(Don't own Predators, only Alice!)

Not Supposed To Be Here but Here Anyway


I watched in horror as Godzilla seized H'ko and prepared to take his head.

I forgot about Isabel lying on the ground injured, forgot all the sounds of the jungle, all I could see and hear where Godzilla's triumphant growl and his arm being raised; H'ko looking weak under his hand.

Something took over me then, as I sprinted towards the giants letting out a scream of outrage.

I brandished the long dagger that hung on my belt and leaped at Godzilla, as his blade neared H'ko's head.

The Hunter faltered in surprise as I clung to his chest, stabbing his shoulders while screaming like a mad woman.

Godzilla finally got over his surprise and flung me off him, into a pile of…..dead stuff.

I gasped as the wind was knocked out of me and turned my head to the sound of heavy foot steps coming towards me. My dagger was gone; lost in the throw. My grey eyes widened as Godzilla came at me extending his spear and aiming at my head.

My instincts took over and I dodged the deadly blow rolling onto my haunches only to roll again to move away from another strike. As I was now crawling my thigh scrapped across something sharp and I yelped in pain, pausing for just a second. That was a mistake.

Before I knew what happened Godzilla's spear tore through my shoulder, the end embedding in the dirt under me. His talons then dug across my back slowly, making deep abrasions.

I screeched as the spear was then jerked out of my shoulder roughly only to be plunged slowly into my other one.

Godzilla was torturing me. And he was doing it very well.

A large hand grasped my hair and pulled my neck at an awkward angle as a large foot stepped on my back putting enough pressure where my spine started bending and cracking under the weight. I started screaming when he pulled my hair harder; Godzilla clicked in insane laughter at my pain and I found it harder to breathe.

I vaguely heard the shot as Isabel fired her rifle and hit Godzilla's hand that grasped my hair. My upper body hit the ground as he released me. I heard the sound of metal being brandished and opened my eyes in time to see a long blade embedded itself in Isabel's chest, a cry left me as I watched her eyes roll back in her head before she collapsed, falling deathlyy still.

Godzilla turned up his head to roar but was cut short when a large body slammed into him.

The pressure on my back was gone, as H'ko pushed Godzilla off of me.

I lay in the dirt for a moment, my ragged breathing slowly coming back to normal before I could finally sit up. I looked at the two giants fighting and gasped as H'ko came flying at me. I quickly got to my feet and jumped out of the way.

Godzilla came stomping after H'ko his mask gone from his face. I cringed at the sight of his face; he was one ugly son of a bitch.

I watched as H'ko got up, unsheathing his wrist blades and charging Godzilla head on, he managed to cut the big alien's side before being stabbed in the stomach. H'ko roared in pain as Godzilla cruelly twisted the dagger in his gut.

Feeling the need to do something I started looking around for a weapon of any kind and happened to find a double barrel, 16 gage shot gun; only a foot or so away from me.

As Godzilla, jerked his dagger out of H'ko, I ran for the gun, finding it loaded, I turned back to the two aliens and yelled when I saw Godzilla raise his arm up again, preparing to take H'ko's head.


I shouted before pulling both triggers and shooting Godzilla's chest, the giant stumbled back from the strong impact and I ran at him, picking up a spear as I ran avoiding H'ko and leaping at Godzilla, holding my spear like I'd seen one of the tribes in Africa do on the discovery channel. Putting extra momentum in my lunge, I speared Godzilla in the chest, part of the shaft coming out the other side of him.

His beady eyes went wide, and I savagely wrenched the spear shaft to the right, then left damaging something in him I'm sure.

I glared at him as he started coughing up green blood, wrenching the spear back and forth again for good measure. I braced myself as he fell backwards, still coughing up blood in the process soaking me in it. I got off of him when he fell flat, looking over and finding the dagger I'd lost earlier.

Picking it up, I aimed it at his throat and plunged it in hitting his spinal cord and severing it, Godzilla flinched but his eyes were getting weaker. Being sure that he was dieing, I turned back to H'ko and ran to his side, collapsing beside him, shaking his shoulder I called his name,

"H'ko! H'ko, get up! Its over, we can get off this bloody planet now!" but he didn't move.

Letting out a whimper, I leaned over his chest and rested my head to where I thought his heart would be and sighed in relief, he was breathing.

A low purr caught my attention and I looked up into his grey eyes, he was hurt badly, but he was still alive.

"Do you have a ship?" I asked frantically, as he slowly sat up, his eyes stared at me blankly for a moment before he nodded.

"Okay!" I said, getting to my feet, "Lets go!"

I watched as H'ko very slowly got to his feet and looked over at Godzilla, then back at me. He cocked his head to side in question as to if I killed the monster or not. I nodded frowning when he walked over to the now dead body and pulled my dagger from Godzilla's throat, then he did the unexpected, H'ko raised his wrist blades before bringing them down hard, cutting off the dead alien's head.

Clicking to himself briefly, he grabbed the head by the dreadlocks than stood back up, pulling the spear out next then staggering over to me.

I scrunched up my nose, when he handed me the head, bile rising in my throat, but I ignored it as I took the spear and dagger, my shoulders crying out in pain.

H'ko gave me a nod before pressing a button on his wrist computer thingy and a ship came to life over up on a meadow.

I jumped at the sound it made but looked to H'ko, "Time to get out of here?" I asked, eyeing the brightly lit ship with excitement.

He nodded, and began walking towards the space craft, his stomach still bleeding that cool glow in the dark green while my shoulders bled out that pretty ruby red.

We were severely wounded, but alive and we were going home…at least that's what I thought anyway.

As I looked over at H'ko, trudging through the jungle, growling in pain, I smiled, I got out of this alive with a freaking alien!

The End


Well that's the end...for now. hope this last chapter was okay, i wasn't sure about it. Please leave a review and tell me what you think! Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing this story! I Love you!