang.

"Arch." Atlanta yelled into her PMR, "where are you, we only have one minute left."

before he could anwser, the two of them collided. they fell to the ground with a thud.

"a...a...archie?" Atlanta's teeth chattered and she rubbed her knee.

"Lannie?" Archie hugged her "oh thank Gods. I thought i wouldn't find you"

"whats the time?" Atlanta said urgently

"we have thirty one minute left"

"do you have the pendant?"

Archie dug through his pockets, he grabbed the pendant but his hands were wet with the snow and it slipped out of his grasp.

"damn" the two of them fell to the ground and began searching blindly in the dark.

The countdown on Archie's PMR sounded.










all of a sudden, their fingers connected on the round shape of the pendant. Thunder sounded and everything went dark.

Archie awoke to the sight of a handsome face framed with vibrant purple hair.

"It worked, Oh my Gods it worked!" she jumped up and down. Archie pulled her into a hug and they both laughed.

"I'm me!" Atlanta grinned at Archie. There was a pause, a sudden silence and she looked into his eyes. A slow smile spread across Archie's face and he leaned down and swept Atlanta into a dip. She laughed but was silenced when his lips met hers. When she didn't respond, he pulled back, embarrassed.

"sorry...i...uh..." he spluttered but Atlanta's face lit up and for a moment she did nothing, just stared at him then she smiled and kissed him back, snaking her arms around his neck. When they pulled apart both where grinning from ear to ear. Archie still kept his arms around Atlanta, not wanting to let go incase it was all a dream.

"now why have we never done tht before?" she said, leaning forward to rest her head on his shoulder. Archie didn't answer, he rested his chin on her head, amazed that this was really happening.

"we should go back" Atlanta whispered after a while

"do we have too?" Archie pouted.

A car horn beeped and the teens broke apart, a snow plough pulled up beside them and Theresa opened the door.

"what are you two doing out here," she said suspiciously "get in."

they drove back to the camp in silence.

The group returned to the Brownstone later the next day, annoyed that they couldn't find a trace of Cronos.

Atlanta stood on the roof, looking out over New Olypia, wondering if they would ever defeat him. The door opened and Archie stopped beside her.

"Penny for your thoughts" he said.

"i'm just wondering if anything interesting is ever going to happen."

Archie gaped at her and she laughed at his expression.

"ok, she said "something that doesn't involve swapping bodies!"

"yes please. Although, i did have some good moments while i was you!"

"if you mean checking me out" She pulled a face "although i don't know why you always cover up these;" she poked him in the stomach.

"hey," he protested "leave my abs out of this"

Archie pulled Atlanta close and she giggled and hit at him before complaining that she couldn't breathe, he losened his hold but didn't let her go. She put her arms around his neck and grinned.

"Are we a couple now?" Atlata asked.

Archie kissed her, "i guess we are." she smiled at him and kissed him back.

"can you imagine everyones reactions when we tell them" she was suddenly concerned "especially Theresa, she'll tell us that it was her idea and matchmaking skills and...urgh." Archie put his hands on her shoulders and stared at her for a moment, an amused smirk on his face.

"what?" she said timidly.

"you mean, if we tell them" and they both grinned

"if." Atlanta concluded, "if is good!"

Well, i have gotten so many reviews, thankyou so much everyone who read this story and gave me feedback, i really hope that the ending lived up to your expectations. Do you think i should write another one, only with Jay and Theresa switched? Thankyou again!