A girl with long golden blonde hair that fell to her waist closed the door to a 2011 Blue Mustang. She was a well-muscled curvy girl with a face any girl would kill for what with long lashes, baby blue eyes a normal sized nose and full pink lips. Though the way she dressed might also say something about her. She was dressed in a strapless black shirt with pure blue lacing up the torso that pushed her c-cup breasts up. She had blue skinny and black boots. Her accessories consisted of a single necklace that was made of a gold heart with a pink pearl in the middle on a gold chain. She reached back in and took out a gray jacket and a brown satchel.

"I can't believe they're making me go here." she muttered.

"And I can't believe that they're making me go with you." someone said exiting from the other side of the car. She had a very slim curvy figure with a thinner face than the first girl but had all the same features. She also had long hair but hers was black and reached her mid-back and her eyes were a stunning shade of purple. She wore a black crop top with sliced cut outs over her d-cup breasts and three quarter length sleeves paired with faded boot cut jeans and black converse she was as smoking as her friend.

The blonde rolled her eyes and entered the building. After entering the actual the pair split. Walking down the halls the blonde began to finger the small necklace that adorned her neck. She ignored all the stares she got as she went down the hall. Ignoring the stares she was receiving she opened the door to the classroom.

As she sat down in the desk she sighed and flipped through her favorite book. She'd always loved how it was something only she knew how to read no matter what school she went to. After all it was written in a dead language. As she began the first chapter she felt herself get deep in the story and shut out all the other noise. That's when she felt someone put a hand on her shoulder and she jumped.

"Whoa calm down girly." the person said and she could tell it was a female...oh crap.

"My names not girly." she retorted.

"Whatever. You look smart so we'll cut you a deal new girl. Do our homework and we'll be your friends." she said and Marsha saw there were others.

"No. Buzz off." she said and went back to he book. She caught the hand in the near slap twisted it behind the girl and shoved her on a desk.

"She's breaking my arm!" the girl cried and Marsha kept her face blank of emotion.

"I am not. If I bent it any harder it would break. Now listen closely cause I'll only say it to you once. I will not be your friend just because you are too ditzy to do your own damn homework." she said as she let the girl go gathered her things and headed for the library. Heading to the back she propped her feet up and brought out her tunes.

Looking at the Genres she decided on a mix of Rock, Pop, and Punk since it was loud. She sighed got comfortable and waited for a library attendant to take her to the office where she would get detention. It wasn't a new concept to her. She'd been doing this for a few years now.

She called it the 'true friends' technique. Earn a bad rep and then be nice to all those who dare approach you afterwards. She had reached chapter four in her book when the library attendant came to get her. Packing up again she headed for the office.

"The principal will see you now." the receptionist said and Marsha went into the room.

"Ah...Miss Booth. Please sit down." the man said and Marsha did as told.

"I'd like to start off with saying that we accidentally put you in the wrong class you should be in class A and not D. Secondly I'd like to know why Miss Oshida was attacked in such a manner." he said.

"You see sir only a few moments earlier she'd tried to bribe me into doing her and her friends homework. When I declined she tried to slap me and well I kind of set her straight though I apologize for doing so it wasn't right of me." she lied though he would never be able to tell that.

"Well it's your first day so you're a bit jumpy it's understandable. Now get going you've already missed first period." he said she nodded and left the room.

As she went down the hall she sighed at least she wouldn't have to deal with too many airheads now. Opening the door she slipped in shut it in silence and quickly sat in the back. Pulling out her book she began to read again. The noise died off and she continued to read and then two sets of hands landed on her and like last time she jumped.

"I'm sorry miss did we startle you?" a male's voice asked.

"Yes as a matter of fact you did." she said as she tried to calm her heart down. She really had to stop reading in public.

"Well we apologize how can we ever make it up to you?" another asked as they both put a hand under her chin and tilted her head up. She stared at a set of twins and groaned.

"Yeah. You can start by not invading my personal space." she said smacking both hands away from her face. They looked at her shocked and she went back to reading. Before she knew it was time for class to start.

"Class we have a new student today. Marsha Booth will you please come up to the front of the class and introduce yourself."

Rolling her eyes she stood up eliciting a gasp from the girls and a wolf whistling.

"Hi I'm Marsha. It's a great honor to be at your school yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm sure you heard this speech a hundred times and could rehearse it in your sleep." she said as she rocked back on her left foot and hip as she clasped her hands.

"Miss. Booth are you mocking our school?"

"No sir that is not my intention. May I go sit down now I don't like speaking in front of a bunch of people." she said

"Yes please sit."

The day passed by in a blur after that. Before she knew it lunch had rolled around and she was eating in a tree within the inner courtyard. Once school finally let out she and her friend wandered about the school. Though she went outside while other wandered around inside. Shedding her boots she went back up the same tree to finish her book and relax. An hour later she climbed down from the tree and pulled out her headphones. As she put the stuff into her bag her phone accidentally fell out into the bushes.

"¿Por qué yo?" she cursed to the wind grabbing her boots before she began to dig around for her cell. Finding her phone she stood up and hit her head on a branch. "¡Ay! ¡Maldita sea!"

"Oh hey look the new girl was spying on us." a guy said and she looked over to where the voice came from.

"Shove it. If I wanted to spy on you I wouldn't do it from this close that's just stupid." she said as she stepped back and grabbed her bag. Throwing it over her shoulder she ran her hands through her hair and picked out some of the junk in it.

"Than why are you here?" a voice asked.

"I wanted to stay here a while." she explained as her book fell from her bag.

