A/N: I am so horrible at updating this story...So if your still reading sorry...I just saw the last Harry Potter movie and couldn't help but think that i really need to finish this story...After all I started this after Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 1 came out...Thats a pretty long time to wait for chapter 3-5 that I've finished writing but haven't typed..I'm a bad guppy! Sorry/
So without further ado (sp?) Heres chapter 3 :) lol, I noticed a funny mistake I made in the last chapter I wonder if anyone caught on to it.. Spoilers from the movie etc...
Disclaimer: It obviously doesn't belong to me.
Chapter 3
He couldn't avoid the room anymore. He needed to see if Malfoy was awake. He needed to ask him questions ones that were important. They couldn't keep wasting time!
He wasn't sure what Malfoy's plan was. Why would he grab hold of them just as they were apparating? Why did he take the blow that Harry was sure was for Dobby? Was this all just one sick plan to take him to Voldemort, or is it something else?
He walked to the room and without knocking opened it. He wasn't really surprised when he saw that Malfoy was awake. He seemed a little dazed but Harry figured it was the best he could deal with at the moment.
" I need to know something." Harry started, it was a lame way to start this conversation but it was better than nothing.
"You saved me?" Malfoy said in a low tone, it was barely above a whisper.
"I seem to be doing that a lot."
"Saving me?"
Harry looked at Malfoy and saw the slight smirk that he wore. "No saving others - look that's not the point."
"What is it exactly that you're planning?"
"At the manor it was clearly me, but you never said."
"What?" Draco said tiredly.
"You had the opportunity to give me away but you didn't. You grabbed a hold of us as we were leaving, you even took the knife that would have killed Dobby."
"That last part was unintentional."
"leaving with us?"
"No taking the bloody knife!" Malfoy said annoyed. Draco gave a tired sigh before continuing. "I'm not planning anything."
"How am I supposed to believe that?"
"You really think that I would willingly leave with you, just to go right back and give you to the Dark Lord as a present?" Malfoy glared at him when he realized that it was exactly what was on Harry's mind.
Malfoy grit his teeth before speaking again in a tense tone. "You don't understand what it was like there, day after day."
"I can imagine."
"No! You can't imagine you don't know what he did - what happened to all those people - what happened to me."
Harry stayed silent for a moment as he saw how agitated Malfoy had become.
"I left because it would be better than staying there. I left because maybe I want to do something else with the rest of my life."
"So what now you've had a change of heart?" Harry said annoyed at Malfoy's statement.
"Yes-No-maybe. It's just I want to- I -I'm not sure what I want to do, but anything is better than staying there, anything is better than having to torture a mud-muggleborn or a muggle for no reason."
Harry sighed for a second and then smirked. He had an idea, it might be a crazy one but people always did think he was barking mad.
"You did what?" Ron almost shouted at Harry, while Hermione just stared at him like -well like he was crazy for a moment before she really understood what he was saying.
"I asked Malfoy to come with us, if he really wants to change his life then he can start by helping us defeat, you-know-who."
"And how do you suggest that? He's a death-eater Harry. This could just be another plot for that git to get back at us."
Harry shook his head and looked Ron straight in the eyes. "I don't think this is a plot of any kind. I think he's serious."
"Wait maybe Harry has the right idea."
"Not you too Hermione." Ron said exasperated.
"If Malfoy does come with us to get the rest of the horcruxes we could use him to get past certain places."
"That's only if you-know who hasn't already told the others that Malfoy left with us willingly." Ron said. "I can't believe I just said that." He whispered thinking no one heard him.
"Maybe he hasn't, maybe they think Malfoy left in order to bring us to him. To gain back honor to his family." Hermione said hopefully.
"That's a big risk but I'm willing to take it." Harry said.
"Do you reckon he'll agree?" Ron asked
"Hopefully, he's basically our only chance of making it in." Harry said and knocked on the door leading into Griphooks room.
"Come in."
Harry opened the door and Griphook looked up at him. "Mr. Potter I was wondering when you would be coming around again."
"Griphook. I was wondering if you'd thought of what I asked before."
"Of course I have. It's not every day that a wizard asks a goblin to help them break into gringotts."
"And your answer?" Harry asked only to be ignored.
"How did you come by this sword?"
Harry looked at the sword of griffindor resting on the wall before answering. "It's complicated," He took a moment before continuing." Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her vault in Gringotts?"
"It's complicated." Griphook answered.
"The sword presented itself to us in a time of need we didn't steal it." harry said agitated with the whole conversation.
