Naruto Fox Demon Lord
Chapter 1 Kami's meeting
A/N: This is the rewrite of the original that I adopted from Lunar-Wolf-WarriorI made some minor change in the story so don't hate me for it.
Realm of Demons
In the Realm of demons, the great 10 demon lords were all gathered by Kami, the high goddess herself for as she has some news to discuss. The demons are muttering in conversation of why the goddess wanted then, some were pissed at this because they were doing important things like causing chaos and mating (Like all demons do).
"Okay Demon Lords I have something to ask you" Kami said bringing order to her being
"Why did you call this meeting, Kami-sama?" said the Dragon Demon Lord in respect and anger of being summoned during his mayhem in the mountains of the human realm.
Kami sighed and replied "I am going to do a test of the humans trust and will power and it involves you." before anyone could ask she continued "In the next year, you 10 will be put into a human vessel I have chosen that would best suit you. And before any of you object I am doing this because you have become spoiled and think you are god, this isn't your punishment but a chance to redeem yourself. If you want that chance, speak now"
The 10 demon lord all thought of this and discusses this rather they agree or not.
"Hai, Kami-sama" said the 10 Demon Lords
Kami smiled as all 10 demon Lords agreed. She started again "Good but there are some rules. First, you are not to try and take control of your vessel. Second, you are only to give your vessel your demonic chakra on 2 conditions. The first condition is that if your vessel has a near death experience, you are to start giving your vessel a small part of the chakra on their birthday. The second condition is if they are protecting someone precious to them. Finally the day they have that near death experience is the only time you can ask them to try and remove the seal." Seeing Shukaku's smile "And if they do decide to remove the seal you are to turn them into a demon and take them to the School where they will learn the required things to take your spot an-"
"What are you talking about? Yelled the Dragon demon, interrupting the goddess "we aren't going to give up our position"
Kami then replied "this is what I mean in you have a become spoiled, it is time for you to pass the baton to the next generation. And we can do this two ways peacefully or I can force you" all the demon lords scared about their lives agreed but Kyuubi and Dawn the other Nine tailed Fox had a exception
"We will do it but on one condition" said Kyuubi
Kami smiled and asked "what is it?"
"we will do it if our vessel's love each other so that we will still be together even though we aren't together" said Kyuubi's mate, Dawn.
Kami giggled and said "okay I will allow this" she then clapped her hands and 10 baby carriages appeared each showing a different baby and a name tag under them the name tags read from left to right "Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Gaara no Sabaku, Hinata Hyuga, Shino Aburame, Ino Yamanaka, Kiba Inuzuka, Temari no Sabaku, Tenten and Sasuke Uchiha.
Kami then said proudly "these will be the vessels that will be used I will tell you which one you got.
Kyuubi you get Uzumaki
Shukaku gets Gaara
Bahamut (a demon dragon) gets the Uchiha
Dawn you have Hinata
Yonbi no Taka (4 tailed Hawk) you get Ino
Gobi gets Kiba
Nibi gets Sakura
Nanabi no Kamakiri (Mantis demon lord) gets Shino
Kuma-O (bear demon) gets Tenten
And finally Rokubi (6 tailed weasel) gets Temari" Kami said.
The 10 demon lords nods at this before they were sealed into their vessels and the vessels vanish back into the human realm.
"Good luck" said Kami
Time skip 5 years in Konoha
Naruto Uzumaki, TenTen, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuga, Sakura Haruno, Kiba Inuzuka, Shino Arubume, and even the last Uchiha Sasuke were running for their lives from a large mob of ninja and civilians want to kill them. They took a wrong turn to find that they were cornered in an alley.
"What... what did we ever do to deserve this?" said Naruto in fear and confusion of why the ninjas and citizens are chasing not just him but his friends as well.
Only to get responses like "SHUT UP DEMON BRAT" and "YOU ALL DESERVE TO DIE DEMONS".
Sasuke trying to bargain him and his friends way out said stuttering "I-I-if you lay a finger on me or my friends I will swear that the Uchiha clan will kill you all".
