Yeah there's really no excuse for the hiatus so if you're still here, here's chapter 18.

Six days had passed since the accident. Maggie was remaining tight-lipped about Kisha, so was Haruhi. The third-years had begun taking their exams two days ago. The second and first years were in the midst of studies; their exams would be held the following week.

Class 1-A had just started an English review when Kaoru was called out of class. He was informed that the hospital had called the school asking for Maggie but since was in the middle of exams it was to be deferred to him. Remembering what Maggie had told him he went back into the classroom to grab his bag, ignoring the teacher when she yelled at him.

The hospital had called to say that Marsha was showing signs of waking in the next few hours. Sending a text to all club members he found himself in the family limo on his way to the hospital in minutes.

Once he'd arrived he inhaled deeply. While everyone else had gone to see her he had chosen to stay away. There was something…something that hurt him when he saw her like that.

Going to room 204 he found the door closed. Taking a deep breath he prepared himself for the worst. Taking the knob he thrust the door open. Only to be greeted by a wide array of flowers, balloons, and stuffed animals.

He could feel Tamaki's essence radiating from the gifts.

"Tamaki, you creepy bastard."

Somewhere a blonde haired purple eyed idiot sneezed.

Kaoru glanced over at the bed and felt weight slide from his shoulders. The machines that had a week ago been attached to most of her were gone. So were many of the bruises and scrapes that once covered her skin. The only machines left were the IV and the heart monitor.

Other than the thin bandage wrapped around her head you'd only think that she was sleeping. He gave a soft, sad smile before looking at all the gifts. Feeling that it would be far to overwhelming for the girl and that Tamaki didn't need more brain damage he chose a few things from the bunch to stay and sent the rest to others in the hospital.

Once done he pulled a chair up to the bed side and pulled out a book.

"Hunger Games, lets see what you're really about."

Two hours later he was deep into the book. Katniss had just been-Marsha groaned. He felt himself drop the book and looked over at her. She moved around, stretching her fingers a bit.

Finally she opened her eyes and began looking around. Catching sight of him she tried to turn her head but hissed and coughed.

"Hold on."

Kaoru went to the door and called for the nurse. In a whirlwind of motion he was pushed into the hall and for fifteen to twenty minutes he found himself waiting. Finally allowed back into the room he found her sipping water with an unhappy look on her face.

"Hey." He greeted.

She flicked her eyes at him and removed the cup.


Her voice came out like a croak.

"How do you feel?" he asked and she gave him a soft glare.

"How do you feel? That's all you got for me?" she coughed a bit before taking another sip.

He couldn't help but crack a grin at her.

"I haven't exactly had a friend get in a car wreck…" He stopped himself, how was he supposed to say the rest.

"Fair enough I guess. Well my body feels numb. My joints ache from a lack of movement and I'm starving."

He couldn't help but grin at that.

"Well when you get discharged there'll be a party no doubt."

"I guess. How long have I been out."

"Uh…almost a week."

"A week?" she asked panicked.

"Calm down. Everything's fine, the school's going to let you decide when to take the exams and Maggie's been taking care of…" He didn't know how to continue the sentence.

"Taking care of what?" she prodded.


Suddenly the door flew open scaring the two occupants.

"Oh thank god!" Maggie yelled as she ran up and pushed Kaoru away from the bed.

Marsha smiled happily reaching up and hugging her cousin as the rest of the Host Club boys came in through the door.

"Oh my lovely da-."

Tamaki was now curled up in the corner with blood spilling from his nose.

"Thank goodness you're okay." Hikaru said.

"Hey Hikaru, where's Haruhi?" Marsha asked.

"Uh…" Maggie began as the door opened again.

"Sorry we're late."

Marsha's eyes widened in surprise as Haruhi appeared with Kisha sleeping on her hip.

"Oh…" she said looking at Maggie than at everyone, "oh!"

"Yeah." Haruhi said as she handed the sleeping toddler over.

"So…what do they know?" she asked.

"We were told to wait for you to wake up." Kyouya enlightened.

"But she did call you Mommy." Honey stated.

"Oh…well yeah. Kisha's my daughter." She clarified.

"What? We will find the perpetrator of this vile act!" Tamaki declared.

Something in Marsha's eyes showed that she was starting to break down, like when the

"Tamaki, you are cruising for a bruising." Maggie warned getting up.

"Vile act? My daughter is not a vile act!" Marsha yelled at Tamaki.

"But she must've been. Why would Marsha ever willingly do that deed?"

Kaoru could see Marsha holding her child closer and closer as she began to fall into herself.

"Tamaki, you should-."

"Love, hormones, I don't know I could get you a list of reasons for someone to have sex." Maggie argued cutting Kaoru off.

"But not one that results in a child. Who could be so unresponsible?"

Marsha's head was entirely down, Maggie looked ready to commit murder.

"Tamaki, stop!"

"But what kind of monster would take part in this?"

"It was a monster! It was a vile act!" Marsha yelled.

The room got really quiet after that. No one moved, no one spoke. What could they say? Marsha squirmed a little adjusting the grip on her daughter.

"Maggie, take her somewhere else."

Maggie didn't question taking the child and promptly leaving the room. It was quiet until she got back.