"There is a sword in madame Lestrange's vault identical to this one, but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer."
" And she never expected it was a fake?"
"The replica is very convincing only a goblin would recognize that this is the true sword of Griffindor." Griphook said nodding his head toward the sword.
"I need to get into Gringotts so can you help me or not?" Harry asked wanting this to be over soon.
Griphook took a moment before answering. "I will help but only if I'm given something in return." His eyes clearly looking at the sword that wasn't too far away from Harry.
He hesitated for a moment. "You can have it, but only when you get us into the vault."
"Agreed." The goblin said a sly smirk on his face.
"This is great and all, but how exactly are we going to get into Gringotts. Aren't there supposed to be wards to notify when a witch or wizard has walked in. We can't just go in the invisibility cloak and expect everything to go all right." Ron said.
Hermione nodded."Plus we need someone to show us the way, Griphook could get us in, but we need someone who currently has the keys to open vaults."
"All the things I didn't think about." Harry mumbled.
Hermione gave him a small smile befrore continuing."Which is why it'll be easier with this." she said as she held up a strand of hair.
"What is it?" Ron asked.
"A strand of Bellatrix's hair. I found it on my clothes and this on yours Ron." She said holding up a lighter hair strand.
"Does that mean.." Ron asked.
"Yup," Harry answered for Hermione."More unreliable Polyjuice potion."
"I really hope that strand doesn't belong to a girl." Ron said and Harry snickered.
"I was also thinking that since Malfoy will most likely be going with us it'll be easier for them to believe me to be Bellatrix." Hermione said with a smile.
"Hermione sometimes your too clever." Harry said returning the smile.
"Am I the only one that thinks the git will only get in our way?" Ron asked.
Both Hermione and Harry turned to Ron and nodded. "Basically." Harry said.
"Do any of you actually think this is going to work?" Malfoy asked as he watched them transform.
Harry turned to Malfoy and placed a hand on his shoulder though Malfoy looked slightly disgusted from it.
"There's something you need to understand when you travel with us. We can plan all we like, and some plans are brilliant, but in the end it never works out the way we imagined."
"Great." Malfoy said sarcastically.
Harry took out his invisibility cloak and let Griphook get on his shoulders before putting it over them.
"Everyone ready?" Hermione asked.
"Never." Harry answered and turned slightly to Griphook," We're relying on you Griphook. If you get us past the guards and into the vault the sword is yours." then he grabbed a hold of Hermione's hand as the rest did the same.
Hermione walked up a few steps before she was spoted. A man bowed and gave her a greeting.
"Morning." She said and the man looked at her strangely before continuing to walk.
"Good morning. Your supposed to be Bellatrix Lestrange not some school girl." Malfoy said disgusted.
She gave him a look before they continued on their way to Gringotts. The goblins looked stiff as they walked in. She made a little noise at the back of her throat as they reached the main counter.
The goblin looked up from what he was writing and his eyes widened. "Madame Lestrange. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I would like to get into my vault." Hermione said in a voice that wasn't confident enough for Draco.
The goblin next to the one that had been writing whispered in the others ear and he gave a nod of agreement.
"Do you have your wand Madame Lestrange?"
"My wand? Why would you need my wand?" Hermione said and the other goblins around them turned to look.
"I don't see why she has to hand you her wand, do you really want to imagine the consequences." Draco drawled.
"They've noticed something's not right." Griphook whispered in Harry's ear.
"I'm afraid i cannot allow you entrance without seeing your wand Madame Lestrange. It is the rules." The goblin said with less confidence as he eyed Draco.
"I am your superior and I demand to get into my vault this instance." Hermione said in a voice that even seemed to surprise Malfoy.
"I'm sorry-"
"Get me closer quick." Griphook said and Harry hurried forward. Griphook breathed on the goblin and he seemed to go into a slight daze.
"Ah yes right this way."
The other goblin looked confused but Harry couldn't focus on that at the moment. they were getting closer to their goal with each step.
They got into the cart that Harry was familiar with from his first visit to Gringotts and slipped off the invisibility cloak.
"You know honestly I thought that when they saw you Malfoy we would get away scott free." Harry said.
"Guess I'm just not useful for everything." Malfoy said with a sneer.
A/N: SO I've had this part of the story written for quite some time, but decided not to upload it because I wanted to write more, but you know what happens at gringotts and all that, so in the next chapter it'll be after jumping off the dragon...and a surprise...don't want to rush to the end too quickly...And I promise next point of view will be Draco's...XP