(Yo! Well..this is a different story I got inspiration for a few days ago, while playing Harvest Moon Magical Melody, and..wow, I'm hoping this plot isn't too played out, or I'm not using anyone's ideas. If so..sorry! D: Uhm..This is in the view of Jaime, the male farmer who is competing with the heroin of the story. I rather like this story line, and I hope it'll turn out okay. Wish me luck and I'm going to try and finish my other story. Someone who is involved with it, asked if I wouldn't put them in it, and I respect their wishes, so..I'm not quite sure, cause they're a big part in the story, so yeah! Enjoy! 3 )

Where the hell had they stirred her up from? Some club in the city? Was it only because she could see them, or did they not see the values she had in life? I admit she seemed nice at first..but still, I don't trust her.

I had walked into the cave, where the Harvest Goddess' statue laid, standing as still as it had a year ago, when I had tried to revive her, sadly..I hadn't gotten any notes..which only damaged my already dead self conscious. But then for them to find this new girl. It infuriated me! She looked like she had just come from the city..and smelt of it as well. Her hair was fair, a dark brown that hung half way down her back and had small red glints in it, giving it more of a shine. Eyes, were a bland brown, kind of like toffee colored, and was nothing special. Her frame was petite, she was thin, and had no real chest. It was ample, but small in my case. I had seen better, like Eve..Eve was pleasant, but her voice..it bugged me slightly. It was too calm, too cool and collected.. Like she had nothing to worry about..but whatever.

The sprites seemed so excited to had found a new person, someone who wouldn't fail and make them feel ashamed. God..was I honestly that terrible? I admit I had my quirks, but everyone did. I had never socialized with the town much, because the people seemed too stupid for me of my intellect to speak with. Hah! I had no use to either. I was usually secluded to my farm, and I liked it like that.

Stepping into the cave, I noticed a being standing infront of the statue, while the sprites jumped around saying "Do your best, yeah!" 'Oh joy..who could this kid be…?' I thought to myself, brushing a few purple locks from my eyes and under my brown cow boy like hat. "Hey, you. This is a secret location, what're you doing here?" I asked sternly, keeping my glum and bored like gaze towards her. "Oh, hello. I'm Belle. I'm new here, and I awoke to these 3 taking me to this…secret location? Is that what you called it?" she had chuckled, it almost seemed scornful of how she laughed at my words. It made my blood boil.. "Look, either you get out of here, or I'll kick you out. If anyone is saving the Harvest Goddess, that'll be me. And if anything, you'll be the new girl who sits on her ass and does nothing, whining about how sad her life is because she moved to the farm!" I growled out through clenched teeth. The next thing caught me off guard. A sharp slap went across my face, and I already felt the burning of the skin to skin contact. Shape of a hand print. "You listen, and you listen pretty damn good, I'm going to save her. If anything, you're the one whining, and you're the one giving up. You need to go back to your own business. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but you aren't the savior. You're the one who cries in a corner, wondering what he should do instead of getting off his butt and actually DOING something." Her words echoed off the walls of the cave, and the sprites were hiding behind her legs, clenching her jean's fabric and staring at me, in what looked like fear, and surprise themselves. The crunching of grass was all I heard when she shoved past me, hands shoved in her pockets and head held high. Well…that wasn't like anyone I had seen before. It was…refreshing to see someone like that. Someone with a back bone. It was…so intriguing…NO! No no..don't go into this, she's the enemy. I kept telling myself that. And it's what I see her as, an enemy.

The next few days went by killingly slowly, I made my daily rounds in my farm, making sure my sheep and cows were fed, brushed, groomed and milked. Shaven for sheep of coarse. I then walked to my chicken coop, when I noticed the girl from the last night, the one who had the nerve to slap me, had passed by, her nose in the air as if she had something to prove. I just scoffed to myself, "There goes Miss High and Mighty herself…" I had mumbled hatefully to myself, watching her pass by. But..today she seemed different. The way she looked I mean…

Her eyes had lightened, and where now a golden like brown, I suppose it was just the cave darkness, but they seemed like..the sands of deserts. Her hair was left down but looked cleaner, and had a ribbon in it to hold her bangs from her eyes. Clothes wise, just a plain pair of jeans with some what looked like Converse. A tanktop that covered her chest to about her collar bones, and went down to her pant line.

I noticed she was walking towards Skye farm, and it made me start to laugh. Skye Farm? God what business would she have there? They are a very successful and well known farm, she had no need to be there. But Ellen, the owners daughter, had walked out and greated this girl, with a hug. I never learned her name, which made me mentally slap myself. God I'm stupid… But Ellen HUGGED this girl. Blue came over and shook hands with her, introducing himself, and I heard small voices, I could barely make out her name. Belle. Belle was her name? Didn't fit her well, Belle is an elegant and graceful name, unlike her tom-boy-ish and tough demeanor. I went back to working though, keeping my eyes on my seedlings, but every so often my thoughts wondered back to their conversation, where she and Ellen were gossiping and giggling to themselves by the Skye farm's barn, which was just a few yards from my farm. "Have you met Jaime yet..?" I could hear Ellen whisper, giggling a bit loudly but went back to her whispering voice. Talking about me…great… "Who's Jaime?" "The guy, with purple hair, usually has a smock on, and a cow boy hat, but sometimes wears normal clothes." Ellen said, laughing to herself at the fact of my clothes. Says the girl in a dress and apron. God..I wear this to keep me warm or cool. "Oh yeah, I've met him, he seems…interesting, to say the least. He's kind of a jack ass." "Yeah I know he is. He's so cold towards people, and he hates people intruding on his farm. He's shy is what I've gathered, and you seemed to have attracted his attention." What…did she just say? God, like this new girl had attracted my attention, she was stuck up and had no need to be in this small town, she could've stayed in her little apartment back in the city. "Oh? How do you figure?" "Well, when you walked over here, I noticed him watching you walk over, and staring at you, curiously, if you will." Curiously? I had no interest in this girl..I was done listening to this. I walked to my table, where it held my tools and slammed my brush and clippers down rather loudly, which made the girls yelp and walk away towards the farm.

I looked up briefly from my gloves, and saw them both walking in, and noticed Belle looking back at me. What was with her? She half glared and half stared at me. My eyes had narrowed now into a glare like way. I pressed the gloves into their correct drawer without looking and walked through the gate over to Skye farm. I hopped the fence, and trudged over to her, where she stood, with an expression of "Bout time you got here." "Is there any reason why you and Ellen were gossiping about me?" I questioned, clenching my fists. "Well, she was just telling me what a stuck up, pompous jerk you were." She fired back. Ouch..that kinda hurt. "Says the one who went and slapped me." I said back scornfully, turning my back to her and quickly making my way back to my house, slamming the door behind me before I listened to her.