"She's resting in Dr. Takigawa's office."

Marsha nodded as she bent her legs to curl in closer. Kaoru saw this and placing his hand on hers made the opening,

"Marsha…what happened?"


"We don't like to discuss it." Maggie cut off immediately.


"Marsha, you really don't have to." She insisted.

"Maggie!" she snapped, effectively shutting the girl up.

"You have to stop this, I'm starting to agree with the therapist that's how bad this is."

Maggie didn't look pleased about this but said nothing.

"So I'll start at the beginning," she said running a hand through her daughter's hair, "It was a little over two years ago at Maggie's Sweet 16."

Flash Back

"Mags, be careful!" Marsha shrieked pulling the girl away from the edge of the street as a car whizzed by.

They were in a downtown district somewhere. Streetlights lit the sidewalk, most flickering as they walked by. The buildings appeared decrepit and vacant of all life.

"Rewax Marsha. *Hic* I'm just twying to have a wittle fun." A severely drunk Maggie hiccupped.

"You're trying to get yourself killed. What were you thinking? Getting wasted tonight!" Kelly admonished.


"Kelly?" Hikaru asked.

"My best friend." She told them with a sad look on her face.

"How come we-?"

"You'll find out." Maggie quickly spat out.


"I wash thinking about having fun." Maggie slurred.

Rolling her eyes Marsha slung an arm around Maggie's waist and her right arm over her shoulders. Kelly did the same on the opposite side. Turning down a road and taking what they assumed to be a shortcut. No one saw the guy coming down the other way.

Next Day

She opened her eyes the next day staring up at a bright blue sky. She wondered why, until she felt the pain in her lower half and the memories flooded back. She shook trying to keep her sobs in but found that she couldn't and that she was screaming for Maggie or Kelly.

As she cried Maggie awoke, hung over and hallucinatory. Her arm radiated pain, than she remembered last night.


She attempted to push herself up but found her arm was dislocated. She groaned as she rolled onto the other, than to her feet. Walking became her next challenge, she must have done something weird to her leg the night before. Before she knew it she had reached her cousin and fallen to her knees. Marsha looked at her cousin, misery in her eyes and not a single stitch on her body. More memories came back to Maggie, she remembered why her head hurt.

"Maggie." Marsha sobbed.

Maggie's head and limbs radiated pain, but she needed to get Marsha out of here.

"Marsha," she grunted in pain, "I need you to get up. Think you can do that for me?"

Still crying she nodded her head. It took her a few times but slowly she got up wincing from the pain. In that time she managed to worm the jacket off her body. Draping it over her cousin she winced before collecting her broken arm in the other.

"Come on…we gotta go." She said.

Still shedding tears Marsha stood with Maggie and they began walking out. They were walking past the garbage can when Marsha saw the legs. She screamed and collapsed, Maggie didn't know what to do. So her knees buckled next to her cousin who she pulled close as she looked at Kelly's body.


The Host Club members stared at the two girls. Both had their heads bent to shield their eyes. Tamaki opened his mouth to speak; Mori quickly grabbed him and left the room with Honey.

"I better make sure he doesn't die." Kyouya stated getting up and following.

This left the twins and the girls in the room. Maggie spoke next,

"I'm…going to go see what the doctors know about your release."

"I'll go with you." Haruhi said.

"I'll come too." Hikaru stated.

Suddenly it was just Kaoru and Marsha.

"Its amazing what happens when we all decide to share dark things." Marsha joked a bit.

"I guess, Mori's the best though. Saving Tamaki's butt before Maggie strung him up like a punching bag." Kaoru said.

She laughed at him; he smiled a little sadly as he looked at her. Forgive me.

"That's more isn't there?"

She looked at him and nodded.

"A story for another day?"

She shook her head.

"No, no it has to be now. I don't think I could do it another day." She confessed.

"Alright." He said taking her hand in his.

"But I think everyone needs to let it sink in."

She nodded in agreement. Silence blanketed the air between them as they waited. Thinking it was taking their three friends too long to get her release information. He rose to leave.

"Maybe I should go see-."

She gripped his hand.


The corner of his lip turned up a bit.


She scooted over to allow him to slide in next to her. He did so as she curled up into him. He put an arm around her comfortingly. Now was not the time to shoo her away.

The door opened and an argument was heard.

"She hates hospitals. You heard them say she was fine. I'm going to take her home." Maggie argued walking through the door.

"The doctor also said it would do her well to stay another night." Hikaru reminded.

"But Marsha's not going to willingly stay here." Haruhi pointed out.

"You're most certainly right I won't stay here one moment unless I'm under doctors orders."

"And even then she'll fight tooth and nail." Maggie said as she tossed a bag on the bed.

"Get changed and we'll be out of here."

Nodding she got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to change. Ten minutes later she wore a dress below a cardigan and sandals.

"Alright lets find the others and get out of here." Hikaru said taking Haruhi's hand.

"Uh, we can all go back to our place…I need to finish telling everyone about Kisha." Marsha said.


"Maggie, I need to do this." She said pushing her hair back.

Maggie stared at her cousin as if searching for something. Apparently she found it.

"Alright, lets go tell them how we got here."