Chapter 2
Molly nervously climbed the stairs for the fourth time that day. George had not left his room for almost a week now and she was positively petrified for him.
She knocked on the twins bedroom door- no, George's bedroom door- and waited. There was no reply.
"Come on now George, please talk to me? Even if you tell me to go away, I just want to here your voice."
"Georgie? This is the last time I'm going to ask you to talk to me, I'm forcing my way in if you don't answer."
"Right, I'm coming in." She stood back from the door. "Bombarda." The door exploded inwards and Molly pushed her way through the splintered door frame.
George was lying on the bed, apparently fast asleep.
"George, wake up!" she scolded, moving forwards towards him. She shook him by the shoulders. He didn't wake.
"George? Georgie? Wake up?" Her voice was becoming more and more frantic as she spoke.
"Wake up! Wake up!" She was crying now, but still George did not wake.
"Please, George, wake up!" Her voice broke as she sobbed, unable to speak another word.
"Molly?" the voice said as she sobbed uncontrollably. "Molly, what's happened?"
Arthur hurried in the room, shocked and confused.
"Tell me, love, what's happened?" But his eyes fell on George lying on the bed, pale and unmoving. "No. No..." he put his hand around Molly as she continued to cry, shaking all over.
"He's... he's left us Arthur," she sobbed. "He's left us, rather than live a life without Fred."
Arthur was speechless, trying not to cry, trying to stay strong for Molly.
George looked over his body, watching his parents mourn over him. Tears were falling thick and fast.
"Have I done the right thing?" he wondered.
He felt a hand on his shoulder. The most wonderful hand in the world.
"No, dear brother, you have far from done the right thing." Fred was looking grave, but even if his face wasn't laughing, it was the most wonderful face George had ever seen.
"It was driving me mad, Fred. You must have saw the state I was in, I was a mess. This way, I don't have to live without you, and our family didn't have me as a burden."
"I saw you, I saw you grieving me. But you were never a burden, don't ever say that."
"I'm sorry, Fred." He looked back at his parents who were kneeling by the bed his body lay on. His father was crying silently, rubbing his mother's back as she sobbed over him. "I'm sorry I did this."
"It's okay, George."
"Do you really mean that?" George looked into his twin's eyes, seeing the face he had missed so much.
"I mean it. After all, Georgie, I would have done the same thing."
A/N: Hope you like this! I know it's short, but like I said, its just to prevent any writers block on Always Hoping. Please review! I've never written for this possible ending before, it would be great to hear your opiniond on this interpretation of how George coped. Thanks! :D