Sam's POV:
I pulled myself up from the Shay's couch. I'd only been there ten minutes and I was already bored. Carly was upstairs with Wendy, so I sauntered over to her computer and opened my Facebook account. I figured that I'd stalk a few people, so I typed "Fred" into the search box and saw Fredhead's name along with a picture of him on the Shay's couch with me on one side of him, pretending to sleep on his shoulder, and Carly on his other side, staring at him dreamily. I clicked the box.
At the top, I saw his new status.
Freddie Benson: I think I'm going to do it today. Wish me luck!
(About 1 hour ago)
Carly Shay, Spencer Shay, and Gibby "The Man!" like this
What does that mean?
Carly Shay: Finally! I was getting worried that you weren't going to do it at all.
(57 minutes ago)
Spencer Shay: Don't forget the flowers, kido!
(50 minutes ago via Blazer)
Carly Shay: No flowers. Just ribs.
(48 minutes ago)
Freddie Benson: Thanks, Shays. I think I got it, though. I have 2 hams in the back of my truck.
(25 minutes ago via Raspberry)
What is the geek up to? Better write something. I want in.
Sam Puckett: Hey loser, let me in. Momma wants to know what's going on.
(1 second ago)
I scrolled down the geek's page. Huh. 201 friends. Weird. How does Fredloser have that many friends? 407 likes including Fladoodles, ICarly, Fruit, and Groovy Smoothies. I clicked on his Pictures and looked through a few snapshots of our last rehearsal. One was of Carly and me pointing towards Freddie in a seductive way. We thought it'd be funny to mess with the fans since Webicon. Freddie was smirking at us. Underneath the photo, there was a caption.
And the battle continues. Which lady is mine?
Miss Benson: Fredward! Stop messing with those girls! Plus, we all know which one is "yours". And get to bed. Now!
(2 days ago)
Freddie Benson: Fine, Mom. Just give me a second to turn off my computer.
(2 days ago)
Why does Mrs. B go by "Miss Benson" on here? And why Miss? I mean, I call her Mrs…Oh well. I'm ignoring her comment for now.
I went up to the search box and typed in "Carly". Carly's name popped up along with a picture of her kissing a pickle. I smiled and pushed enter. Up at the top was her last status.
Carly Shay: So excited! I'm so proud of my little Freddie Benson today!
(31 minutes ago)
Freddie Benson: I'm in my truck now. I'm starting to get nervous.
(10 minutes ago via Raspberry)
Miss Benson: Of "your" little Freddie! No! Mine! All. Mine!
(6 minutes ago)
Carly Shay: Freddie! She's at my house! Come back! We're leaving soon, so hurry it up!
(4 minutes ago via Pearphone)
Now I am really confused. Oh well. I'll figure it out later.
Suddenly, a new notification popped up.
Carly Shay commented on Freddie Benson's status
I quickly clicked on the box. I tapped my feet impatiently as the computer loaded. We were leaving for the park soon. Carly and Wendy were upstairs getting ready.
I scrolled down past all of the comments to Carly's last one.
Carly Shay: You'll know in 5, 4, 3, 2...(door opens)
As I finished reading, I could hear Fredman mumbling to himself outside the door. The door flew open and Freddie came rushing in.
"What's up, Fred?" I asked, eyeing the two hams in his arms. He threw them down quickly and walked to me.
"I just drove to your house. You weren't there," He gasped. I then took his appearance in. His face was red. He had sweat running down his face. Gross, "So I started driving here. My truck broke down! I just ran a mile in six minutes with two freakin' hams."
"Oh, so that's what's up. Got it." I smiled.
Freddie rolled his eyes, taking three steady steps towards me.
"You know…why…I ran a mile in six minutes?"
"'Cause you're a loser who can't run faster?" I joked. I can only run a mile in 7 minutes...
"Don't mess, Puckett. I need water but I'm ignoring that right now."
"Why? I'm a little worried your about to pass out right here and now."
He grabbed my head and slammed out lips together. His lips were dry and rough, but nice, too. He pushed me away and sprinted for the kitchen, whispering "Water…"
I spun in my chair so I could see the computer. I clicked in the box that said "What are you thinking?"
Sam Puckett: What just happened? Whatever it was, I think I like it
Within a few seconds, I got several notifications.
Carly Shay, Gibby "The Man!", Spencer Shay, Miss Benson, Freddie Benson, and Sam Puckett like this
Carly Shay: Love. That's what just happened.
(5 seconds ago via Pearphone)
I turned, facing Freddie. He help his new Raspberry in his hand. He was typing on it rapidly and then looked up at me with a smirk.
Freddie Benson: Carly Shay, I do believe I agree. : )
(1 second ago via Raspberry)
I DO NOT own ICarly…Obviously. But yeah, I saw a bunch of people doing these…So I though…What the heck? Why not? Like? Hate? Ideas for me to redo with? Review, please! : )
P.S.-I did this in 25 minutes so I know it isn't gold. I just didnt have much time. Haha :)