I stood in front of the dusty mirror, staring at my hair's reflection. With a comb in hand, I oh-so carefully fixed every single strand to perfection. Gel consumed my entire left hand as I slicked my hand from my hairline to the back of my head. My first impulse would've usually been to merely wipe the gel off, onto my shirt; but I thankfully stopped myself just in time. "Napkin!" I screamed.
"Paper towel! Tissue! Toilet paper! Anything!" I continued to yell until I was heard.
Moments later Whatsername ran to my rescue with a box of tissues. "Wow, I'm very impressed Johnny.
I grabbed a handful of tissues from the box, rolling my eyes at the comment.
"You managed not to get any gel on your tux!"
I couldn't tell if she was joking or not…
How did I even get dragged into this? I thought. Oh, right…Damn Whatsername and her special ways of persuasion…
I tried to carefully adjust the undersized tuxedo. That plain black-and-white outfit was the only semi-formal article of clothing to be found in my closet. It hadn't been worn since my high school junior prom, so of course it fit a bit tightly on me. Or maybe I just gained weight, I thought as I continued to fiddle with the damn thing. Why is it that I always become self-conscious when I'm trying to impress a crush? Hey, at least I was able to scrape something up from deep in my closet; Jimmy was literally dragged by Whatsername to a store to buy one. Speaking of the devil…
St. Jimmy stepped through the doorway about a minute after Whatsername. I starred at his reflection through the mirror. What a handsome devil he was that night…
He welcomed himself into the room and took a place right next to me at a parallel mirror. He pulled a comb from his back pocket, causing my eyes to fixate on him…He began to comb his half-shaved, jet-black hair. A smile crept up on his face. "I am…so sexy…" He laughed to himself.
I let out a loud chuckle and walked to the other side of the room.
"Hey, what're you laughing at?" he asked. "Punk…" he added in jokingly.
"I can't believe how vain you are sometimes Jimmy." I nodded my head.
"Hey, hey, Johnny…You know it's true." He pulled a strand of hair to the side, out of his face.
"Well," I started. "I just think I'm the sexier one here."
Whatsername almost died, and Jimmy's eyes might as well have popped out of their sockets. "And what makes you think that Johnny?" he asked, walking toward me.
"I think," I stepped closer to him. "I meant exactly what I said, Jimmy."
He laughed, rolling his eyes. "Let's get one thing straight now." We were so close goose-bumps started to form on my skin. "I'm sexier than you. I'm more masculine than you. I'm-"
"I'll admit," I interrupted. "You probably are the man in this relationship," I joked.
He smiled. "Wait…"
"Well…If there was a relationship that is…"
"Johnny…You amaze me."
Whatsername was practically dying of laughter. I starred into Jimmy's eyes, not able to keep a straight face. Still hysterical, we walked outside, hand in hand, for our first date.
A/N: I hope you liked it! ;D Just a cute one-shot I thought of at Liz's house a few weeks ago. Well, I thought of the whole "sexy war" part at Liz's, but the rest I came up with right now. This is also in honor of me going to my school's Harvest Ball tonight! I say this every time but it stands true: reviews make the world go 'round!
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