"Hey what is this book you keep reading? You wouldn't put it down all day." a voice asked.

"Its just a favorite of mine. I have to go." she said when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket.

"Oh but why lovely lady? You may join us for some relaxation." a blonde idiot with violet eyes said as he put an arm around her shoulder.

"El hombre puta. That's Spanish for man sluts." she said shaking the arm off.

"Harsh!" a twin from earlier commented.

"So your from Mexico?" a boy with brown hair and eyes asked ignoring the commented.

"Sort of." she explained walking away.

"So now you're here?" a twin asked as they all followed after her.

"Yep and I need to go." she said.

"Are you walking?" one asked. He was a tall man with black hair and glasses.

"No I'm taking my car." Marsha replied pulling out her keys.

"Your rich enough to own a car?" a twin asked.

"Yes. Any other sore spots you want to rub perras?" she asked.

"Okay what does perras mean?" a twin asked.

"Crack open a dictionary and figure it out." she said as they walked up to the automobile. Her friend was leaned up against it.

"About time. Who are your friends?"

"They're not my friends Maggie." she said unlocking the car.

"Okay than," she said and proceeded to glare at the seven, "why are you all following my cousin?"

"Cousin?" they asked.

"Leave them alone Mags. They're not worth it." Marsha answered as she got in the car.

"Fine." Maggie said getting in the car.

"So you don't like us do you?" one of the twins asked as they buckled.

"Precisely. Now move before I run you over." she said backing up the car up. As she drove away they stared after the car.

"So Kyouya who is she?" the brunette asked looking at the boy with glasses.

"Not sure. She only just joined today so she's not going to have a file just yet. But from what I can collect she's the newest student of your class." Kyouya said.

Walking into class that morning Marsha was dressed in a pair of jeans and wearing a tube top with attached long sleeves that sat of her shoulder to make it look like she was wearing long arm socks instead of sleeves. She pared it with jeans and some black converse. Maggie was wearing a black shirt with an adjustable neckline with lace up shoulder and split long sleeves and ribbed accent graces at the sleeves end.

Walking into her classroom she sat in the back like yesterday. And just like yesterday the class passed by in a blur and when lunch rolled around she went back to the tree before attending the rest of her classes though Maggie decided to go catch a flick down town that started when lunch ended so she skipped the rest of the day.

Walking down to her car Marsha felt two arms grab her and begin to drag her into the other direction. Moving her hands she pushed them into the ends of the spinal cords of the humans dragging her. Letting go she turned around and preceded to tackle both boys to the ground turning them over she saw the twins from her class.

"Usted idiotas te hubiera matado por todo lo que sé. ¿Qué diablos estabas haciendo de todos modos?" she said to them.

"You realize we don't speak that language right?" one asked.

"No hables pendejo. ¿Qué imbécil salta a una chica cuando no sabe que ella pudiera matarlo dieciocho diferentes maneras con un clip y no dejan pruebas forenses. Estúpido gilipollas idiota." she cursed as she got up and continued to rant in Spanish as they stood up and waited for her to speak normally.

When she was done they asked, "Are you done now?"

"Yes I'm done. What the hell is wrong with you two idiots!" she screamed at them.

"Sorry we were under specific orders from Tamaki to bring you to the club room." one explained.

"Who the hell is Tamaki?" she demanded as she picked up her bag.

"Tamaki Suoh? He's the son of the dean to the school." the other said.

"I don't care if he was the king of Europe. I'm going home." she said.

"He could get you expelled." the first yelled.

"Good." she called back only to have an arm stick out in front of her.

"Please will you come with us." the brunette asked.

"Fine but only cause you asked nicely. But I swear if any of you guys get weird I'm leaving. Kapish?"

"Kapish. Hikaru, Kaoru come on Kyouya's going to kill us already." the boy said.

On their way there Marsha found that the kind boy was named Haruhi. The twins were Hikaru and Kaoru. Opening the door to the room a human being flew out. Marsha recoiled and kicked the guy away in the before taking a defensive position.

"Marsha that's Tamaki." Haruhi said.

"Oh sorry dude. I'm a no touch zone." she said stepping over the guy's body before she threw her bag down onto a couch before sitting next to it.

"Where's your cousin?" Hikaru asked as he lifted up a lock of her hair.

"What part of no touch zone don't you get?" she asked smacking his hand away. Opening his mouth to answer she raised her hand to stop him, "Don't answer that and she decided to skip today."

Putting her hand down she pulled out a cell phone and looked at the screen hoping to see a text. 0 messages it read. Time to fake one anyone.

"Can we make this quick? I have to get home." she said.

"Your parents text?" Kaoru asked.

"No my cousin does. Why am I here?" she asked.

"We wanted to make a proposition for you." the black haired glasses guy said.

"Listening." she answered though not in a very excited tone.

"We wanted to know if you'd like to be a part of our host club." he said.

"Okay I haven't been in this country for long so I have no idea what you're talking about." she said.

"Well we entertain girls for sport to put it bluntly." Haruhi said.

Marsha's eyes became cold and distant at that exact moment. Her body tensed and her mind flashed back.

"You okay?" a little boy with blonde hair asked standing in front of her.

She stood up and grabbed her bag off the couch. Walking to the door she opened the door. A hand reached out and stopped her.

"Do we have a deal?" glasses guys asked.

"You want me," she began as she reached to her feet and take her heels off, "to join a club where I'd mindlessly flirt with people and for what to get the sense that I'm pretty? Popular? No thanks. If I wanted to do that I wouldn't have left at home."

Walking out the door she took off down the hallway.

Why won't the memory just go away already!