Disclaimer: The Harry Potter series rightfully belongs to JK Rowling. I'm just another H/Hr fan.

His best friends were idiots.

Harry couldn't believe how stupid his best friend was being. Ron left them when they needed him the most. When Hermione needed him the most.

He concentrated on the last bit of the protection spell Hermione taught him and shook his head. He needed to calm down for both their sakes. Ever since Ron left that night, things have been quiet between them. He didn't know how long this silence needed to last. He didn't know how long destroying the locket would take and it frustrated him. Ron frustrated him. Hermione's silence frustrated him. He was always caught in the middle between them, choosing a side so they'd both be happy. With an agitated sigh, he trudged up the snowy hill back to their tent. He could see the orange glow from the lantern inside and could hear the cackling of the radio.

Harry entered the tent quietly. He wasn't even sure if Hermione heard him come in. She was staring at the radio with her arms around her knees as if she were giving herself some comfort. She looked like a lost child. She'd been upset with Ron many times. This wasn't any different. But it still made him upset that she cried over him. She always cries over him. He hated seeing her like that. He listens to the song playing on the radio. Thank goodness, she wasn't listening to the daily news which was what Ron did all the time.

He debated with himself for quite sometime. He'd never been a dancer. But he wouldn't mind embarrassing himself if it would make Hermione smile again. So he gets up from his chair, pokes her shoulder, and offers her his hand. She jumps at the touch and stares at him with confused, tear-filled eyes. She'd been crying again. She stares at his hand as if it were a foreign object and quietly takes it. He leads her to the middle of the tent where there wasn't any furniture they could accidentally bump into and sways his hips awkwardly and off beat. She smiles and lets out a few giggles. He twirls her around and she twirls him back. Laughter erupts from both of them when they attempt to dip each other.

It was like they were kids again. Then he thought of the happy times they had together. Where they were all laughing. When they didn't have to deal with Voldemort. When they were just trying to get good grades on their exams. Where there was no war.

Hermione stared at him as she leaned her head against his shoulder. They were just swaying awkwardly to the music. He wondered if she could hear how fast his heart was beating. She stopped suddenly and looks at him again. He found himself leaning in when she got closer. It was just a reflex. Hermione gasped sharply and pulled away from him. She smiled at him sadly and walked away, leaving the tent and into the cold, winter night. He frowns to himself. What just happened? Why did he feel oddly disappointed?

Did he do something wrong?

He shook his head as he sat on the bottom half of the bunk bed.

His best friends were idiots.

A/N: This one shot was written right after the Deathly Hallows midnight premiere so there were a lot of cringe worthy mistakes. This is probably one of my favorite scenes from the movie. Thank you so much for reading it!