This only got laughter from the mob as they got closer revealing their array of weapons ranging from broken bottles to katanas. Naruto deciding that if he was going to die he would die fighting for his and friend's lives, he got into a stance to get ready to fight
"If you want to get to my friends you have to go through me" said Naruto angrily at the mob and by saying this it caused Kyuubi to pour a little demonic chakra into the boy to help him fight.
The other kids got next to Naruto and got into their own taijutsu stance ranging from the Hyuuga gentle fist to goken styles. The demon lords inside of the kids put a little of their chakra into their vessel to keep them safe. The mob laughed loudly and then attacked them with the intent of killing them. When all was lost a large man went to see what the entire racket was about to see the crowd attack the kids.
"Ayame run to the Hokage tower as fast as you can and get him here and tell them that there is a mob attacking some children". Said Teuchi the ramen shop owner to his daughter, as Ayame leaves to inform the Hokage, Teuchi yells at the crowd "Stop it why are you attacking those poor children".
"THEY AREN'T CHILDREN THEY ARE DEMONS" yells the crowd as they went back to attack the children.
Suddenly the children were protected by the earth as it rose up as to protect the children. The Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi glares angrily at the offenders of this terrible crime.
"You all are scum. You will be put on trial for attempted murder of 8 children and you have bought yourselves a trip to an interrogation from Anko, Ibiki and I". Said Sarutobi as a large group of Anbu appear, carrying the children and take them to the hospital.
In the children's mindscape
The children looked around to a sewer like place and they also heard voices calling from the same point.
"Children come to our voices quickly"
The children ran to where they heard the voices to find 8 cages but oddly enough each child was somehow drawn to the cage of their demon tenant. The demons sighed and said
"Children, do you know why you are hated?" Asked the demon in the 8th cage
"No" said the children
"It is because of us we are demon lords that live inside of you, and right know you have two choices you can try to survive on your own and our ability's or you can take the paper that says "seal" on the cage and remove it and we will make you strong enough to survive" said the same demon.
The kids looked at each other and then reached up and pulled off the seals making the demon chakra rush into them making them full demons.
At the hospital with the kids
All the kids started to have weird body movements and when the doctors checked them they found out that the kids had changed.
For Naruto and Hinata who were close they had grown Fox-like ears and fox tails.
Sasuke's skin started to harden over and turn like dragon scales but it was still human skin, he also had a dragon tail grow out of his butt and black bat-like wings on his back.
For Ino she had started growing feathers along her arms and a bird tail, her nails grew long and sharp, making them resemble talons of a hawk and wings on her back.
Sakura had grown 2 cat ears and a cat tail and her nails grew sharp.
Kiba's nails grew longer along with his fangs he grew a wolf like tail and wolf ears.
Tenten grew bear ears and tail, her nails turned to claws that could tear thick steel like paper.
Shino's changes were the freakiest his hands changed into scythe-like claws and under his shades his eyes are like of an insect.
Sarutobi shocked heard an angelic voice explaining something to him about the children he turn to see a god. Well a goddess to be exact.
"Kami-sama why are you here" Sarutobi asked, bowing in respect to the goddess.
"I am here to tell you that the kids will be leaving for an academy where they will learn to take the throne from the current demon lords." Said Kami causing a shock from the old Hokage.
"WHAT, YOU CAN'T WHAT WILL I TELL THE COUNCIL?" said Sarutobi in shock
Kami giggled at this
"Sarutobi, I will tell them what will happen, they will be back on the day of the graduation exams" said Kami as she vanishes with the 8 transformed children.
"Well, this will be interesting" said Sarutobi "At least I won't have to worry about them anymore"
Gaara and his sister had just gone through some weird changes. Gaara had raccoon dog ears and a large tail behind his back. Temari had gotten a tail and weasel ears. She was currently giggling at her brother who when asked her what was so funny she just ruffled his hair.
"You just look so cute." Teased Temari
Gaara growled at her but before he could do anything a goddess appeared with 8 other children with changes similar to theirs but for different animals. The goddess said to the two sand siblings
"Come with me children" said Kami
They obeyed her command, the next thing they knew they were at a large school.
"Children welcome to your new home for the next 7 years" Kami said vanishes in a flash of heavenly light.