"You look adorable in the morning," Adam said, smiling at the man sharing his pillow, his fingers laced through Kris' unkempt brown hair.

The sun streamed in through the opened curtains at the far side of the room, a beam shone down upon the couple as if giving its approval.

"Shut up," Kris said blushing and giving Adam a look that was reserved for only him.

"No really," the back of Adam's hand caressed his husband's cheek in the early morning light. "I mean you're beautiful all the time, but in the mornings...I can't quite put my finger on it."

"Is it just this morning? Or is it every morning?" Kris teased. "Because if you were to say 'just this morning' then I think I would know why." Kris reached for Adam's left hand and brought it up to kiss the silver band around his husband's ring finger.

Adam smiled. "I still can't believe we're married."

"Neither can I," Kris laced his fingers through Adam's.

They paused all speech and movement for a few minutes, just taking time to look into each other's eyes.

"At the risk of sounding corny or cliche, I can honestly say that yesterday was the best day of my life," Adam said, his blue-green eyes began to get glassy with tears.

"Mine too, baby," Kris nodded, "mine too."

Kris squeezed Adam's hand in his. Adam squeezed back.

"Do you know how happy you make me?" Adam asked, a small tear broke free and chased down his freckled cheek to die on the pillow.

"Tell me," Kris said.

Adam closed his eyes to blink away more tears that were trying to escape before opening them to join eye contact again with his husband of less than twenty-four hours.

"When I'm with you nothing else exists. One touch from you and I forget where I am, all that matters is that you're there," Adam smiled through his oncoming tears. "Nobody makes me smile like you do. I could be having the worst day and then I hear your laugh and I'm instantly feeling better."

Kris felt tears begin to sting his own eyes.

"I can't believe I found you," Adam continued. "I'm so lucky."

"You're everything, baby," Kris said squeezing Adam's hand tighter in his grip. "Everything."

Adam and Kris leaned in at the same time and joined together in a tender slow moving kiss that told one another how deeply in love they were. When they were finished they leaned back to look into each other's eyes.

"Why me? Why did you choose me?" Adam asked.

Kris stared into his husband's eyes and brain stormed for awhile to give him the perfect answer. "Because there is nobody else in this world that I would rather spend the rest of my life with and wake up every single morning to. Also there is nobody I would rather have a family with, raise children with, then you, Adam." A tear fell from Kris' eye and streamed down his cheek to die at their hands laced together between them. "Nobody Else."