I know I should be updating Need You Now but this just popped into my head last night. This will probably end up being around 4 or 5 chapters. Set in Season 6.

Anyone else seen Harry Potter 7 yet? How amazing was it? Lina denies it, but I so said dibs on Ron first :)


(This is where the line break should be)

"Booth, what are you doing here?" Brennan asked in surprise at her partner's appearance on her doorstep only minutes before midnight.

Lifting his head, Brennan was shocked to see the faint trace of tears and anguish on his face.


"I just needed to see you. Hannah and I, we had a fight, but I don't want to talk about it," he said quietly, letting himself into her apartment.

Closing the door and following Booth down the hall, Brennan went to the kitchen to make him a coffee. When she returned to the living room, she found him with his back leant against the couch, his head tilted back and rested on the cushions. She sat on the couch and passed him a mug.

"Thanks," Booth whispered, giving her a weak smile.

"No problem, Booth," Brennan replied.

Whether it was half an hour or eight, Brennan would have sat there in silence with him. Even if her didn't want to talk about it at all, she'd be willing to sit their with him. The number of times Booth had been there for her, no matter what the hour; she owed this to him.

"I'm so sorry," Booth whispered, breaking the silence.

"It's fine, Booth. I wasn't planning on doing anything tonight anyway," she said.

He sighed, "no, not just this. I've been an ass. Since I came back with Hannah, I've been distant. I haven't been paying you enough attention. We haven't been to Sid's in months and we barely hang out for the sake of just hanging out. We hardly do anything non-case related. I miss that. I miss us. I've been a horrible friend."

Squeezing his shoulder reassuringly, Brennan said again, "don't apologise. You've got nothing to be sorry for. I'm as much to blame as you."

"You're not," he pushed, "you're not the one who's been so wrapped up in the new person in their life that you stopped paying attention to the other people, the ones who matter most."

"Well, you're not anymore, so it doesn't matter."

"It does! You know, I didn't know that you had to be taken to the emergency room the other week because you passed out in Limbo. I didn't know until today, when Angela mentioned it! I was so distant that I didn't even know my partner was in hospital!" he said, pain clouding his voice.

"I was nothing, really. I truly don't hold anything against you. You've been busy; adjusting to a new lifestyle."

Brennan received no reply and could not see his reaction as his head was bowed. He remained silent, making the atmosphere feel slightly awkward. Looking around her apartment, just for something to do, she noted a shirt folded up on the edge of the kitchen counter; one of Booth's shirts. She'd found it weeks ago and had been meaning to return it, but had hardly had a chance. Glancing back over to Booth, Brennan's breath caught when she saw his shoulders shaking as if he were crying silent tears.

"Booth? Are you alright?" Brennan asked, placing a hand on his leg.

Her question was answered as she felt a tear drip on top of her hand.

"Maybe you should go home, Booth," Brennan whispered. "I'm sure Hannah's worried about you, wondering where you are.

With a shake of his head, Booth replied, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, "no. I don't want to be with Hannah right now. I need to be here, with you."

"I'm fine by myself," she insisted.

"I know you are," he admitted. "But it's not for your sake that I need to be here. It's for mine. I need to be with you right now. If it's here or at the Jeffersonian, I just need to be near you."

"Okay," he said quietly, a single tear trailing down her cheek.

"Bones, are you crying? I'm sorry, I'll go," he said hurriedly.

"No," Brennan said quickly. "Seeing you upset makes me upset."

Reaching across the couch, Booth lightly caught the tear on his finger, brushing it off her skin.

"Don't cry."

The apologetic tone in his voice was almost enough to make her burst into tears. The heat of her skin beneath his lingering touch was surely hot enough to burn him. She felt her stomach flutter as his lips pressed lightly to hers.

And then they lost control.

The line disappeared between them.

He was soon hovering over her thin body, kissing her like this was their final goodbye. All thoughts of Hannah and their argument were gone from his mind as he gazed down at the woman who had been the cause for that argument. Neither noticed as they knocked the half full coffee mugs off the table and onto the clean carpet.

It astonished Booth that even the most outrageous deeds with Hannah didn't even come close to the frenzy Booth went into at the lightest touch of Brennan's lips. It amazed him even more that he'd ever thought Hannah would be enough. She couldn't compare to Brennan; no one could.

It was so odd seeing this different side of Brennan; tantalising, seductive, romantic.

"Bones," Booth whispered huskily, his lips momentarily leaving her skin.

"Yes?" she replied with wide, innocent, alluring eyes.

The words he'd meant to say, the words that if said would stop wherever this was going to lead, were replaced by a smile and Booth's voice.

"Kiss me."

(This is where the line break should be)

This might have been a little OOC but I hope you liked it. Please review and let me know what you thought and stay tuned for the next chapter.

Em xXxXxxx