Ladies Night

Every night, the local music TV station held a karaoke hour. All the songs they played had the words taken out, and it had a little "follow the bouncing ball" thing at the bottom of the screen.

Every Friday night, they'd have "Ladies Night" where they'd play only girls songs.

On Friday nights, Shizuru and all her friends would have a little get together and sing along to the songs. That is why this is Kuwabara's least favorite night of the week.

On Friday nights, Kuwabara was usually on a case with Yusuke Urameshi. But this Friday night, there was no case. Because there was no case, Kuwabara was bored. So he decided to look for Yusuke.

That Friday night, Yusuke was no where to be found. He looked at the arcade. No Yusuke. He walked to the park. No Yusuke. He checked Kurama's house. No Yusuke. He checked Keiko's house. There was a crying Keiko, but… no Yusuke. That was odd. So he decided to check Yusuke's house.

That Friday night, his mom wasn't there. Kuwabara walked into the apartment, and screamed for Yusuke. But no one answered. He took his shoes off at the door and walked to his room.

That Friday afternoon, Keiko had broken it off with Yusuke. She had said she loved him, but she couldn't take waiting for him all the time. She said she couldn't take wondering where he was or if he was okay anymore.

This left Yusuke majorly depressed: more so than he had ever been all his life. Not knowing what to do, he decided to go home and sit it out. He turned on the TV, and it just so happened that he had it on the local music station that morning. Not having anything to do, Yusuke decided to sing along with the songs, knowing that it just might take his mind off earlier events.

When Kuwabara walked next to his room, and peered in the door, he saw Yusuke sitting on his bed, clutching something (a pillow maybe?) to his chest, and singing along to the one song Yusuke said he despised most… "Bleeding Love". His face was tear streaked, and it was then Kuwabara realized exactly what had happened with Keiko.

He looked so pitiful, and Kuwabara wanted nothing more than to walk into the room and hug Yusuke. To comfort him best that he could.

Kuwabara sighed, and opened the door, knowing the voice he had heard singing moments before would probably now cease (did he take singing lessons or something?)

As soon as Yusuke noticed someone opened the door, he shot up and wiped his eyes, and he had indeed stopped singing.

As soon as Yusuke noticed that it was Kuwabara who had walked in, however, he immediately began crying again.

Kuwabara held Yusuke for half the night, listening to Yusuke cry and ask why over and over again.

Until Yusuke began brutally attacking Kuwabara's lips with his own. Kuwabara complied immediately, despite not knowing one thing… why?

The two boys lost their virginity to each other, Kuwabara confused about the matter, Yusuke satisfied, both knowing it would never be mentioned again.

"That went better than expected," Botan said from out side the window.

"Yeah," Keiko responded, holding onto Botan's middle.

"How do we get them to do that again?"

A/N: Weren't expecting that ending, were ya? I wasn't. XD Hopefully you all got out of the suuuper repetitiveness at the beginning. I figured you either loved that or hated it, but either way, review. I hope to write for this fandom a little more, so let me know if that sounds good to you, and let me know if you have a request. Love!
