Daphne laughed. She had the seat adjusted as far back as it would go and she still had to squeeze in. She was due in three weeks and although Frasier and Martin didn't want her to drive, it was her last bit of independence before the baby arrived. She didn't need to be doted on as if she were helpless, although she knew if Niles were here he would insist on her not driving as well. Niles. The truth of the matter was that she couldn't escape him except for when she was in her car, as horrible as that was. He was all around her, and she couldn't sleep for thinking of him. Most of the dreams were pleasant, but there were the occasional nightmares of his dying on the operating table without her being able to anything to save him.

She was so busy daydreaming about Niles that she didn't see the car ahead of her stop suddenly and so she plowed right ahead into his car. The last thing she called out before passing out was,"Niles."

Frasier got the call and told his dad. They quickly called Roz and Gertrude and everyone arrived at the hospital, worried.

"Now Dad, I'm the doctor, let me do all the talking," Frasier spoke up.

"Now son, that's only my grandchild in there, so I guess that means nothing to you," Martin deadpanned.

"You two stop it! Daphne needs us to be strong and not tear each other apart. Frasier, your dad is right, he loves Daphne too and it is his grandbaby we're talking about. You may understand all of the medical bluberish but sometimes we just really need to hear it in layman's terms," Roz cried out, once again the voice of reason. Outside of the room they were to learn that Daphne was still unconscious but was in labor, which sobered everyone right up.


"Look at them fighting. Not much has changed since you've been gone my darling," Daphne said as her husband lay beside her in the most luxurious queen sized bed.

"I was afraid of this happening. All I ever wanted was peace for my family, especially you, and they are out there fighting about God knows what. I bet Frasier started it," Niles laughed.

"Do you hear that little one," Daphne asked the infant in her and Niles' arms. "Your Uncle Frasier is ten times fussier than you are."

"He is a good boy, isn't he? He just eats when he's hungry, and loves to be held by his daddy… or should I say his mommy?" Niles asked.

"You've been watching over him this whole time?"

"I picked him out especially for you. You're right, he's going to have the hearty Crane genes, but he's also a Moon. You'll know just how to raise him. I have faith in you. You are the only woman in the world I would have wanted to have borne my child, and now I can see I was quite right about that."

"Oh Niles, I feel like I'm getting a headache…that's not good is it?" Daphne asked.

"It means they are waiting for you. It's time," Niles said calmly, fighting back his own tears.

"What about the names?"

"I always favored Mason…"

"Mason Niles Crane it is then," Daphne said resolutely.

"No. Mason Martin Crane. It has to be. We need to give Dad a reason to keep going and not a painful reminder of the past. He'll see me every time he throws a baseball ball anyways. Please Daphne, do this for me."

"Oh Niles I would do anything for you. I do love and adore you you know."

"And I cherish you my love."

So Daphne slowly slipped back into consciousness only to find that she had given birth to a son.

"Where is he? I want to see my baby?"

"Easy now. Your brother-in-law is on his way to wheel you to the neonatal unit. He won't be there but a few days, he's five pounds. But because of the accident we want to take precautions but your son is healthy and happy.

Frasier arrived, asking her how she was doing but she was not in any mood for chit chat. She had just been with the love of her life, was it a psychic vision? It was real, she got to hold Niles again and she knew what she had to do next. Soon everyone was gathered around the incubator and she began to cry. All of this was just too much on her. Niles was right. That was their baby and he was beautiful, blond hair and fragile features, he looked very much his father's son.

"Do you have any names picked out?" Gertrude asked sullenly.

Daphne looked at Frasier and then at Martin and then smiled.

"His name is Mason Martin Crane," she proudly announced.

Everyone looked at Martin to see how he would react. If one didn't know any better you would think he was fighting back a tear. But not Marty. He didn't cry.

"Thank you Daphne this means the world to me. And I will take this seriously, try to be a good example, try to drink a few less beers and relax a bit now and then. You will bring him by to see me now and then won't you?"

"It's like I never moved out. Martin, I've never told you this….but I love you you rotten old sod, "she laughed as she fought back the tears.

"Ah Daph… you know that I,,, you know how I feel…..oh for crying out loud if everyone's going to stare at me I'm not going to say it! Daphne, I love you and I would have been proud if you were one of my own children."

Daphne carefully got out of her wheelchair and walked over to Martin, where she embraced him for a few seconds. Quickly she sat back down.

Looking back on that scene right there, Daphne wondered if she should share with someone, perhaps Frasier, her experience earlier in the hospital. But he would probably explain it away by drugs or something. Daphne knew what she had experienced was real. She felt Niles on her skin sure as was the hospital nightgown was, sure as she had embraced Martin, and as sure as she finally on the third day got to hold her son. If Niles were here, he'd know what to do. That was right…he was there. She didn't know when and she didn't know how but she would see him again. And when that day comes, she would be ready with her heart wide open.

The end